Physiology 2016

A vibrant illustration showing the human body with highlighted physiological systems, such as the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and endocrine systems, in an educational style.

Physiology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge on various aspects of physiology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering topics from circulation to renal functions, this quiz is designed for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone looking to sharpen their understanding of human physiology.

Prepare to challenge yourself with:

  • 49 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • A range of topics including heart, GIT, and respiratory systems
49 Questions12 MinutesCreated by OptimizingBrain42
1. How you can improve venous return? (circulation )
A. Venous return cannot be improved
B. Only by mobilization of skeletal muscles.
C. By holding breath.
D. Making deep inspiration
E. Making strong exhale
2. What is the role of anticoagulant commonly used in vivo? (blood)
A. Activation of antithrombin 3
B. Activation of vitamin K
C. Activation of Plasmin
D. Stimulation of annexins release
E. Chelating of calcium ions
3. During depolarization phase in nerve. (heart)
A. Potassium conductance is higher than at the resting state.
B. Potassium conductance is lower than at the resting state.
C. sodium conductance is higher than at the resting state.
D. Sodium conductance is equal to potassium conductance.
E. Both potassium and sodium conductance are higher than at the resting state.
4. Renal clearance tests allow us to determine (renal)
A. Glomerular filtration and diuresis
B. Renal plasma flow and obligatory absorption
C. Renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration
D. Renal plasma flow and diuresis
E. Plasma concentration of creatinine.
5. The biggest decrease in ventricular volume takes place in which of the following events of cardiac cycle? (heart)
A. During isovolumetric contraction
B. During ST segment on the ECG
C. During TP segment on the ECG
D. Just before the first heart sound.
E. Just after the second heart sound.
6. At rest, the biggest blood volume (as % of cardiac output) flows through: (circulatory)
A. aorta.
B. Renal artery.
C. Superior vena cava.
D. Cerebral artery
E. Brachiocephalic trunk
7. In an empty stomach, when an individual has no contact with a food, (GIT)
A. Acid secretion is very high, resulting in extremely low pH of gastric content.
B. Secretion of gastrin is much higher than after a meal.
C. A and B
D. There is a paracrine inhibition from G cells activity.
E. There is a vagal inhibition of D cells activity.
8. Voluntary control of defecation is possible, because: (GIT)
A. Cortical centers regulate contractions of external anal sphincter.
B. Cortical centers regulate contractions of internal anal sphincter.
C. Cortical centers inhibits the reflux at the spinal cord level.
D. New center is created, at the level of the medulla.
E. Spinal center at the sacral level operate the internal anal sphincter.
9. Stimulation of which of the following will results in decreased firing rate of the phrenic nerve? (Resp)
A. Central chemoreceptive area.
B. Proprioreceptors
C. Pneumotaxic center
D. Peripheral chemoreceptors
E. Sham Cortex
10. Which of the following characterize cardiac pacemaker cells? (heart)
A. No resting potential
B. High amplitude of action potential
C. Absence of voltage-gated potassium channels
D. Long plateau phase of action potential
E. Absence of transient calcium chnnels
11. The ambulance delivered an unconscious patient to the ER. Arterial blood gasometry revealed: pH = 7.25; CO2 = 60 mmHg; O2 saturation = 86%; HCO3 = 26mEq/L. These data are consistent with (acid-base)
A. Normal acid-base status
B. Metabolic acidosis
C. Metabolic alkalosis
D. Respiratory acidosis
E. Respiratory alkalosis
12. Turbulent blood flow (circulation)
A. Is met only in pathology
b. May accompany severe anemia
C. Always results in acoustic phenomena (murmurs)
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C
13. Which of the following is important for the synthesis and secretion of aldosterone? (renal, Endo)
A. Concentration of plasma norepinephrine
B. Concentration of plasma angiotensin II
c. Concentration of plasma Ca2+
Concentration of blood ph
Concentration of your phd
14. A 28 years old man is 5'2'' ( 158 cm) and feels bad about his shortness. He asks his physician to prescribe him growth hormone because Dr. Google says this hormone stimulates the linear growth. Doctor refuses to do so. What was the rationale for this denial? (Endo)
A. GH would increase the height of an adult by only 5%
B. GH may induce severe diabetes insipidus, which is potentially dangerous.
C. A and B.
D. GH would lead to Napolean's Syndrome.
E. GH would cause hypertrophy of visceral organs.
15. A 47 years old male came to pneumonology department complaining of dyspnea and chest pain. Two years ago he has had a deep vein thrombosis. Physical examination revealed just the minor edema of right leg. Spirometry was normal; gasometry showed pO2=59 mmHg, without hypercapnia, The most probable diagnosis is: (resp)
