Part 41 (75QCM)

A realistic medical examination room with various charts, anatomical models, and a stethoscope, evoking a clinical environment.

Clinical Knowledge Challenge: Advanced Medicine Quiz

Welcome to the Clinical Knowledge Challenge! Test your medical knowledge through this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. With 75 carefully crafted multiple-choice questions, this quiz covers a range of topics including anatomy, pathophysiology, and clinical practices.

  • Perfect for medical students and professionals
  • In-depth questions that challenge your understanding
  • Ideal for self-assessment and review
75 Questions19 MinutesCreated by ChallengingDoctor27
A 48-year-old woman develops constipation postoperatively and self-medicates with milk of magnesia. She presents to clinic, at which time her serum electrolytes are checked, and she is noted to have an elevated serum magnesium level. Which of the following represents the earliest clinical indication of hypermagnesemia?
Loss of deep tendon reflexes
Flaccid paralysis
Respiratory arrest
A football player is tackled, and he develops severe knee swelling and pain. On physical examination with the knee flexed at 90 degrees, the leg can be pulled anteriorly, like a drawer being opened. A similar finding can be elicited with the knee flexed at 20 degrees by grasping the thigh with one hand, and pulling the leg with the other. Which of the following is the most likely injured structure?
Anterior cruciate ligament .
Lateral collateral ligament .
Medial collateral ligament .
Medial meniscus .
Posterior cruciate ligament
A 45-year-old woman with Crohn disease and a small intestinal fistula develops tetany during the second week of parenteral nutrition. The laboratory findings include: Na: 135 mEq/LK: 3.2 mEq/LCl: 103 mEq/LHCO3: 25 mEq/LCa: 8.2 mEq/LMg: 1.2 mEq/LPO4: 2.4 mEq/LAlbumin: 2.4An arterial blood gas sample reveals a pH of 7.42, PCO2 of 38 mm Hg, and PO2 of 84 mm Hg. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the patient’s tetany?
Essential fatty acid deficiency
Focal seizure
A 42-year-old, right-handed man has had a history of progressive speech difficulties and right hemiparesis for 5 months. He has had progressively severe headaches for the past 2 months, which are worse in the mornings. At the time of admission, he is confused and vomiting, and has blurred vision, papilledema, and diplopia. Shortly thereafter, his blood pressure increases to 190/110 mm Hg, and he develops bradycardia. Which of the following is most likely the significance of the hypertension and the bradycardia?
There is a near-terminal increase in intracranial pressure
The genesis of his symptoms is aortic dissection
The chronic subdural hematoma has ruptured
The brain tumor is pressing on the hypothalamus
The brain tumor has produced tentorial herniation
A 19-year-old man sustains multiple injuries in a high-speed automobile collision. There is a pneumothorax on the left, for which he has a chest tube placed. Over the next several days, a large amount of air drains continuously through the tube (a large "air leak"), and daily chest x-rays show that his collapsed left lung is not expanding. The patient is not on a respirator. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings?
Injury to a major bronchus
Insufficient suction being applied to the chest tube
Tension pneumothorax
Injury to the lung parenchyma
Air embolism
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room from a halfway house, where she apparently swallowed a handful of pills. The patient complains of shortness of breath and tinnitus, but refuses to identify the pills she ingested. Pertinent laboratory values are as follows:Arterial blood gases: pH 7.45, PCO2 12 mm Hg, PO2 126 mm Hg.Serum electrolytes (mEq/L): Na+ 138, K+ 4.8, Cl− 102, HCO3− 8.An overdose of which of the following drugs would be most likely to cause the acid–base disturbance in this patient?
Diazepam (Valium)
A middle-aged man with symptomatic carotid stenosis underwent a carotid endarterectomy on the right side. The area of significant stenosis extended from die carotid bifurcation up into the internal carotid, requiring a very high dissection and clamping of the vessel. The endarterectomy was done with an in situ shunt and closed with a Dacron patch. In the postoperative period, the patient has persistent difficulty swallowing solids and even more difficulty swallowing liquids. Any attempt to do so results in violent coughing and aspiration. His lips look symmetric and move normally, he speaks in a normal tone of voice without tiring, and he has no trouble breathing. When he is asked to stick his tongue out, he does so without deviation to either side. His symptoms are due to intraoperative damage of which of the following nerves?
