What type of hacker are you?

From 0 to 10, how professional are you at hacking?
I don't know how to hack..
One to two/10
If you became a professional hacker or YOU are already a professional hacker, what would you do? (Please don't check a lot of checkboxes. 1 or a few would be great)
Hack stupid trolls on Xbox!!!
Tell my friends!
Hack people and/or threaten them, lol
I mean, I have a hacking tool I don't think I need to be a professional. This program can hack anybody!! LOL!
I don't know, maybe help some people and maybe hack others...
To be honest!! I wanna know more about how to hack, like maybe be SUPER professional. That'd be great!
I wanna stop bad hackers though but I'm not that ready (maybe not that ready?)
I wanna work for the government! As a hacker for the government!
I wanna start a group of hackers, maybe hack organizations! People will be so confused and impressed, lol
Tbh, I want companies to hire me so I can work for them and make them at the top by helping them ruin other companies, lol
I want to help people, stop bad hackers maybe, help big companies and prevent them from getting hacked.
DUDE, MY FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK WONT BELIEVE IT! I will prove that to them by making posts telling them to congratulate me for becoming a professional hacker ;))
{"name":"What type of hacker are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"From 0 to 10, how professional are you at hacking?, If you became a professional hacker or YOU are already a professional hacker, what would you do? (Please don't check a lot of checkboxes. 1 or a few would be great)","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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