Fab 5 Quiz
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Airworthiness Certificate
Movement Traceability Sheet
This certificate is specifically an EASA Form 1, issued by countries within the European Union.
This certificate is specifically an EASA Form 1, issued by countries within the European Union.
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Airworthiness Certificate
Folio 12
The Folio 12 is the birth document for Airbus landing gear, commonly paired with the Aircraft Inspection Report (AIR)
The Folio 12 is the birth document for Airbus landing gear, commonly paired with the Aircraft Inspection Report (AIR)
What document type is this?
Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page
LLP Status
Non-Incident Statement
The ARL Cover Page is the only place in the ARL where the Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) of the aircraft is listed, and is thus vital to building trace for a Boeing landing gear set.
The ARL Cover Page is the only place in the ARL where the Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) of the aircraft is listed, and is thus vital to building trace for a Boeing landing gear set.
What document type is this?
Airworthiness Certificate
Non-Incident Statement
LLP Status
Sometimes Non-Incident Statements will mention minor incidents that do not fall under the classification of an incident in Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention. This is still an acceptable Non-Incident Statement. As an analyst, this is a case where knowing your customer's requirements is important, and discussing this document when presenting your findings to the customer may be advised.
Sometimes Non-Incident Statements will mention minor incidents that do not fall under the classification of an incident in Annex 13 to the Chicago Convention. This is still an acceptable Non-Incident Statement. As an analyst, this is a case where knowing your customer's requirements is important, and discussing this document when presenting your findings to the customer may be advised.
What document type is this?
Movement Traceability Sheet
Folio 12
Non-Incident Statement
A Movement Traceability Sheet (MTS) tracks times and cycles for a component, its assembly, and the aircraft it is installed on. However, you can also have MTSs, such as this one, that are for an assembly, not a component. In this case, the information for the assembly is listed where the component's times and cycles typically would be, and the assembly section is left blank.
A Movement Traceability Sheet (MTS) tracks times and cycles for a component, its assembly, and the aircraft it is installed on. However, you can also have MTSs, such as this one, that are for an assembly, not a component. In this case, the information for the assembly is listed where the component's times and cycles typically would be, and the assembly section is left blank.
What document type is this?
Movement Traceability Sheet
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log
LLP Statuses can be signed, stamped, or both, but they must be certified in some way, especially if they are from an operator.
LLP Statuses can be signed, stamped, or both, but they must be certified in some way, especially if they are from an operator.
What document type is this?
Non-Incident Statement
Movement Traceability Sheet
Aircraft Readiness Log
An NIS can list the aircraft, the landing gear/engine/APU, or all of the above. The previous example only lists a single landing gear leg, but it is still a valid NIS.
An NIS can list the aircraft, the landing gear/engine/APU, or all of the above. The previous example only lists a single landing gear leg, but it is still a valid NIS.
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page
Aircraft Readiness Log
ARLs will often have writing from workers on the MRO shop floor keeping track of the parts in the gear as they inspect during an overhaul.
ARLs will often have writing from workers on the MRO shop floor keeping track of the parts in the gear as they inspect during an overhaul.
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Airworthiness Certificate
Movement Traceability Sheet
Airworthiness Certificates may sometimes have an appendix page to include the full Remarks section. It is important to include this page as it often has time and cycle information present.
Airworthiness Certificates may sometimes have an appendix page to include the full Remarks section. It is important to include this page as it often has time and cycle information present.
What document type is this?
Aircraft Readiness Log
Folio 12
LLP Status
LLP Statuses see the most variety of any of the major document types. This is an example where each part has multiple lines of information per row of the table, instead of putting that information in separate columns.
LLP Statuses see the most variety of any of the major document types. This is an example where each part has multiple lines of information per row of the table, instead of putting that information in separate columns.
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Folio 12
Non-Incident Statement
NISs can be very explicit and give a lot more information than clearing an aircraft/parts of incident. This is invaluable to an analyst, especially when other documentation is not available.
NISs can be very explicit and give a lot more information than clearing an aircraft/parts of incident. This is invaluable to an analyst, especially when other documentation is not available.
What document type is this?
Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page
Airworthiness Certificate
Modification Status
A Certificate of Conformity is a document issued when an assembly or component has been in storage at an MRO. Typically this occurs with Factory New (FN) components that are not installed for several years after their manufacture.
A Certificate of Conformity is a document issued when an assembly or component has been in storage at an MRO. Typically this occurs with Factory New (FN) components that are not installed for several years after their manufacture.
What document type is this?
Airworthiness Certificate
Non-Incident Statement
Modification Status
Airworthiness Certificates can come from any Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Outside of the EU, each country may have a specific name for their form. The previous certificate comes from Brazil, and you will likely see others from the USA, China, Japan, India, and others.
Airworthiness Certificates can come from any Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Outside of the EU, each country may have a specific name for their form. The previous certificate comes from Brazil, and you will likely see others from the USA, China, Japan, India, and others.