Sensory fibers of the ninth (glossopharyngeal) nerve
Trunk of the twelfth (hypoglossal) nerve
Superior laryngeal branch of the tenth (vagus) nerve
Mandibular branch of the seventh (facial) nerve
Main trunk of the tenth (vagus) nerve
A 52-year-old man has been impotent ever since he had an abdominoperineal resection for cancer of the rectum. The tumor was staged as T3, NO, MO. He gets no nocturnal erections, and his impotence extends to all situations, regardless of sexual partner, and includes inability to masturbate. His erectile dysfunction is most likely due to which of the following?
Erectile nerve damage
Arterial vascular insufficiency
Psychogenic factors
Tumor invasion of the urethra
Venous incompetence
A 60-year-old diabetic man undergoes incision and drainage of an infected boil on his back. The wound is left open and packed daily. Week by week, the wound grows smaller and eventually heals. Which of the following terms describes the method of wound closure by the patient?
Secondary intention
Delayed secondary closure
Primary intention
Tertiary intention
Delayed primary closure
A 55-year-old-woman of Asian descent goes to the emergency department because of vomiting and severe abdominal cramping of 3 days' duration. Her pain is centered on the umbilicus. She denies being exposed to a viral or bacterial illness. Her medical history includes a previous cholecystectomy and an appendectomy after which she developed an infection. Her abdomen is not tender, but hyperactive, high-pitched peristalsis with rushes coincides with palpable bowel cramping. Abdominal x-ray films taken in the supine and upright positions demonstrate a ladder-like series of distended small bowel loops. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these findings?
Ascaris infection
A patient with a solid malignancy discusses chemotherapy with his oncologist. He is interested in the risks of the treatment. What is the primary toxicity of doxorubicin (Adriamycin)?
Pulmonary fibrosis
Peripheral neuropathy
Uric acid nephropathy
Hepatic dysfunction
A 56-year-old woman is undergoing chemotherapy. She presents today with complaints of burning on urination and bloody urine. Which of the following agents causes hemorrhagic cystitis?
A 65-year-old man undergoes a technically difficult abdominal–perineal resection for a rectal cancer during which he receives 3 units of packed red blood cells. Four hours later, in the intensive care unit (ICU), he is bleeding heavily from his perineal wound. Emergency coagulation studies reveal normal prothrombin, partial thromboplastin, and bleeding times. The fibrin degradation products are not elevated, but the serum fibrinogen content is depressed and the platelet count is 70,000/μL. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his bleeding?
A bleeding blood vessel in the surgical field
Delayed blood transfusion reaction
Autoimmune fibrinolysis
Factor VIII deficiency
Hypothermic coagulopathy
A 78-year-old man with a history of coronary artery disease and an asymptomatic reducible inguinal hernia requests an elective hernia repair. Which of the following would be a valid reason for delaying the proposed surgery?
Jugular venous distension
Coronary artery bypass surgery 3 months earlier
A history of cigarette smoking
A 53-year-old woman has been intubated for several days after sustaining a right pulmonary contusion after a motor vehicle collision as well as multiple rib fractures. Which of the following is a reasonable indication to attempt extubation?
A rapid shallow breathing index of 80
PO2 of 60 mm Hg while breathing 30% inspired FiO2 with a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 10 cm H2O
Spontaneous respiratory rate of 35 breaths per minute
Negative inspiratory force (NIF) of –15 cm H2O
Minute ventilation of 18 L/min
A 74-year-old woman with a history of a previous total abdominal hysterectomy presents with abdominal pain and distention for 3 days. She is noted on plain films to have dilated small-bowel and air-fluid levels. She is taken to the operating room for a small-bowel obstruction. Which of the following inhalational anesthetics should be avoided because of accumulation in air-filled cavities during general anesthesia?
