Quiz 3 - The Rapture

According to the Bible, how many "raptures" have already taken place in  history?

At the Tribulation midpoint, who will be raptured?
The Two Witnesses
The 144,000 Jews
The Antichrist
The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse

Which of the following words appear in the Bible?
None of the above
All of the above

T or F - The Antichrist cannot take the reins of power until the Church is removed at the Rapture.

According to 1 Thessalonians  4:15, the Rapture will take place in "waves" — two waves, to be precise. These waves will be prioritized by:
AGE - Old people first, then tykes and young whippersnappers!
NATIONALITY - Americans first, then everyone else
GENDER - Ladies first, then (perhaps) men
PULSE - Dead people first, then those that are living

At the Rapture, Christians will hear:
A trumpet blast
The voice of an archangel
The shout of the Lord saying, "Come up hither!"
All the above

What will happen in heaven immediately following the Rapture?
A - Satan will be kicked out of God's presence for good!
B - War will break out between the good angels and the bad angels.
C - The Antichrist will be unleashed.
D - Christians will receive rewards for their deeds.
A and B
All the above

The purpose of the Rapture is to:
Spare us from God's wrath
Unite us with Christ
Motivate us to live pure lives, knowing the Rapture could happen at any moment
Provide us with new, eternal bodies
Reunite us with loved ones
Give us hope in times of trouble
All the above

Who, or what, will meet us in the clouds at the Rapture?
A Mighty Angel
The Apostles
Chariots of Fire
Jesus of Nazareth
Tragically, some people who call themselves "Christian" are going to miss the Rapture because:

They are no longer in love with Christ.
They continue to engage in fornication.
They have stopped doing good works.
They tolerate doctrines of devils (doctrines that go against God's Word).
Any or all of the above
None of the above. Christ forgives all sins, so even Christians who are no longer pursuing good works, or have stopped loving Christ, or tolerate false doctrines, or go on fornicating, can expect to be raptured, just like everyone else in the Church.
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