BBBY Service Desk Assesment

BBBY Service Desk Assessment
Test your knowledge and expertise in the BBBY Service Desk processes with our comprehensive assessment quiz. Designed for both new and existing team members, this quiz covers various aspects of service desk operations, from user management to ticketing systems.
Prepare yourself by reviewing key concepts and operational knowledge, including:
- Understanding the Service Desk and its fun
ctionalities - Incident and Problem Management processes
- Knowledge Base Articles and Self-Service portals
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and ticket prioritization
How many type of user we have in BBBY?
What is Service Desk?
It is a communications center that provides a single point of contact (SPOC) between a company, its customers, employees and business partners.
It is a communications center that provides a single point of contact (SPOC) between a company, sub-company, customers.
It is a communications center that provides a single point of contact (SPOC) between a company.
It is a communications center that provides a single point of contact (SPOC) between a employees and business partners.
What is Ticketing System?
Ticket management creates a ticket each time a agent submits a support request.
Ticket management creates a ticket each time a business man submits a support request.
Ticket management creates a ticket each time a staff submits a support request.
Ticket management creates a ticket each time a user submits a support request.
What is KB Article?
KB Articles are articles which can help us to resolve issue by following the steps which are incorrect.
KB Articles are articles which can help friends to resolve issue by following the steps which are not shared.
KB Articles are articles which can help us to resolve user issue by following the steps which are given.
KB Articles are articles which can help employees to resolve issue by following the steps which are not given.
What is Self Service or Self Help portal?
Self Help is link where users can resolve their issue by themselves independently.
Self Help is link where users cannot resolve their issue by themselves independently.
Self Help is link where users might resolve their issue by calling someone else.
Self Help is link where users resolve their issue by calling his friend.
What is SLA(Service Level Agreement)?
Agreement which has made between users and agent.
Agreement which has made between client and organization.
Agreement which has made between employees and users.
Agreement which has made between agent and their friends.
What is Incident Management?
This manages all incidents such that the customer issues are not resolved quickly.
This manages planned incidents such that the customer issues are resolved gradually.
This manages unplanned incidents such that the customer issues are resolved slowly.
This manages unplanned incidents such that the customer issues are resolved quickly.
Which tool we are going to use for chat support?
Five Ten
Five Seven
Ten Nine
Five 9
What is ServiceNow Tool?
It's a ticketing tool used to track IT service requests, events, incidents, and alerts that might require additional action from IT.
It's a ticketing tool used to track Non IT service requests, events, incidents, and alerts that might require additional action from IT.
It's a ticketing tool used to track organization service requests, events, incidents, and alerts that might require additional action from IT.
It's a ticketing tool used to track agent service requests, events, incidents, and alerts that might require additional action from IT.
What are the channels of Support for BBBY?
Phone & Chat
Email & Phone
Phone, Chat & Portal
Phone, Chat, Email & Tickets
What you mean by Hand Offs to respective support groups?
The tickets which can be resolved as they need advanced support are escalated to the respective resolver groups as per KB article and SOP.
The tickets which cannot be resolved as they need advanced support are escalated to the respective resolver groups as per KB article and SOP.
The tickets which cannot be resolved as they need advanced support are escalated to the respective resolver groups not as per KB article and SOP.
The tickets which cannot be resolved as they need less support are escalated to the non respective resolver groups as per KB article and SOP.
What are the steps for user validation?
Name, Address, Tittle, Alternate email Details
Name, Location, Tittle, Alternate Contact Details
Name, Insta ID, Tittle
Name, Location, Alternate Contact Details
What is Change Management?
Any changes pertaining to client and organization which are supposed to be done by specialized team.
Any changes pertaining to agents which are supposed to be done by specialized team.
Any changes pertaining to software, hardware & Application which are supposed to be done by specialized team.
Any changes pertaining to users which are supposed to be done by specialized team.
What is Problem Management?
Diagnosing and Fixing Problems in Client Landscape.
Diagnosing and Fixing Problems in IT Landscape.
Diagnosing and Fixing Problems in Users Landscape.
Diagnosing and Fixing Problems in Agents Landscape.
What are P1 & P2 Tickets?
Issue which need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are critical,non ciritical and need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are critical and need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are not critical and need Immediate resolution.
What is P4 & P3 Tickets?
Issue which are less complex and doesn't need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are high less complex and need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are critical and doesn't need Immediate resolution.
Issue which are highly complex and need very Immediate resolution.
What all features are there in Active Directory?
Password Reset
Account Lock & Unlock
Access Management
Profile Extension
Folder Access
Account Delete & Undelete
What are critical/ Fatal Error in Quality?
Call - Intentional Disconnect/ Improper Transfer
Behavior - Rude on Call/ Unprofessional
Confidentiality - Ticket updated with individual information/Violation of Privacy Requirements
Resolution - Incorrect resolution provided or not provided when available
Information - information shared is Misleading/not required
Ticket Creation - ticket not created
KB not attached - Representative miss to add relevant KB to the incident raised
Work notes not mentioned
What all are BBBY SLAs?
First Contact Resolution
Average Speed of Answer
Call Abandonment Rate
All of the Above
What will be the ticket priority if single user is having issue with application out of four users?
What is Command Center Team?
Command Center Teams manages all departments.
Command Center Teams manages all departments, less critical and less impacted issues.
Command Center Teams manages all departments, critical and high impacted issues.
Command Center Teams not manages all departments, critical and high impacted issues.
From which team we need to confirm first before changing ticket priority from P3 to P2 & P2 to P1?
Incident Management Team
Change Management Team
Command Center Team
MIM Team
{"name":"BBBY Service Desk Assesment", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and expertise in the BBBY Service Desk processes with our comprehensive assessment quiz. Designed for both new and existing team members, this quiz covers various aspects of service desk operations, from user management to ticketing systems.Prepare yourself by reviewing key concepts and operational knowledge, including:Understanding the Service Desk and its functionalitiesIncident and Problem Management processesKnowledge Base Articles and Self-Service portalsService Level Agreements (SLAs) and ticket prioritization","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}