Nitrous oxide
Diethyl ether
A 65-year-old man has an enterocutaneous fistula originating in the jejunum secondary to inflammatory bowel disease. Which of the following would be the most appropriate fluid for replacement of his enteric losses?
Ringer lactate solution
6% sodium bicarbonate solution
0.9% sodium chloride
3% normal saline
A 45-year-old woman is seen with wasting of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, weakness, and pain in the wrist. Which of the following nerves has most likely been injured?
Ulnar nerve
Radial nerve
Brachial nerve
Axillary nerve
Median nerve
A 68-year-old woman presents with a pigmented lesion on the trunk. Upon further examination the lesion has an irregular border, darkening coloration, and raised surface. An incisional biopsy is performed and confirms a melanoma with a thickness of 0.5 mm. The patient is scheduled for a wide local excision of the melanoma in the operating room. Which of the following is the smallest margi recommended for excision?
1 cm
3 mm
5 mm
2 cm
5 cm
A 25-year-old woman presents with a benign nevus on the right upper arm. She desires removal and undergoes a clean incision and then closure of the incision without complication. With regard to the healing process, which of the following cell types are the first infiltrating cells to enter the wound site, peaking at 24 to 48 hours?
A 35-year-old woman undergoes an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for symptomatic cholelithiasis. Which of the following wound classes best describes her procedure?
Class II, Clean/contaminated
None of the above
Class IV, Dirty
Class III, Contaminated
Class I, Clean
A 65-year-old woman presents with a 1-cm lesion with a pearly border on her nose, and punch biopsy is consistent with a basal cell carcinoma. She is scheduled to undergo Mohs surgery. Which of the following is a benefit of Mohs surgery over wide local excision?
Mohs surgery results in a smaller cosmetic defect while obtaining negative margins circumferentially.
Mohs surgery can be performed on many different types of skin cancers.
Mohs surgery results in less recurrence and metastases.
Mohs surgery does not depend on intraoperative evaluation of specimen margins with frozen sections.
Mohs surgery offers a shorter operating time.
A 55-year-old man presents with worsening cirrhosis. After evaluation by a hepatologist, he presents for evaluation for hepatic transplantation. He is informed that prioritization for transplantation is based on the Model of End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) score, and that patients with higher MELD scores have a greater benefit from transplantation. Which of the following contributes to the MELD score?
Total bilirubin
Platelet count
A young woman who has received a transplant has posttransplant fever and malaise. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is diagnosed. This has occurred most commonly with the transplantation of which of the following?
Bone marrow
A 55-year-old woman who has end-stage liver disease is referred to a hepatologist for evaluation. Which of the following would prevent her from being a transplantation candidate?
Use of alcohol 3 months ago
History of breast cancer 5 years ago with no evidence of disease currently
Development of hepatorenal syndrome requiring hemodialysis
A 4-cm hepatocellular carcinoma in the right lobe of the liver
Two 2-cm hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) in the right lobe of the liver
A 63-year-old man with a 40-pack per year smoking history undergoes a low anterior resection for rectal cancer and on postoperative day 5 develops a fever, new infiltrate on chest x-ray, and leukocytosis. He is transferred to the ICU for treatment of his pneumonia because of clinical deterioration. Which of the following is a sign of early sepsis?
Peripheral vasodilation
Increased arteriovenous oxygen difference
Respiratory acidosis
Decreased cardiac output
A 43-year-old trauma patient develops acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and has difficulty oxygenating despite increased concentrations of inspired O2. After the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is increased, the patient’s oxygenation improves. What is the mechanism by which this occurs?
Increasing functional residual capacity
Redistribution of lung water from the interstitial to the alveolar space
Decreasing the minute ventilation requirement
Increasing tidal volume
Decreasing dead-space ventilation
An 80-year-old man comes to the physician because of a slowly growing ulcerated mass on the glans penis. A biopsy is positive for squamous cell carcinoma. Which of the following conditions is usually present in association with this tumor?
