Exposure Triangle

With your ISO settings, you can adjust:
How much light your lens is letting in at once (the size of the opening in the lens)
How fast the shutter opens and closes
How sensitive the camera is to light
How your camera “sees” certain colors
Q. If you are shooting at a slower shutter speed, you may need to:
Use a tripod
Raise your ISO
Use your flash
Stand up
Q. In aperture settings, compared to f/2.8, f/22 is
a larger opening
a smaller opening
Which aperture would have the widest opening?
f 2.8
f 11
f 5.6
f 22
Q. Which camera setting controls motion blur?
Shutter Speed
Q. True or False: If you are shooting sports you want a slow shutter speed.
What happens to your subjects if you take a photo with the light source directly behind them?
They'll be backlit
They turn in to a ghost
They become invisible
They'll break the camera
Which of these numbers is a shutter speed?
Q. Which of these is an ISO measurement?
Q. How do we measure aperture?
H stop
B stop
Z stop
F stop
. If your camera is set to f/16 and you want to let in MORE light, which would you change to?
. If you take a picture and the photo is all white (much too bright) what can you do?
Increase the shutter speed
Close the aperture
Lower the ISO
All of the above
{"name":"Exposure Triangle", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"With your ISO settings, you can adjust:, Q. If you are shooting at a slower shutter speed, you may need to:, Q. In aperture settings, compared to f\/2.8, f\/22 is","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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