Simple Cognitive Functions Quiz
Which of the following best fits you under stress? This should be out-of-character behaviour that only manifests when you are stressed out.
My mind starts to wander, I feel flustered when dealing with details - which I'm usually good with, and I forget things a lot. I internalise cues from the environment and interpret them as negative possibilities, such as the way people look at me. I have visions and premonitions about the future. I find myself searching for deeper meanings in things I usually wouldn't give much thought to.
I have a hard time attending to relevant factual information in order to produce rational conclusions - something I'm usually 'on-the-ball' with. I get a little spontaneous and make decisions impulsively that I later regret - such as purchasing things I don't need, or saying things I don't truly mean to say. I lose my groundings to reality and the present moment, and anticipate all of the dark, terrible possibilities that the future might bring.
I withdraw from the world, get depressive and feel hopeless. I become obsessed with details I would usually consider to be trivial - such as organising my environment or remembering certain dates. I develop a kind of tunnel-vision as I narrow in on one particular most likely negative possibility in any given situation. I project these negative thoughts about the present moment into the future, as I imagine this depression will never end, or I imagine a migraine I am enduring will last for weeks. I find myself focusing far more on physical self than I usually do.
I become obsessive about facts and details in the real world. I try to control my environment. I get self-centered and self-indulgent. I overeat.. I binge drink, or binge watch shows etc.. Anything to escape reality.. I distrust reality, and get suspicious of people.. I feel like I'm hypersensitive to my surroundings and see potential danger in everything - people, things.. I get really paranoid the real world is out to get me.
I get very sensitive with regards to my own and others emotions, sometimes misinterpreting what they say as personal attacks on myself. I worry a lot about losing control of things out in public, or at work - and this means I can sometimes take this stress out on something or someone back at home. I get uncharacteristically silent, I withdraw, I get moody, I feel depressed and downtrodden- this is because I'm fighting internally with my emotions, trying to keep them inside, to prevent them from bubbling over the surface.
I start to engage in excessively logical, unproductive thinking - I become extremely nit-picky about things such as grammar, or logical inconsistencies, even when they don't actually matter in relation to achieving the end result. I tend to get emotionally hypersensitive which is very different compared to my usual cool, calm, collected and detached self. I open up a little more about my feelings than normal.. I can get a little more loud, and sociable, than I usually am as well.
I make a big fuss about what is stressing me out, I slam doors, yell, criticise other people and say things that others perceive as blunt and cruel. I get physically agitated when stressed out, I feel tense, grit my teeth, clench my fists.. I do things that make sure other people know I'm not happy. I create a negative atmosphere around myself. I become critical. My thinking becomes narrow-minded, and I focus on solving problems on my own, rather than include others. I come to conclusions that aren't really based on facts or reality, and believe them wholeheartedly, to be the truth - speaking of which, I become fanatical about proving this truth, and can find myself devouring books and information as I search for evidence to support my admittedly unrealistic conclusions.
I become sensitive to the mistakes other people make, and start seeing incompetence all around me - in myself, my friends, my family, my work colleagues, my boss, my teachers.. In everyone. I become aggressively judgmental and cynical. My sense of humour becomes negative and takes on an uncharacteristic 'bite'. I take action to pre-emptively correct imaginary mistakes or incompetence in others, this can leave me looking the fool as I find I have misread the situation due to not seeking out enough, or any, real world, concrete information to support my conclusions.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I aim to adapt to changes and solve problems as quickly as possible through learning hands-on learning. I emphasise making decisions that to me are free of biased and irrelevant information. On the flipside, I can have bad judgment and be impatient. I can be resistant against careful thought and analysis, preferring to take action over spending time to think things through.. I can have self-confidence issues, I can come across as arrogant, and I can be insensitive to the needs of others/society.
I seek to adapt to changes and reduce internal confusion as quickly as possible through learning from the present moral and emotional effects that my actions have on myself and/or others. I emphasise the need to make decisions that are empathetic and compassionate with regards to the people involved, and I prioritise this above solving the problem right now.. Especially for those I feel I'm looking after. On the flipside, sometimes I can be inconsistent in applying my moral values to situations.. I can be self-centered and lacking in self-confidence.. I can be indecisive, lack self-care, and I can have a patience deficit when dealing with difficult problems.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I use my past observations and expertise with regards to what has worked well to make solid, decisive, and unbiased decisions. I emphasise the need to solve a problem as effectively as possible, in accordance with the external rules or standards of the system I am currently working within. On the flipside, I can have poor judgment and planning skills, as well as an inability to set solid goals and actually achieve them.. I can be lacking in emotional sensitivity as well.
I use my past observations and expertise with regards to what has worked well to make decisions that promote accurate accomodation of other peoples needs. I aim for consensus, harmony, and/or cooperation of the people involved in any given situation. I emphasise the need to ensure that everybody can work well together - and I place this above the need to solve the problem right now. On the flipside, I can have a poor understanding of myself and others, I can be prone to below average one-sided relationships with others, and I can be very resistant to outside influences.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I aim to achieve quick change or enhancements in the world through trying to figure out which decision could have the biggest possible splash. I emphasise making decisions that to me, are unbias and free of unnecessary information. On the flipside, I can have bad judgment and be impatient.. I can be resistant to careful thought and analysis due to wanting to explore possibilities rather than think thinks through.. I can have confidence issues yet be quite arrogant, and I can be pretty indifferent to the needs of others and society as a whole.