A. Pulmonary embolism
B. Injury of medulla resulting in hypoventilation
C. Pulmonary fibrosis
d. pneumothorax
16. In a healthy person, which of the following contains tubular fluid which is isoosmotic to plasma? (renal)
A. Proximal tubule, but only when ADH is high.
B. The descending limb of loop of Henle, at the loop bending, regardless ADH level.
C. Distal tubule, but only in absence of ADH.
D. Cortical collecting duct, but only in presence of ADH
E. Tubular fluids are always hyperosmotic.
17. When comparing two adult individuals of the same age but different sex, one may state that: (cellular physiology)
A. They both have the same percentage of body water.
B. A woman has half less water than a man
C. A man has 1/3 less water than a woman.
D. A man has less intracellular water than a woman
E. A woman has less intracellular water than a man
18. Release of calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle (muscles)
A. Is the direct effect of binding of acetylcholine to postsynaptic receptors.
B. Requires activation of DHP receptors in T tubules c. Starts when membrane potential of terminal cisterns increase d. Is induced by increase of intracellular calcium concentration e. Takes place through DHP channels, the same as in cardiac muscles.
C. Starts when membrane potential of terminal cisterns increase
D. Is induced by increase of intracellular calcium concentration
E. Takes place through DHP channels, the same as in cardiac muscles.
19. Which of the following correctly describes phospholamban phosphorylation in cardiac cycle? (heart)
A. Prolongs ventricular concentration
b. Plays no role in the cardiac cycle.
C. Increases calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
D. Is induced by catecholamines
E. Depends on IP3 activated by calcium influx into the cardiac myocyte
20. A young female in 29th week of pregnancy is at danger of premature labor. What should be applied to her to improve the maturity of the fetus's lungs? (resp)
A. Epinephrine
B. Glucocorticoids
C. Surfactant
D. Estrogens
E. There is nothing to prevent the respiratory distress syndrome in case of premature birth.
21. Reactive hyperemia
A. Is the effect of increased blood flow through the most active organ
b. Is caused exclusively by changes in respiratory gases pressure in working tissues.
C. A and b.
D. Is the compensatory vessel reaction following ischemia
E. Is a rare condition observed in the brain only
22. From the hormones listed below, which manifests the shortest half-life in plasma? (Endo)
A. Cortisol
C. Estradiol
d. Thyroxine
E. They all have comparable.
23. The major stimulus for gastric acid (HCl) secretion during the cephalic phase is: (GIT)
A. Acetylcholine
b. Histamine
C. Gastrin.
D. Secretin
E. Somatostatin.
An Asthmatic patient inhales a bronchodilator drug that causes a 2-folds increase in the radius of his small peripheral airways. Which of the following pulmonary parameters would show the greatest improvement? (resp)
A. FEV2/FVC ratio
B. Functional residual capacity
C. Total lung capacity
D. Tidal volume
E. Inspiratory capacity
28. In a person acclimatized to stay in hot climate,
a. Sodium content in sweat increases
B. Osmolality of sweat increases.
C. A and B.
D. Volume of water lost in sweat increases.
e. Rectal temperature increases.
29. The important intracellular buffer is:
A. bicarbonate
B. Chloride
C. Oxyhemoglobin
D. Potassium
E. Phosphate.
Which of the following statements regarding the coronary circulation is true:
A. Phasic flow is characteristic only for right coronary artery.
B. ANP is released by the left atrium in response to hypoxia.
C. During isotonic contraction, flow in left coronary artery increases rapidly
D. During isovolumetric relaxation, flow in left coronary artery decreases.
e. The flow in right coronary artery is completely ceased during whole contraction phase.
Which statements describing processes of oral activity and larynx is correct?
A. Only oral phase of swallowing can be voluntarily regulated.
B. Salivary a-amylase begins breakdown of sucrose.
C. A and B.
D. Fats are not digested in oral cavity
E. Whole swallowing process is under conscious control
Which of the following statements is true regarding the synthesis of estrogens and androgens in males? (endo)
A. An insignificant amount of circulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is formed by peripheral conversion of its precursors
B. The majority of circulating dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) is secreted by the Sertoli cells.
C. Most of circulating testosterone is secreted from the Leyding cells of the testes
D. The majority of circulating estradiol is formed in and released from the adrenals
E. The majority of circulating testosterone is synthesized by Sertoli cells underinfluence of activin.
34. Which of the following is a direct effect of parasympathetic stimulation of the heart? (heart)
A. Increased duration of one cardiac cycle.
B. Increased atrial contractility.
C. Decreased ventricular contractility.
D. Steeper slope of the prepotential
E. Shorter RR interval
Which of the following factors prevents an accumulation of fluid in the alveolar lumen? (Resp)
A. Low pressure of water vapor in inspired air.
B. Phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages.
C. Negative interstitial fluid pressure.
D. Secretion of surfactant
E. Tight junctions between the alveolar capillary endothelial cells.
Which of the following will cause alkalosis and dehydration?
