Phamacology Examination 5DD #Mr4

Create an engaging and informative illustration depicting various antibiotics, their effects on bacteria, and a healthcare setting with a focus on pharmacology and education.

Pharmacology Exam Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!

Welcome to the Pharmacology Examination quiz designed to assess your understanding of antibiotic agents, their classifications, mechanisms of action, and more. Perfect for students and healthcare professionals alike!

Prepare yourself by exploring:

  • Mechanisms of action of various antibiotics
  • Affect of antibiotics on bacteria
  • Clinical applications and efficacy of different drugs
38 Questions10 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingPharmacist7
1/. For antibiotic agent to be useful in the treatment of pathology microorganism, the following creteria should be met:
A. Theconcentration of the antibiotic acieved and maintained all the site of infection
B. The agent should be low toxicity for the body
C. Not promote resistance or create imbalance of the normal flora of the body
D. The microorganism must be susceptible to the agent
E. All above a correct
2/. The bactericidal antibiotic?
A. Macrolides
B. Tetracycline
C. Clindamycin
D. Penicillin, Cephalosporin
3/. The bactericidal antibiotic?
A. Macrolides
B. Tetracycline
C. Clindamycin
E. Macrolides, Tetracycline and Clindamycin
4/. Erythromycin belong to which classification of drug?
A. Clindamycin
B. Lincomycin
C. Cephalosporin
D. Macrolide
5/. Mechanism of action of Erytromycin
A. Bactericidal
B. Bacteriostatic
C. Broad spectrum
D. Narrow spectum
6/. Is the any crossover allergy between Penicillin and Macrolid?
A. Yes, there is crossover allergy
B. No, there is no crossover allergy
C. When use high do dosage
D. When use lower concentration
7/. What is the spectrum of acticity of Macrolides?
A. Gram (+)
B. Some Gram (-)
C. Streptococcus
D. Anaerobic bacteria
E. All the above are correct
8/. Can cephalosporin be given to the patient allergic to PNC?
A. No
B. Yes
C. Yes, if combine with other antibiotic
D. Yes, if we use low dosage
9/. Can bacteria become resistance of PNC?
A. Yes, if bacteria secrete Penicillinase
B. No, it is a good alternative choice
C. If we combine with other antibiotic
D. If we do not use in long period of time
10/. What can we give to patient if amoxicillin does not work?
A. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid
B. Macrolide
C. Clindamycin
D. Clindamycin
E. All the above
11/. Erythromycin belong to which classification of drugs?
A. Cephalosporin
B. Macrolides
C. Tetracycline
D. Clindamycin
12/. What is the spectrum activities of erythromycin?
A. Gram positive bacteria
B. Gram negative bacteria
C. Anaerobic bacteria
D. All the above
13/. What is the mechanism of action of Erythomycin?
A. Bacteriostatic antibiotic
B. Bacteriocidal antibiotic
C. Narrow spectrum
D. Broad spectrum
14/. Can cephalosporin be given to patient allergic to PNC?
A. No, Because it has same stucture to PNC
B. Yes, If using low dose
C. Broad spectrum than PNC
D. Yes, If combine with macrolide
15/. Are there anycrossover allergy between PNC and Erythromycin?
A. Yes, the structure are similar
B. No, Without any crossover
C. Yes, if use in the same time
D. Yes, if used long period
16/. What is the different between Azithromycin and Clarithromycin?
A. Both are classified as Macrolides 2nd generation
B. Azithromycin is more effective than clarithomycin
C. Azithromycin are broad spectrum than Clarithromycin
D. Clarithromycin is nephrotoxic
17/. Is Azithromycin adequate to prescibe in oral infection?
A. It has activity many gram (+)
B. It has activity against gram (-)
C. It has activity agianst anaerobic bacteria
D. It is an alternative choice when the patient allergic to PNC
E. All the above
18/. What is the mechanism of action of Lincomycin?
A. Bacteriostatic at low dose
B. Inhabit bacterial protein
C. Can be bacteriocidal in low dose
D.Narrow spectrum
E. Bacteriostatic at low dose and bacteriocidal at usual dose
19/. Why Metronidazole alone not recommended in odontogenic infection?
A. Metronidazole not effective against staphylococcus viridan
B. Effective against Gram (-) anaerobic
C. With amox + metro effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