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log
Non-Incident Statement
This is classified as an NIS within ProvenAir. However, this document's purpose is actually to correct a mistake with previously issued documentation. It is important as an analyst to determine whether the party issuing the correction is credible. You will often see these from lessors of the aircraft issuing on behalf of the operator, Continuing Airworthiness Management Organizations (CAMOs) issuing on behalf of the operator, or an MRO or operator issuing on behalf of the other (as MROs and operators traditionally have contracts allowing them to do this).
This is classified as an NIS within ProvenAir. However, this document's purpose is actually to correct a mistake with previously issued documentation. It is important as an analyst to determine whether the party issuing the correction is credible. You will often see these from lessors of the aircraft issuing on behalf of the operator, Continuing Airworthiness Management Organizations (CAMOs) issuing on behalf of the operator, or an MRO or operator issuing on behalf of the other (as MROs and operators traditionally have contracts allowing them to do this).
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log
Folio 12
This is an older but still valid version of a Folio 12. This document has also been revised, as indicated by the issue number, date, and signature at the bottom of the page. The most recent issue is almost always the one we want to use for BtB trace.
This is an older but still valid version of a Folio 12. This document has also been revised, as indicated by the issue number, date, and signature at the bottom of the page. The most recent issue is almost always the one we want to use for BtB trace.
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log
Folio 12
This is a fairly typical LLP Status format. There are several softwares that help operators produce LLP Statuses, and you will begin to notice these patterns.
This is a fairly typical LLP Status format. There are several softwares that help operators produce LLP Statuses, and you will begin to notice these patterns.
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Airworthiness Certificate
Non-Incident Statement
This is the FAA 8130-3 Airworthiness Certificate. When a gear is referred to as "dual release", it means it has both an EASA Form 1 and an FAA 8130-3. Tri-release adds the CAAC from China as well.
This is the FAA 8130-3 Airworthiness Certificate. When a gear is referred to as "dual release", it means it has both an EASA Form 1 and an FAA 8130-3. Tri-release adds the CAAC from China as well.
What document type is this?
Movement Traceability Sheet
Modification Status
LLP Status
Some documents use the abbreviations LSN and LSO, to mean Landings Since New and Landings Since Overhaul respectively. This is the same as CSN and CSO.
Some documents use the abbreviations LSN and LSO, to mean Landings Since New and Landings Since Overhaul respectively. This is the same as CSN and CSO.
What document type is this?
Modification Status
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page
Old versions of the Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page included a drawing of the aircraft. Neat!
Old versions of the Aircraft Readiness Log Cover Page included a drawing of the aircraft. Neat!
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Folio 12
LLP Status
Modification Statuses show what Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins have been applied to an asset at a shop visit.
Modification Statuses show what Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins have been applied to an asset at a shop visit.
What document type is this?
Movement Traceability Sheet
LLP Status
Modification Status
This LLP Status shows the potential aircraft these parts could be used on according to the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS), and then lists cycles only under the aircraft the parts were actually used on. Oftentimes, only one column is populated. However, there is always the possibility multiple columns will have cycles and then the values must be added to find the total CSN.
This LLP Status shows the potential aircraft these parts could be used on according to the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS), and then lists cycles only under the aircraft the parts were actually used on. Oftentimes, only one column is populated. However, there is always the possibility multiple columns will have cycles and then the values must be added to find the total CSN.
What document type is this?
Airworthiness Certificate
LLP Status
Folio 12
An analyst will often see documents that are poorly scanned, covered in writing/stamps, or borderline illegible. If it can be read, it can be used. If it cannot be read, it should not be included in trace.
An analyst will often see documents that are poorly scanned, covered in writing/stamps, or borderline illegible. If it can be read, it can be used. If it cannot be read, it should not be included in trace.
What document type is this?
Modification Status
Movement Traceability Sheet
LLP Status
MTSs normally have a fairly standard format, though there are exceptions, this being one of them. Note that both the "on" and "off" information are on the same line, whereas normal MTSs have "on" and "off" on separate lines.
MTSs normally have a fairly standard format, though there are exceptions, this being one of them. Note that both the "on" and "off" information are on the same line, whereas normal MTSs have "on" and "off" on separate lines.
What document type is this?
LLP Status
Aircraft Readiness Log
Movement Traceability Sheet
This is another common LLP Status format, produced by AMOS. These will often be unsigned, as operators sometimes assert that digitally produced statuses do not need to be signed. This is not accepted widely in the industry and should still be flagged by an analyst. As shown, signatures can be present on these documents.
This is another common LLP Status format, produced by AMOS. These will often be unsigned, as operators sometimes assert that digitally produced statuses do not need to be signed. This is not accepted widely in the industry and should still be flagged by an analyst. As shown, signatures can be present on these documents.
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