In the Transactional Analysis theory, which ego state demonstrates behavior that would help the client to remain logical and realistic?
Which group therapy model would include a leader who provides psychoeducation, is directive, and models a variety of techniques?
Transactional Analysis
Gestalt Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Adlerian Therapy
The structure of ____________ groups is associated with being detailed, concrete, and problem-oriented.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Transactional Analysis
Carl Rogers suggested that the foundation of the _______________ approach is a “basic trust in human beings’ tendency to realize their full potential.”
Solution Focused
Rational Emotive
Which theory is built on a philosophical framework that emphasizes that human beings are ultimately alone in the universe and are free to take responsibility for their own choices and actions?
Person-Centered Theory
Transactional Analysis Theory
Existential Theory
Adlerian Theory
Name three key concepts and principles of Gestalt Therapy.
Which of the following ethical principles is going to be explained differently to a group than to individual clients?
Mandated Reporting
Using a sliding scale to determine fees for services
A trainee explaining they are not yet a licensed therapist
Which of the following is the least important role for the leader of a CBT group?
Being problem oriented and concrete
Giving homework
Behavioral rehearsal
Being nurturing
From the viewpoint of existential model, what are the givens of existence that result in human anxiety?
Death, existence, isolation, meaning in life
Isolation, death, meaning in life, safety
Death, isolation, meaning in life, freedom
Meaning in life, safety, death, happiness
Which therapeutic model was developed out of the dissatisfaction with psychoanalysis?
Gestalt Therapy
Transactional Analysis
Cognitive Behavioral Approach
Which group theory is focused on the fact that we are social beings and are heavily influenced by the social contexts we are in?
Existential Theory
Transactional Analysis Theory
Adlerian Theory
Gestalt Theory
In which group is “milling around” part of the process pattern?
Transactional Analysis
Which group therapy approach is known for its confrontational “hot seat” approach?
Cognitive Behavioral
This therapy founded by Carl Rogers emphasized the therapeutic relationship between group members and the group leader
Gestalt Theory
Existential Theory
Person-Centered Theory
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Which group therapy values "egalitarian" and "becoming a role-model" as a leader feature?
Adlerian Theory
Gestalt Theory
Existential Theory
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Which therapy is using the technique guided by philosophical framework about what it means to be human?
Adlerian Theory
Gestalt Theory
Existential Theory
Cognitive Behavioral Theory
Which of the following techniques does not belong to Gestalt Therapy?
Unfinished Buisness
Contact Disturbances to Contact
Which group therapy approach emphasizes on trusting in the group process?
Transactional Analysis Theory
Existential Theory
Adlerian Theory
Person-Centered Theory
Which of the following are the different stages of group therapy?
Pre-group, orientation and exploration, transition stage, working stage, consolidation and termination, evaluation and follow up
Orientation and exploration, transition stage, working stage, consolidation and termination, evaluation and follow up
Pre-group, orientation and exploration, working stage, consolidation and termination, evaluation and follow up
Pre-group, orientation and exploration, transition stage, consolidation and termination, evaluation and follow up
Which theory approach utilizes strokes, injunctions, counter injunctions, and games as group applications?
Existential Theory
Transactional Analysis Theory
Gestalt Theory
Person-Centered Theory
Which of the following is not a key concept in Gestalt therapy?
Unfinished Business
Personal Responsibility
Energy and blocks to energy
In existential therapy, what is the primary emphasis on?
Both A and C
Which group uses “the buddy system?”
Adlerian Groups
Cognitive Behavioral Groups
Psychoanalytic Groups
Existential Groups
Which theory includes using the ego states?
Gestalt Theory
Person-Centered Theory
Transactional Analysis Theory
Adlerian Theory
Which of the following was not listed as an important trait for being an effective group leader across theories?
Sincerity and Authenticity
Timidity and Caution
A drive to master, yet a sense of never arriving
What is the goal of a psychoanalytic group?
Restructuring the client’s character and personality
Focus on discovery of personal meaning within the givens of humanity
Emphasis on unconditional positive regard and becoming the ideal self
Replacing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors with adaptive ones
What behaviors are typical of the transition stage of group therapy (stage 3)?
Anxiety, resistance, conflict
Integration, interpretation, looking forward
Recruitment, screening, introductions
Therapeutic alliance, healthy confrontation
Which of the following is NOT a limitation of person-centered groups?
Lacks structure
Not ideal for crisis situations
Expression of negative feelings
In Person-Centered group therapy, individuals and the group work toward:
Achieving wholeness and self-actualization
Identifying rational and irrational beliefs
Challenging negative and dysfunctional thoughts
Discovering the purpose of human existance
What is one task in the ‘Working Stage’ of group therapy?
Establishing group cohesion
Reviewing confidentiality and other rules in group therapy
Consolidating learning and development strategies
Evaluating and interpreting group experience
Which theoretical approach utilizes the A-B-C-D-E-F Paradigm to examine “activating events?”
Existential theory perceives anxiety as ______
Unresolved conflict
Poor coping skills
In the A-B-C-D-E-F Paradigm, the A stands for ________?
Activating event
Automatic thought
Application to treatment
Assertion training
Which one of these is not an REBT technique?
Shame-Attacking Exercises
Social Effectiveness Training
Rational Coping for Self Statements
Reinforcement and Penalties
Adlerian theory takes a holistic view of the person while seeking to assist them in accomplishing three primary life tasks. These tasks are frequently identified as:
Social task, love task, social interest task
Social task, love task, occupation task
Love task, social interest task, occupation task
Your task, my task, our task
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is often done in one of three particular types (or styles) of group therapy. Which of these is NOT one of those styles used by REBT groups?
Open-ended problem solving groups
Insight oriented groups
Topic specific groups
Preventative (psychoeducation) groups
Which of the following is not a key concept associated with the existential approach?
Freedom and Responsibility
The Search for Meaning
Parent, Adult, and Child Ego States
Death and Nonbeing
Which of the following is not a humanistic approach to psychotherapy?
Gestalt Group Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy
Existential Group Therapy
Person-Centered Group Therapy
In Adlerian theory what are one of the social tasks that they emphasize?
Development Task
Marriage Task
Graduated Task
Major Task
In Rational Emotive Behavioral Theory what is it called when the group application is to focus in on one area?
Specific Idea
Focus Centered
Topic Specific
Single View
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Gestalt therapy?
Founded by Fritz and Laura Perls
Focused on person-centered awareness
Originally designed for group therapy application
Quickly known for its confrontational "hot seat" approach
Which therapy model discussed in class focuses on awareness, contact and experimentation?
Adlerian Group Therapy
Gestalt Group Therapy
Transactional Analysis Group Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy
{"name":"In the Transactional Analysis theory, which ego state demonstrates behavior that would help the client to remain logical and realistic?", "url":"","txt":"In the Transactional Analysis theory, which ego state demonstrates behavior that would help the client to remain logical and realistic?, Which group therapy model would include a leader who provides psychoeducation, is directive, and models a variety of techniques?, The structure of ____________ groups is associated with being detailed, concrete, and problem-oriented.","img":""}
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