English Quiz By Dany Prayoga

Man: Uncle Dan is going to visit us this weekend.
Woman : That is great! We can spend all day in the city with him.
Man: Yeah, we can go to the cinema and try new cafes.
Woman: I can’t wait to see him.

1. What are the man and the woman talking about?

A. Weekend plans
C. Going to the city
B. Seeing a movie
D. Trying new cafes
E. Uncle Dan’s activities
Man : So, how was your trip?
Woman : It was awful. The committee was not professional. I lost a bag but they didn’t do anything about it.
Man : That is bad. Well, at least the tour was great, wasn’t it?
Woman : No, it wasn’t. We just stayed at the hotel because it rained all day. They didn’t predict the weather. Boring!
Man : Let me guess. The hotel was terrible as well?
Woman : You bet!
2. What does the woman express?
A. Hope
C. Satisfaction
B. Sympathy
D. Expectation
E. Dissatisfaction

The following text is for questions number 3-4.

The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 17 August 1945. The document was signed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed president and vice-president respectively the following day. The draft was prepared only a few hours earlier on the night of 16 August 1945 by Sukarno, Hatta, and Soebardjo, at the house of Rear-Admiral Tadashi Maeda.

The wording of the proclamation had been discussed at length and had to balance both conflicting internal Indonesian and Japanese interests. Sukarno drafted the final proclamation which balanced the interests of both the members of the youth movement and the Japanese. The term ‘TRANSFER OF POWER’ was used in Indonesian to satisfy Japanese interests to appear that it was an administrative transfer of power, although the term used ‘pemindahan kekuasaan’ could be perceived to mean political power. The wording ‘BY CAREFUL MEANS’ related to preventing conflict with members of the youth movement. The wording ‘IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME’ was used to meet the needs of all Indonesians for independence.

Initially the proclamation was to be announced at Djakarta central square, but the military had been sent to monitor the area, so the venue was changed to Sukarno's house at Pegangsaan Timur 56. The proclamation was heard throughout the country because the text was secretly broadcast by Indonesian radio personnel using the transmitters of the Jakarta Broadcasting Station.

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The location of the proclamation.
B. The night before the proclamation.
D. Word choice in the text of proclamation.
E. The preparation of Indonesian independence.
4. “the text was secretly broadcast” (Par. 3). The underlined word has similar meaning to ….
A. continuously
C. openly
B. formally
D. publicly
E. quietly

The following text is for questions number 5 to 6.

Studying is a dreaded word that many college students hate to hear, but how about doing it internationally? Traveling the world is something many hope to do in life, so why not do it now while in college?

Exposure to international countries will allow college students the incredible experience of traveling. It also makes students aware of the way others work on a day-to-day basis. Students will also benefit socially from studying abroad due to the independence traveling internationally brings someone. Traveling abroad will make sure students will be more independent and mature than when they left. This is due to the student getting out of their comfort zone and trying something new.

Studying abroad has many advantages. There is no substitution for “being there.” In the twenty-first century we can experience things online but the only way to experience it fully is to travel.

5. Which of the following information can be found in the text?

A. Studying abroad may cost you a lot of money.
C. Learning everything online is better than traveling abroad.
B. Studying abroad will improve your social skills.
D. Studying in another country should be done as early as possible.
E. Students who study abroad are more successful than those who don’t.
6. What is the writer’s recommendation regarding studying abroad?
A.Students must travel to gain real experience.
C. Parents who don’t send their kids abroad need to be sanctioned.
B. The needs of students should be learned internationally.
D. Schools must make special programs for their students to study abroad.
E. Parents have to make a study abroad budget since their kids are in primary schools.

Text for question number 7-9

Ibn Sina's first appointment was that of physician to the emir, Nuh II, who owed him his recovery from a (7)… illness (997). Ibn Sina's chief reward for this service was access to the royal library of the Samanids, well-known patrons of scholarship and scholars. When the library was destroyed by fire not long after, the enemies of Ibn Sina accused him of burning it, in order for ever to conceal the sources of his knowledge. Meanwhile, he assisted his father in his financial labors, but still found time to write some of his earliest works.