Lack of circumcision
Condyloma acuminatum due to human papillomavirus (HPV) type 6
Balanitis xerotica obliterans
Peyronie disease
A 33-year-old woman seeks assistance because of a swelling of her right parotid gland. Biopsy is performed and reveals acinar carcinoma. You consent the patient for resection and inform her that at the very least, she will require superficial parotidectomy. Which of the following intraoperative findings would require sacrifice of the facial nerve?
Encasement of the facial nerve by carcinoma.
The facial nerve should always be preserved regardless of intraoperative findings.
Proximity of the carcinoma to the facial nerve.
Invasion of the lateral lobe of the parotid.
Invasion of the deep lobe of the parotid.
A college student is tackled while playing football and develops severe knee pain. When examined shortly thereafter, the knee is swollen and the patient has pain on direct palpation over the lateral aspect of the knee. With the knee flexed 30 degrees, passive adduction elicits pain on the same area, and the leg can be adducted further than in the normal contralateral leg (varus stress test). The anterior drawer test, posterior drawer test, and Lachman test are negative. Which of the following is the most likely site of injury?
Lateral collateral ligament
Anterior cruciate ligament
Lateral meniscus
Medial collateral ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
A 39-year-old woman presents with generalized malaise and lymphadenopathy. Biopsy of a supraclavicular lymph node reveals non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Fortyeight hours after initiation of chemotherapy, she develops a high-grade fever and her laboratory studies demonstrate hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypocalcemia. Which of the following cells mediate this syndrome?
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Helper T lymphocytes
Natural killer cells
A 33-year-old diabetic man receives a renal allograft. The physicians choose cyclosporine as one of the antirejection medications. Which of the following functions does cyclosporine A primarily inhibit?
Interleukin 2 production
Cytotoxic T-cell effectiveness
Macrophage function
Antibody production
Interleukin 1 production
A 57-year-old man has end-stage heart failure due to atherosclerosis. His cardiologist refers him for evaluation for heart transplantation. Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for heart transplantation?
History of colon cancer resected 5 years ago with no evidence of recurrence
Reversible high pulmonary vascular resistance
Diabetes without end-organ damage
Age over 65
A 55-year-old woman has been hospitalized because of recurrent pancreatitis, ARDS, prolonged ileus, and need for parenteral nutrition. She demonstrates weakness, lassitude, orthostatic hypotension, nausea, and fever. Which of the following abnormalities is most likely to explain these symptoms?
A 25-year-old man presents to the same day surgical center for repair of an old injury to his lateral collateral ligament. The anesthesiologist wants to perform an axillary block for local pain control. If the posterior wall of the axillary artery is pierced during placement of the block, which of the following nerves will most likely be affected?
A 72-year-old woman who is planning to undergo ventral hernia repair is on warfarin for atrial fibrillation. She is advised to cease her warfarin several days before her surgery and is hospitalized preoperatively for heparinization. During her hospital stay, she complains of severe abdominal and flank pain. Her prothrombin time (PT) is normal, but her activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is elevated. An abdominal CT scan demonstrates a large retroperitoneal hematoma. Which of the following should be administered to reverse the effects of the heparin?
Protamine sulphate
Platelet transfusion
Vitamin K
A 24-year-old man whose father was just diagnosed with colon cancer presents to his family physician to discuss screening colonoscopy. His physician suspects that he has hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) or Lynch syndrome and recommends screening colonoscopy beginning at age 25. Which of the following is most supportive of a clinical diagnosis of HNPCC?
A father, uncle, and grandfather (same side of the family) with colon cancer at 50 years of age
A father and grandfather (same side of the family) with colon cancer
A father and an uncle (same side of the family) with colon cancer
A father with colon cancer at 52 years of age
A father and 2 uncles (same side of the family) with colon cancer
A patient requires both cardiac and renal transplantation. Preparation for the procedures has begun. How do cardiac allografts differ from renal allografts?
Cardiac allografts are matched only by size and ABO blood type.
One-year graft survival for cardiac allografts is substantially lower than that for renal allografts.
Cyclosporine is a critical component of the immunosuppressive regimen for cardiac allografts but not renal allografts.
Cardiac allografts can tolerate a longer period of cold ischemia than renal allografts.