I aim to achieve quick change or enhancements in the world through trying to figure out which decision could have the biggest possible moral and emotional affect on myself and/or others. I emphasise the need to make decisions that are empathetic and charitable to the people involved - and I place more of an emphasis on this than I do on the need to solve problems right now, especially for those who I'm are under my wing, so to speak. On the flipside, I can be inconsistenct in applying my moral values to situations, I can be self-centered and have low levels of confidence.. I can be indecisiven, and fail at looking after myself, and I can lack patience with regards to handling difficult problems.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I use my observations and expertise of predicting patterns to adjust myself towards the decision that will bring about the best long-term outcome. I emphasise the need to solve a problem as quickly as possible, in accordance with the external rules or standards of the system I am working within. On the flipside, I can possess poor judgment and planning skills, an inability to set solid goals and actually achieve them, and I can be quite indifferent and dispassionate with regards to emotions.
I use my observations and expertise of predicting patterns to orient myself towards the decision that will take synthesise the perspectives of everybody involved so as to promote substantial long-term understanding, harmony and cooperation. I emphasise the need to ensure that everybody can work well together - and I place this as more of a priority than solving the problem immediately. On the flipside, I can possess a poor understanding of myself and others, I can get caught up in subpar one-sided relationships, and I can be very resistant to the influence of others and society as a whole.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I want detailed knowledge of principles and standards that have been known to solve problems effectively. I emphasise the need to preserve things and systems that work, above changing the status quo for no reason. I can fall prey to subjective bias in relation to what is “proper”.. I can make decisions prematurely, I can possess an inability to learn and prepare using the most applicable methods.. I can neglect personal needs and priorities in favor of maintaining superficial order.. and I can fail to understand the needs and priorities of others due to not realising the importance of the individual knowledge that is unique to each person.
I aim to achieve special meaning through finding the finest possible methods for achieving future goals or visions. I emphasise making decisions that solve problems conveniently, creatively adapting principles, standards, or procedures in order to better develop and advance the system that currently exists. I can have illogical standards and expectations for success, I can make decisions too quickly, I can have an inability to find genuine meaning in my own actions, I can fall prey to defining my self-worth solely through external measurements of success, and I can fail to understand the needs of others due to not realising that the meaning of life is naturally subjective.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I aim to develop an accurate inner framework of how the world works via observing dynamic facts and details, and adjusting my “rules of behavior” in accordance with the immediate feedback I receive from my actions. I emphasise successful practical problem solving as well as avoiding imminent negative outcomes. On the flipside, I can be too hasty in my judgment, I can be self-centered, passive and lazy, and I be unwilling to accept new factual information.
I aim to develop an accurate inner framework of how the world works through analysing various possibilities and by adjusting my conclusions and definitions according to which idea is calculated to produce the most positive change or improvement. I prioritize taking time to imagine and analyze many conceptual possibilities before taking concrete action. On the flipside, I can be prone to airy-fairy ideas and unrealistic judgments, my thoughts can be unfocused, and I can possess an inability to see alternative possibilities.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I aim for detailed knowledge about people and how to make sure they feel heard, valued, and appreciated. I emphasise the need to maintain social harmony - and I place this as a higher priority than altering how things currently are without good reason. On the flipside, I can be prone to narrow-mindedness about what is “proper”, I can make decisions too quickly, I can have an inability to learn and prepare using the most relevant methods.. I sometimes neglect personal needs and priorities in favor of conflict-avoidance.. I can fail to understand the needs and priorities of others due to not realising the uniqueness of each individual - I see everybody as essentially equals.
I aim to achieve personal meaning through finding the best possible ideas for improving relationships and/or society at large. I emphasise making decisions that can grasp potential for relationship growth and development, I creatively use ideas to enhance the divine and emotional comfort of people with a focus on producing a more harmonious environment/community. On the flipside, I can be prone to having illogical standards and expectations for success, I can make decisions too quickly, I can have an inability to find any real meaning in my actions, I can find myself defining my self-worth purely through external collective values, and I can fail to understand the needs of others due to not realising that the meaning of life is naturally subjective.
Which of the following sounds the most like you, on an every-day basis?
I aim to search for and gather direct factual and realistic experiences in order to make sure that my personal and ethical values are able to handle real-world moral and human dilemmas. I emphasis how I feel about things in the present moment in order to act in down-to-earth and helpful ways. On the flipside, I can rush to judgments, be self-centered, passive and lazy, and I find I can be unwilling to accept new factual information that clashes with ethical values I hold to be true.
I aim to examine and gather various possibilities from the world in order to make sure that my personal and ethical values are consistent with bringing forth actual improvements and growth. I emphasise the need to take time to imagine and weigh up many theoretical possibilities before taking real-world action. On the flipside, I can possess airy-fairy ideas and unrealistic judgments, my thoughts can be lacking in focus, and I can have an inability to see alternative possibilities.
{"name":"Simple Cognitive Functions Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is a 'best fit' for you? Many might fit - but, pick the one that hits closest to home., Which of the following is a best-fit?, Which of the following is a best-fit?","img":""}