D. With Macrolide + Metro effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
E. All above are correct
20/. Does ingestion alcohol when talking Metro cause adverse effects?
A. Yes, Metro + alcohol cause face flushing, headache, papitation and nausea
B. No, Alcohol increase the effect of metro
C. Metronidazole is nepharotoxic
D. Metronidazole prolong Prothrombin time
21/. Why is tetracycline is prescribed for Periodontal disease?
A. Tetracycline releases collgenase and breakdown collagen in ( gingival, periodental and bone)
B. Tetracycline inhabit bacteria growth
C. Tetracycline inibit secretion of salivary gland
D. Bacteriostatic antibiotic
22/. What is microbial spectrum of the activity of the tetracycline?
A. Gram (+) bacteria
B. Gram (-) bacteria
C. Candida species
D. Trichomonase
E. Gram (+) bacteria and Gram (-) bacteria
23/. What precaution should be followed when prescribe Azithromycin or Clarithromycin?
A. Severe kidney disease
B. Liver disease
C. Severe cardiovascular disease
D. Pregnancy
E. Breastfeeding
F. All the above
24/. What is the spectrum of antibacterial activity of Clarithromycin?
A. Active against Gram (+)
B. Active against Gram (-)
C. Facultative aerobic bacteria
D. Facultative anaerobic bacteria
E. All the above
25/. What the indication for the use of acetaminophen?
A. Antiphyretique
B. Mild to moderate pain
C. Peripheral activity anti-inflammatory
D. Does not inhabit platalet aggregation like Apirin
E. All the above
26/. What is the indication for chlorhexidine?
A. Gingivitis
B. Periodontitis
C. Apical periodontitis
D. Pulpitis
27/. Can bacteria become resistant to PNC?
A. Certain gram negative bacteria secrete batalactamase breakdown PNC
B. If used PNC combine with Tetracycline
C. Used long period
D. Used during meal time
28/. What the drug interaction occur with PNC?
A. Probenecid
B. Tetracycline
C. Oral contraceptive
D. Acetaminophen
E. Probenecid, Tetracycline and contraceptive
29/. For which common oral condition is antiviral appropriate?
A. Candida's infection
B. Herpes simplex virus
C. Staphylococcus infection
D. Gingivitis
30/. What type of alcohol rinse?
A. Methanol
B. Hydrogen Peroxide
C. Ethanol
D. Listerine
31/. What is the precaution / contra indication of using Clindamycin in the patient?
A. With inflammatory bowel
B. With ulceration colitis
C. Pseudomembranous colitis
D. Severe denal disease
E. All the above
32/. Phamarcology of Clindamycin:
A. Absorbed from the stomach
B. Adsorption not influenced by the presence of the food
C. Widely distributed to many fluid well and tissues
D. Distributed in the bone
E. All the above
33/. Metronidazole reserve for the treatment of
A. Serious infection of lower respiatory tract
B. Infection of skin and soft tissue
C. Infection of joint and bone
D. Bacterial septicemia involving gram - and gram + anaerobic and clastidium species
E. All the above
34/. Metronidazole has been reported to potentiated prolong prothombin time when combine with anticoagulant below:
A. Warfarin
B. Coumadin
C. Acetaminophen
D. Ibuprofen
E. Warfarin- Coumadin
35/. What are some adverse effects of oral nystatin
A. Diarrhea
B. Nausea
C. Vomiting
D. Rash
E. All the above
36/. Can Antacids and Iron be taken without Tetracycline?
A. Yes, if we add vitamin B
B. No, Antacids and Iron can not take same time because reduce abortion
C. If combine with other antibiotic
D. If we increase the usual dose
37/. The Function of irrigant Sodium hypochlorite use during root canal theraphy
A. To flush debris from the canal
B. Lubricate the canal
C. Disinfect the Canal
D. Keep the vitality of pulp
E. 1+2+3
38/. The irrigants use in root canal therapy are:
A. Sodium hypochlorite
B Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA)
C. Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
D. Eugenol
E. 1+2+3
{"name":"Phamacology Examination 5DD #Mr4", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Pharmacology Examination quiz designed to assess your understanding of antibiotic agents, their classifications, mechanisms of action, and more. Perfect for students and healthcare professionals alike!Prepare yourself by exploring:Mechanisms of action of various antibioticsAffect of antibiotics on bacteriaClinical applications and efficacy of different drugs","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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