Cardiac allografts are matched by HLA tissue typing and renal allografts are not.
A patient with colon cancer has a mass in the upper lobe of his left lung 2.5 years following resection of his colon cancer and subsequent 12 months of chemotherapy. His CEA level is rising. Which of the following predicts a 5-year survival rate of greater than 20% following resection of pulmonary metastases?
Lung lesions are solitary.
The patient has received prior chemotherapy.
The tumor doubling time is less than 20 days.
Local tumor recurrence is found
Other organ metastases are present.
A 60-year-old man presents with a 6-mm basal cell carcinoma on the tip of his nose. He is scheduled to undergo excision of the tumor in the operating room with repair of the defect using skin and subcutaneous tissue from his earlobe. Which of the following terms most appropriately describes this form of reconstructive surgery?
Composite graft
Split-thickness graft
Full-thickness graft
Pedicle flap
Free flap
A 45-year-old woman with breast cancer undergoes a modified radical mastectomy with lymph node dissection. Six weeks later, she returns complaining of decreased mobility of her shoulder. On physical examination, the scapula protrudes from the body when pressing her outstretched arm on the wall. Which of the following nerves was most likely injured during the operation?
Long thoracic
Lateral pectoral
Medial pectoral
A 19-year-old college student presents with a testicular mass, and after treatment he returns for regular follow-up visits. Which of the following is the most useful serum marker for detecting recurrent disease after treatment of nonseminomatous testicular cancer?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
P53 oncogene
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
A 72-year-old man undergoes resection of an abdominal aneurysm. He arrives in the ICU with a core temperature of 33°C (91.4°F) and shivering. Which of the following is a physiologic consequence of the shivering?
Increased production of CO2
Decreased consumption of O2
Rising mixed venous O2 saturation
Decreased minute ventilation
Rising base excess
A 43-year-old man with a gangrenous gallbladder and gram-negative sepsis agrees to participate in a research study. An assay of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is performed. Which of the following is the origin of this peptide?
Damaged vascular endothelial cells
Activated killer lymphocytes
Activated T lymphocytes
A patient sustained third-degree burns on both his arms when his shirt caught on fire while he was lighting the backyard barbecue. The burned areas are dry, white, leathery, anesthetic, and circumferential all around the arms and forearms. Which of the following parameters should be very closely monitored?
Peripheral pulses and capillary filling
Myoglobinemia and myoglobinuria
Blood gases
Body weight
Carboxyhemoglobin levels
A previously healthy 60-year-old man is referred for urologic evaluation of macroscopic hematuria. Urinary cytology is positive for malignant cells, and cystoscopic examination reveals an exophytic multifocal tumor. A biopsy of die tumor demonstrates papillary fronds lined by ccfls similar to transitional epithelium but showing nuclear atypia, mitoses, and necrosis. Which of the following is the most important risk factor in the U.S. For the development of this type of tumor?
Aniline dyes
Recurrent cystitis
A 54-year-old woman presents to her physician for an opinion regarding additional therapy following curative resection of recently diagnosed colon cancer. She underwent uncomplicated sigmoid resection for invasive colon cancer 4 weeks ago. The pathology revealed carcinoma invading into, but not through, the muscularis propria, with one of eight positive mesenteric nodes. There was no evidence of liver metastases at the time of operation. Preoperative chest x-ray and CT scan of the abdomen showed no evidence of distant disease. Preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level was normal. Past history is positive for diabetes and mild hypertension. Examination is unremarkable except for a healing abdominal incision. Which of the following is the correct stage of this patient’s colon cancer?
Stage III
Stage I
Stage II
Stage IV
Stage 0
Which of the following patients with primary hyperparathyroidism should undergo parathyroidectomy?