When Ibn Sina was 22 years old, he lost his father. The Samanid dynasty came to its end in December 1004. Ibn Sina seems to have declined the offers of Mahmud of Ghazni, and proceeded westwards to Urgench in modern Turkmenistan, where the vizier, regarded as a friend of scholars, gave him a small monthly stipend. The pay was small, however, so Ibn Sina wandered from place to place (8)… the districts of Nishapur and Merv to the borders of Khorasan, seeking an opening for his talents. Qabus, the generous ruler of Tabaristan, himself a poet and a scholar, with whom Ibn Sina had expected to find asylum, was on about that date (1012) starved to death by his troops who had revolted. Ibn Sina himself was at this time stricken by a severe illness. Finally, at Gorgan, near the Caspian Sea, Ibn Sina met with a friend, who bought a dwelling near his own house in which Ibnu Sina (9)... On logic and astronomy. Several of Ibn Sina's treatises were written for this patron; and the commencement of his Canon of Medicine also dates from his stay in Hyrcania.

7. Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?

A. dangerous
C. rare
B. rare
D. malevolent
E. mischief
8. Which of these following prepositions is appropriate to fill the gap above?
A. through
C. throughout
B. during
D. for
E. by
9. Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?
A. lecture
C. lecturing
B. lecturer
D. lectured
E. lectureship
You must spell ENTREPRENEUR
A. Regret
C. Sympathy
B. Congratulations
D. Expectation
E. Hope
A. Make themselves crazy
C. Call the teacher
B. Come late to school
D. Hope and pray
E. Miss the first lesson
A. Something wrong
C. A problem to sleep
B. A terrible cough
D. How to stop smoking
E. The effect of smoking
A. She has met her friend
C. She has been accepted at medical faculty
B. She has been on the news
D. She has become a doctor
E. She deserves to studv hard
A. Yes Sir that’s right
C. I don’t care Sir. I don’t like it.
B. I’m sorry Sir I promise
D. I’m sorry Sir I will study better.
{"name":"English Quiz By Dany Prayoga", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Man: Uncle Dan is going to visit us this weekend. Woman : That is great! We can spend all day in the city with him. Man: Yeah, we can go to the cinema and try new cafes. Woman: I can’t wait to see him. 1. What are the man and the woman talking about?, Man : So, how was your trip? Woman : It was awful. The committee was not professional. I lost a bag but they didn’t do anything about it. Man : That is bad. Well, at least the tour was great, wasn’t it? Woman : No, it wasn’t. We just stayed at the hotel because it rained all day. They didn’t predict the weather. Boring! Man : Let me guess. The hotel was terrible as well? Woman : You bet!   2. What does the woman express?, The following text is for questions number 3-4. The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 17 August 1945. The document was signed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, who were appointed president and vice-president respectively the following day. The draft was prepared only a few hours earlier on the night of 16 August 1945 by Sukarno, Hatta, and Soebardjo, at the house of Rear-Admiral Tadashi Maeda. The wording of the proclamation had been discussed at length and had to balance both conflicting internal Indonesian and Japanese interests. Sukarno drafted the final proclamation which balanced the interests of both the members of the youth movement and the Japanese. The term ‘TRANSFER OF POWER’ was used in Indonesian to satisfy Japanese interests to appear that it was an administrative transfer of power, although the term used ‘pemindahan kekuasaan’ could be perceived to mean political power. The wording ‘BY CAREFUL MEANS’ related to preventing conflict with members of the youth movement. The wording ‘IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME’ was used to meet the needs of all Indonesians for independence. Initially the proclamation was to be announced at Djakarta central square, but the military had been sent to monitor the area, so the venue was changed to Sukarno's house at Pegangsaan Timur 56. The proclamation was heard throughout the country because the text was secretly broadcast by Indonesian radio personnel using the transmitters of the Jakarta Broadcasting Station. 3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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