Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 4 Jan 22
[2201.00018] Lakshya Bhardwaj, Simone Giacomelli, Max Hubner et al.: Relative Defects in Relative Theories: Trapped Higher-Form Symmetries and Irregular Punctures in Class S
[2201.00026] Jeff Murugan: From Chern-Tenenblat to Jackiw-Teitelboim via sine-Gordon
[2201.00030] Walter H. Baronn: Duality covariant field redefinitions
[2201.00066] A. A. Araújo Filho: Thermodynamics of massless particles in curved spacetime
[2201.00105] Casey Cartwright, Benjamin Harms, Matthias Kaminski: Phase transitions in Skyrme holography
[2201.00123] Sophia S. Chabysheva, John R. Hiller: Tadpoles and vacuum bubbles in light-front quantization
[2201.00322] Xuan Li, Yuan-Chun Jing, Fu-Zhong Yang: Superpotentials of D-branes in Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Several Moduli by Mirror Symmetry and Blown-up
[2201.00333] Jihwan Oh: OPE of line defects in 5d $E_n$ SCFT
[2201.00349] David S Berman, Gabriel Cardoso: Geometric Quantization: Particles, Fields and Strings
[2201.00351] Ilmar Gahramanov: Integrability from supersymmetric duality: a short review
[2201.00438] Monserrat Aguayo, Ankai Hernández, José Mena et al.: Exact scalar (quasi-)normal modes of black holes and solitons in gauged SUGRA
[2201.00521] Liu Zhao: Thermodynamics for higher dimensional rotating black holes with variable Newton constant
[2201.00537] İzzet Sakallı, Sara Kanzi: Physical Properties of Brane-World Black Hole Solutions via a Confining Potential
[2201.00562] Hugo A. Camargo, Pawel Caputa, Pratik Nandy: Q-curvature and Path Integral Complexity
[2201.00588] Mohammad R. Garousi: On background independence of effective actions at critical dimension
[2201.00657] Yang Liu: Tachyon model of Tsallis holographic dark energy
[2201.00658] Yang Liu: Interacting Ghost Dark Energy in Complex Quintessence Theory
[2201.00750] Simon Catterall, Arnab Pradhan: Induced topological gravity and anomaly inflow from Kaehler-Dirac fermions in odd dimensions
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Tue, 4 Jan 22","img":""}
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