A 42-year-old woman with a history of kidney stones
A 60-year-old woman with mildly decreased bone mineral density measured at the hip of less than 2 standard deviations below peak bone density
A 59-year-old woman with mildly elevated 24-hour urinary calcium excretion
A 54-year-old woman with fatigue and depression
A 62-year-old asymptomatic woman
A 49-year-old woman presents to her physician with dysphagia, regurgitation of undigested food eaten hours earlier, and coughing over the last 6 months. She was hospitalized 1 month ago for aspiration pneumonia and successfully treated with antibiotics. Examination reveals a thin-appearing woman with normal vital signs and unremarkable chest, heart, and abdominal examination. A UGI contrast study is performed and reveals a pharyngoesophageal (Zenker’s) diverticulum. Which of the following statements is true regarding Zenker’s diverticula?
Pharyngoesophageal diverticula are of the pulsion type.
Pharyngoesophageal diverticula are true diverticula
Pharyngoesophageal diverticula are congenital in origin.
Upper esophageal sphincter function is usually normal.
Cervical dysphagia is related to the size of the diverticulum.
A 36-year-old woman whose mother has just undergone treatment for breast cancer is asking about how this affects her and what can be done to lessen her chances of having the disease. Which of the following has the lowest risk factor for breast cancer?
Dietary fat intake
Excessive estrogen exposure—early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity
Paternal relative with breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) mutation
Previous biopsy with atypical hyperplasia
Exposure to ionizing radiation
A 39-year-old woman presents to the physician’s office for evaluation of a palpable nodule in the neck of 2 years’ duration. Her past history is pertinent for Hashimoto’s disease diagnosed 5 years ago, for which she takes thyroid hormone. She has a history of low-dose chest irradiation for an enlarged thymus gland during infancy. On examination, a 2.5-cm nodule is palpable in the left lobe of the thyroid and is firm and nontender. Which of the following portions of her history increases the risk for thyroid cancer?
Low-dose irradiation during infancy
Past history of Hashimoto’s disease
Chronicity of the nodule
Female gender
Age group of 20–40 years
While playing with his children, a 44-year-old man falls and lands on his right shoulder. There is immediate pain and deformity. In an uncomplicated dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the following directions?
A 29-year-old construction worker fell 15 ft from a roof and broke his right humerus, as depicted in the accompanying radiograph. Given his injury, which of the following nerves is most at risk?
Radial nerve
Ascending circumflex brachial nerve
Posterior interosseous nerve
Ulnar nerve
Median nerve
In a failed suicide gesture, a depressed student severs her radial nerve at the wrist. Which of the following is her expected disability?
Sensory loss over the thenar pad and the thumb web
Wasting of the intrinsic muscles of the hand
Loss of ability to flex the wrist
Loss of ability to extend the wrist
Palmar insensitivity
A 52-year-old woman presents with hypertension, obesity, and new skin striae. You are concerned about possible Cushing syndrome. Which of the following is the most common cause of Cushing syndrome?
Pharmacologic glucocorticoid use
Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)–secreting carcinoid tumor
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)–producing pituitary tumor
Primary adrenal neoplasms
Adrenocortical hyperplasia
A 62-year-old woman presents with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast. Which of the following findings would still allow her to receive breast conservation surgery (partial mastectomy)?
Multifocal disease
Persistently positive margins after multiple reexcisions of the breast cancer
Previous treatment of a breast cancer with lumpectomy and radiation
Diffuse suspicious microcalcifications throughout the breast
Large tumor relative to breast size
A 56-year-old woman presents to the clinic for routine health screening. Her concern is the development of breast cancer. She has no current breast-related complaints. Past history is pertinent for fibrocystic changes with atypical ductal hyperplasia and a single fibroadenoma, both diagnosed by open biopsy 5 years ago. She smokes one pack per day and drinks one can of beer daily. Family history is positive for breast cancer in her mother, diagnosed at the age of 85. Current medications include a cholesterol-lowering agent, an antihypertensive, and HRT, which she has taken for 5 years. Physical examination is unremarkable. Mammograms show dense breasts, decreasing the accuracy of the study, but no suspicious findings were noted. Which of the following is the most common risk factor in evaluating women for breast cancer?
Fibrocystic changes with atypical ductal hyperplasia
Alcohol consumption
Positive family history
A patient who has had angina as well as claudication reports feeling light-headed on exertion, especially when lifting and working with his arms. The subclavian steal syndrome is associated with which of the following hemodynamic abnormalities?