A. 24-hour water deprivation
B. Strong fever
C. Severe diarrhea
D. Long-lasting vomiting
E. All of the above
Hormone acting on nuclear receptor is: (endo)
A. Vasopressin
B. adrenocorticotropin
C. Oxytocin
D. Thyreothropin
E. Triiodothyronine
What can you say about the final urine of a healthy person? (renal)
A. It's always hypertonic
B. Its maximal daily volume is 1.5 L.
C. It cannot have alkaline pH
D. Its minimal daily volume is 0.5 L
E. All of the above
40. Glomerular filtration pressure in a healthy person (renal)
A. Is lower than the hydrostatic pressure in efferent arteriole
B. Increases following the constriction of efferent arteriole.
C. Increases by 8-10% when mean arterial pressure rises by 10%
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
(Depolarization) state of voltage-gated sodium channel is:
A. Responsible for absolute refractory period.
B. The same as closing state of this channel
C. Responsible for absolute refractory period and the same as closing state of this channel.
d. Responsible for relative refractory period
E. No correct answer.
Which of the following tends to produce edema in systemic tissues?
A. Decreased stroke volume of the left ventricle.
b. A decrease in arterial pressure
C. An increase in hydrostatic pressure of interstitial fluid.
d. An increase in the concentration of plasma proteins
E. An increase venous pressure.
Fevering patient manifests tachycardia (120 bpm). How does it influence her cardiac cycle? (heart)
A. The biggest decrease is noted for systole duration
B. The longest phase is diastasis
C. The shortest phase is diastole
D. The biggest decrease is noted for diastole duration
E. All elements of cardiac cycle shorten proportionally
If some region of lungs is hypoventilated, what happens in this area?
A. Blood flow rapidly increases
B. Blood flow decreases.
C. Dead space increases.
D. B and C
E. No change
A 25 years old applicant was subjected to the routine medical examination. He found in the results of his blood analysis: Ht 45%, Hb 135g/L. WBC 9500/uL, Platelets 200 000/uL. glucose 85mg/dL, total protein concentration 65g/L. He is afraid that there is something wrong with him and he will not be employed in the job his dreaming of. What are your suggestions concerning his health?
A. His kidneys do not filter sufficient amount of hemoglobin
B. Platelets number is twice as high as should be
C. His WBC is normal
D. He is probably diabetic
E. His liver is severely injured.
Which of the following statements about first-degree heart block is correct?
A. Atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction is slower.
B. There are more P waves than QRS complexes on the ECG.
C. AV nodal conduction is completely interrupted
D. Not all atrial impulses reach the ventricles
E. The rate of ventricular contraction is increased.
Peristaltic waves in the small intestine are characterized by which of the following statements?
A. They occur in response to distention of the intestine wall.
b. They are controlled primarily by extrinsic innervation.
c. They involve simultaneous contraction of the circular and longitudinal muscles.
D. They are preceded by increased fluid secretion by intestinal mucosa.
E. None of the above
If arterial pressure is 155 mmHg. Production of primary urine:
A. Doe not depend on the water intake.
B. increases
C. decreases.
D. reaches 50 mL/min
e. reaches 125 mL/min
A 45 years old woman is concerned by a history of episodes of confusion and fainting over the past year that occur either on first arising in the morning or after exercising. The episodes are preceded of accompanied by shaking, sweating and palpitations. The woman's husband has noticed that eating can prevent the onset of symptoms. Which of the following is the most likely cause if this patient's symptoms?
A. Glucagon-secreting tumor causing periodic hypoglycemia.
B. Meningioma in the region of the frontal cortex
C. Benin insulin-secreting tumor causing periodic hypoglycemia
D. Autonomic insufficiency leading to orthostatic hypotension
E. Norepinephrine-secreting tumor causing periodic hyperglycemia
After a car crash, parenteral nutrition was applied in 19 years old male. This resulted in atrophy of gastric mucosa. Decreased secretion of which of the following hormones has caused such atrophy?
A. Gastrin
B. Secretin
C. Cholecystokinin
D. Motilin
Stay at the altitude higher than 5000 m above sea level is endangered with development of:
A. acidosis
B. anemia ( reduced number of RBC's) due to low pO2
C. Pulmonary edema due to vasoconstriction in response to low pO2
D. Bradycardia caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cardiac muscle because of low pO2.
E. All of the above.
How would cyanide poisoning influence hemoglobin of a person with normal hemoglobin concentration?
A. It would change it from oxyhemoglobin to methemoglobin
B. It would increase its affinity to carbon dioxide producing high level of carboxyhemoglobin
C. It would dramatically reduce its concentration, producing anemia.
D. It would have no influence on hemoglobin
E. It would decrease it affinity to oxygen producing anemic hypoxia
{"name":"Physiology 2016", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on various aspects of physiology with our comprehensive quiz. Covering topics from circulation to renal functions, this quiz is designed for students, healthcare professionals, and anyone looking to sharpen their understanding of human physiology.Prepare to challenge yourself with:49 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsA range of topics including heart, GIT, and respiratory systems","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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