Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles

After telophase I of meiosis, the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is
A. tetraploid, and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids.
B. diploid, and the chromosomes are composed of a single chromatid.
C. haploid, and the chromosomes are composed of a single chromatid.
D. diploid, and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids.
E. haploid, and the chromosomes are composed of two chromatids.
Homologous chromosomes move toward opposite poles of a dividing cells during
A. meiosis I.
B. meiosis II.
C. Binary fission.
D. fertilization.
E. mitosis.
Which of the following is the term for a human cell that contains 22 pairs of autosomes and two X chromosomes?
A. A female somatic cell
B. An unfertilized egg cell and a female somatic cell
C. A sperm cell
D. An unfertilized egg cell
E. A male somatic cell
A human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is
A. A somatic cell of a female.
B. An ovum (egg cell).
C. A sperm cell.
D. A zygote.
E. A somatic cell of a male.
Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry loci for the same traits in the same positions on the chromosome but specify different versions of some traits constitute a pair of
A. Heterologous chromosomes.
B. Sister chromatids.
C. Complementary chromosomes.
D. None of the choices are correct.
E. Homologous chromosomes.
Referring to a plant sexual life cycle, which of the following terms describes the process that leads directly to the formation of gametes?
A. Sporophyte mitosis
B. Alternation of generations
C. Gametophyte mitosis
D. Sporophyte meiosis
E. Gametophyte meiosis
What name is given to the process that restores the diploid number of chromosomes?
A. meiosis
B. mitosis
C. Asexual reproduction
D. fertilization
E. The cell cycle
If the DNA content of a diploid cell in the G1 phase of the cell cycle is x, then the DNA content of the same cell at metaphase of meiosis I would be
A. 4x.
B. 0.5x.
C. x.
D. 2x.
E. 0.25x.
Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that
A. Homologous chromosomes synapse.
B. The daughter cells are diploid.
C. The chromosome number is reduced.
D. Sister chromatids separate during anaphase.
E. DNA replicates before the division.
How many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes can be packaged in gametes made by an organism with a diploid number of 8 (2n = 8)?
A. 16
B. 8
C. 4
D. 2
E. 32
Independent assortment of chromosomes is a result of
A. The random nature of the fertilization of ova (egg) by sperm.
B. The relatively small degree of homology share by the X and Y chromosomes.
C. All of the choices are correct.
D. The random distribution of the sister chromatids to the two daughter cells during anaphase II.
E. The random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I.
Which life cycle state is found in plants but not in animals?
A. Multicellular diploid
B. zygote
C. Unicellular diploid
D. gamete
E. Multicellular haploid
Which of the following statements is false?
A. In humans, each of the 22 maternal autosomes has a homologous paternal chromosome.
B. Single, haploid (n) sets of chromosomes in ovum and sperm unite during fertilization, forming a diploid (2n), single-celled zygote.
C. In humans, the 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, determines whether the person is female (XX) or male (XY).
D. Sexual life cycles differ with respect to the relative timing of meiosis and fertilization.
E. At sexual maturity, ovaries and testes produce diploid gametes by meiosis.
During which stage of meiosis do synapsis and the formation of tetrads occur?
A. prophase I
B. interphase I
C. metaphase I
D. prophase II
E. interphase II
What is a genome?
A. An ordered display of chromosomes arranged from largest to smallest.
B. A specialized polymer of four different kinds of monomers.
C. A specific sequence of polypeptides within each cell.
D. A specific segment of DNA that is found within a prokaryotic chromosome.
E. The complete complement of an organism's genes
Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction are different in that
A. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parents, whereas sexual reproduction gives rise to genetically distinct offspring.
B. Asexual reproduction involves a single parent, whereas sexual reproduction involves two.
C. Asexual reproduction only requires mitosis, whereas sexual reproduction always involves meiosis.
D. Individuals reproducing asexually transmit 100% of their genes to their progeny (offspring), whereas individuals reproducing sexually only transmit 50%.
E. All of the choices are correct.
Crossing over usually contributes to genetic variation by exchanging chromosomal segments between
A. Sister chromatids of a chromosome.
B. Nonhomologous loci of the genome.
C. Autosomes and sex chromosomes.
D. Chromatids of nonhomologues.
E. Nonsister chromatids of homologues.
How do the two members of a pair of homologous chromosomes differ from each other?
A. The position of the centromere within each of the chromosomes
B. Their staining (banding) patterns
C. The precise sequence of the DNA within each of the chromosomes
D. The identity and relative position of the genes present on each of the chromosomes
E. Their length
What is a karyotype?
A. A collection of all the mutations present within a genome
B. The complete complement of an organism's genes
C. The set of unique physical characteristics that define an individual
D. A display of every pair of homologous chromosomes within a cell, organized according to size, shape, and banding patterns
E. A unique combination of chromosomes found in a gamete
The immediate product of meiosis in a plant is a
A. spore.
B. gametophyte.
C. gamete.
D. sporophyte.
E. Zygote
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