Occlusion of the subclavian artery
Occlusion of the vertebral artery
Antegrade flow through a vertebral artery
Venous congestion of the upper extremities
Occlusion of the carotid artery
While working at a bookbinding shop, a young man suffers a traumatic amputation of his index finger. The finger was cleanly severed at its base. The patient and the finger are brought to a first-aid station, from which both are to be transported to a highly specialized medical center for replantation to be done. Which of the following is the correct way to prepare and transport the severed finger?
Wrap it in a moist gauze, place it on a plastic bag, and place the bag on a bed of ice
Paint it with antiseptic solution and place it on a bed of dry ice
Immerse it in cold alcohol for the entire trip
Dry the finger of any traces of blood and place it in a cooler filled with crushed ice
Freeze it as quickly as possible, and transport it immersed in liquid nitrogen
A 27-year-old basketball player jumps to block a shot with his right hand. As his hand contacts the ball, he feels severe pain in his right shoulder. He presents to the emergency department with continuing shoulder pain. You note that he holds his right arm in slight external rotation, supporting its weight with his left hand. On physical examination, he resists internal rotation of his right arm. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be injured in this patient?
Long thoracic
A 23-year-old male is found at the scene of a motor vehicle accident with bilateral lower extremity fractures. You also note extensive abdominal bruising and scalp lacerations. At the scene, the patient's blood pressure is 80/60 mmHg and his heart rate is 120/min. He is given 2 liters of IV fluids wide open. On the way to the hospital he becomes progressively drowsy, and he develops progressive weakness on the right side of his body. This patient is also likely to show deficits in the functioning of which of the following nerves?
A 34-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being involved in a motorbike accident. Examination shows a hematoma on the forehead and bleeding from his leg. His pupils are bilateral round and eactive; he has papilledema. He responds to pain, has decorticated posture and speaks incoherently. After the initial resuscitation you start the treatment with intravenous fluids, hyperventilation, head elevation and intravenous mannitol. Which of the following is the mechanism of action of hyperventilation in this patient?
Hyperventilation causes vasoconstriction and thus decreases the cerebral blood flow
Hyperventilation causes vasoconstriction and helps to reduce his bleeding
Hyperventilation acts as stimuli to brain and helps to arouse the patient
Hyperventilation helps to wash out the carbon dioxide
Hyperventilation corrects hypoxia
A 40-year-old female is brought to the emergency department following a motor vehicle accident in which she was the front seat passenger. She reports hitting her head against the windshield and hurting her right leg. She appears completely alert and oriented. Glasgow Coma Scale = 15/ 15. Her pupils are equal and reactive to light. There is a bruise over the right forehead, but no tenderness is present on palpation of the cranial bones. Examination of the right leg reveals a hematoma over the thigh. Knee extension on the right is markedly reduced when compared to the left. Sensory examination reveals decreased sensory perception to both sharp and dull stimuli over the right lower medial leg. All other dermatomes are intact. What nerve injury is most likely present in this patient?
Femoral nerve
Tibial nerve
Obturator nerve
Common peroneal nerve
Fibular nerve
A 74-year-old woman is admitted with upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. She is started on H 2 blockers, but experiences another bleeding episode. Endoscopy documents diffuse gastric ulcerations. Omeprazole is added to the H2 antagonists as a therapeutic approach to the management of acute gastric and duodenal ulcers. Which of the following is the mechanism of action of omeprazole?
Inhibition of parietal cell hydrogen potassium ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase)
Inhibition of gastrin release and parietal cell acid production
Provision of a direct cytoprotective effect
Buffering of gastric acids
Blockage of the breakdown of mucosa-damaging metabolites of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
A 38-year-old woman who underwent total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter 6 months ago presents with persistent hoarseness. Which of the following nerves was most likely injured during her operation?
Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve
Marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve
Hypoglossal nerve
Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerves
Superior laryngeal nerve
) A 52-year-old man with a family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) has an elevated gastrin level and is suspected to have a gastrinoma. Which of the following is the most likely location for his tumor?
Within the triangle formed by the junction of the second and third portions of the duodenum, the junction of the neck and body of the pancreas, and the junction of the cystic and common bile duct Q
Within the triangle formed by the inferior edge of the liver, the cystic duct, and the common hepatic duct
Tail of the pancreas
Fundus of the stomach
Antrum of the stomach
A 73-year-old woman presents to the emergency room complaining of severe epigastric pain radiating to her back, nausea, and vomiting. CT scan of the abdomen demonstrates inflammation and edema of the pancreas. A right upper quadrant ultrasound demonstrates the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder. Which of the following is an important prognostic sign in acute pancreatitis according to Ranson’s criteria?
Amylase level
Total bilirubin level
Albumin level
Lipase level
A 24-year-old man presents to the emergency room with abdominal pain and fever. CT scan of the abdomen reveals inflammation of the colon. He is referred to a gastroenterologist to be evaluated for inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease versus ulcerative colitis). Which of the following indications for surgery is more prevalent in patients with Crohn disease?
Fistulas between the colon and segments of intestine, bladder, vagina, urethra, and skin
Toxic megacolon
Massive bleeding
Intractable disease
Dysplasia or carcinoma
A newborn has a midline defect in the anterior abdominal wall. The parents ask what, if anything, should be done. Spontaneous closure of which of the following congenital abnormalities of the abdominal wall generally occurs by the age of 4?
Umbilical hernia
Patent urachus
Patent omphalomesenteric duct
) A neonate is found to have an imperforate anus. As the pediatric surgeon you recommend studies to search for other anomalies. Which of the following is an associated abnormality?
Congenital heart disease
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation
Duodenal atresia
Corneal opacities
A 45-year-old man is examined for a yearly executive physical. A mass is palpated in the rectum, and a biopsy suggests carcinoid. Which of the following findings is most likely to be associated with the carcinoid syndrome?
Tumor > 2 cm
Involvement of regional lymph nodes
Tumor < 2 cm with ulceration
Hepatic metastases
Tumor < 2 cm
A 31-year-old biker is involved in a motor vehicle accident after attending a party where he drank a lot of soda drinks. He describes a direct blow to his lower abdomen and pelvis during the accident. He complains of diffuse abdominal pain that refers to his left shoulder. Which of the following injuries most likely accounts for this patient's current symptoms?
Bladder dome
Bladder neck
Anterior bladder wall
Pseudomembranous urethra
Anterior urethra
Your hospital is conducting an ongoing research study involving the hormonal response to trauma. Blood is drawn regularly (with Institutional Review Board [IRB] approval) for various studies. Which of the following values are likely to be seen after a healthy 36-year-old man is hit by a bus and sustains a ruptured spleen and a lacerated small bowel?
Increased secretion of insulin
Increased secretion of thyroxine
Decreased secretion of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone [ADH])
Decreased secretion of glucagon
Decreased secretion of aldosterone
A 45-year-old man was an unhelmeted motorcyclist involved in a high-speed collision. He was ejected from the motorcycle and was noted to be apneic at the scene. After being intubated, he was brought to the ER, where he is noted to have a left dilated pupil that responds only sluggishly. What is the pathophysiology of his dilated pupil?
Herniation of the uncal process of the temporal lobe
Laceration of the corpus callosum by the falx cerebri
Occult damage to the superior cervical ganglion
Infection within the cavernous sinus
Cerebellar hypoxia
A 25-year-old man comes to the physician because of a mass in his mouth. He has had the lump for many years. He denies weight loss. He was in a motor vehicle accident several years ago and sustained a concussion of the brain. He does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. Physical examination shows a nontender 2 x 2-cm mass located on the hard palate of the mouth that is immobile and has a bony hard consistency. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's oral finding?
{"name":"Part 41 (75QCM)", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Clinical Knowledge Challenge! Test your medical knowledge through this engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals and students alike. With 75 carefully crafted multiple-choice questions, this quiz covers a range of topics including anatomy, pathophysiology, and clinical practices.Perfect for medical students and professionalsIn-depth questions that challenge your understandingIdeal for self-assessment and review","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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