Dental Reserch 5DDB SKallStar Mr #4

A vibrant illustration depicting dental researchers engaging in scientific activities, surrounded by dental tools, research papers, and statistical graphs, reflecting the theme of dental research and epidemiology.

Dental Research Knowledge Quiz

Test your understanding of dental epidemiology, research methodologies, and statistical techniques with our comprehensive quiz. Suitable for students and professionals alike, this quiz offers a blend of theoretical concepts and practical applications relevant to the field of dental research.

  • 113 challenging questions
  • Covers various topics in dental research
  • Enhance your knowledge and skills
113 Questions28 MinutesCreated by ExploringScience503
In the definition of epidemiology, "distribution" refer to:
When, Where
Why, Who
Who, When and Where
Who, when, where, and why
In the definition of epidemiology, "determinats" generally includes:
Risk factors
Agent, causes, risk factors and sources
Students fine/ explore the in formation themeselves in
Lecture method
Discovery method
Lecture method and Discovery method
None answer
To put ideas together to form a new whole is
A. Evalution
Which is not ture about projects
It is a purposeful
It is proceeded in social environment
It is accomplished in real life
It is teacher centred activity
Which of the following statement is correct about the references?
A reference must always be initialized within fuctions.
A reference must always be initialized outside all functions
A reference must always be initialized
A reference must always be initialized within functions and A reference must always be initialized.
When each member of a population has an equally likely chance of being selected, this is called:
S nonrandom sampling method
A quota sample
A snowball sample
An Equal probability selection method
Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample?
Choosing volunteers from an introductory psychology class to participate
Listing the individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proprtion from within
Each ethnic group at random
Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using a random number table to pick cases from the table.
Which of the following is not true about statified random sampling?
It involves a random selection process from identified subgroups
Proportions of groups in the sample must always match their population proportions
Disproportional stratified random sampling is especially helpful for getting large enough subgroup samples when subgroup comparisons are to be done
Proportional stratified random sampling yields a representative sample
Which of the following statements are true?
The larger the sample size, the greater the sampling error
The more categories or breakdowns you want to make in your data analysis, the larger the sample needed
The fewer categories or breakdowns you want to make in your data analysis, the larger
The sample needed
As sample size decreases, so does the size of the confidence interval
Which of the following formula is used to determine how many people to include in the original sampling
Desired sample size/ Desired sample size + 1
Proportion likely to respond/ desired sample size
Proportion likely to respond/ population size
Desired sample size/ Proportion likely to respound
Which of the following is not a characteristic of research?
It requires the collection of new data
It is reiterative
It requires reasoned arguments to develop conclusions
It aims to increase understanding
A study that investigates the relationship between gender and participation in sport would be an example of?
Exploratory research
Descriptive research
Explanatory research
Predictive research
A student that explores the success of coaching styles using data from the past three years results to identify potential improvements would be?
Pure, theoretical research
Applied, theoretical research
Pure empirical research
Applied empirical research
Research is often published in academic journals, Which of the following is not a peer reviewed sport journal?
Sociology of Sport
Journal of Sport and Tourism
European Sport Management Quarterly
The Journal of Sports Coaching
How many stages are there to the research process?
What would NOT be a consideration during the research design stage?
The availability of literature
The availability of participants
The type of methods that would be used
The type of analysis that would take place
Your conceptual framework is normally developed?
Before your literature review
During your literature review
After data collection
After data analysis
You would like to repeat a study that has just been published. Which would not be an appropriate way to make such a study original?
When assessing a research question, which is not an element of CAFÉ?
Facilities and resources
What should not be included in a research proposal?
A summary of existing work in the area
The proposed methods to collect data
The results that will be obtained
An acknowledgement of any ethical issues
When assessing Internet based literature, which of the following is NOT important?
The credibility of the author
The purpose of the site
The intended audience of the site
The layout of the site
Which of the following is NOT a function of referencing?
To demonstrate breath of reading
To attribute a quotation
To ensure a sufficiently long reference list
To justify your approch
A literature review should include material that is
Directly related to your research question only
Closely related to your research question only
From the wider sports literature, but not from non-sports literature
From any available discipline if relevnat
Which of the following is a discipline?
Social facilitation
Which of the following is a field?
Sport tourism
All of those
Which of the following is a theory
Sport tourism
Sport coaching
Social facilitation
All of these are corrects
Identifying someone's gender is an example of
Nominal measurement
Ordinal measurement
Interval measurement
Ratio measurement
Identifying someone's age is an example of
Nominal measurement
Ordinal measurement
Interval measurement
Ratio measurement
An experimental the research design normally involves
Manipulating the independent variable
Manipulating the dependent variable
A number of repeated measures
Data collected over an extended time period
Which of the following are not normally a requirement for experimental research design?
Demonstrating co variation
Demonstrating time order
Demonstrating repeated measures
Demonstrating non spuriousness
What is investigator triangulation?
The researcher collecting data from more than one source
More than one researcher collecting data and drawing their own conclusions
The researcher using more than none theory to explore a topic
The researcher using more than one sample to explore a topic
When may a participant withdraw from a study>
When the study is complete
With the permission of the researcher
At any time they feel they wish to withdraw
As soon as they have provided enough data for conclusions have been made
Which of the following is not an advantage of a questionnaire?
Provides structured data
Allows the respondent to complete in their own time
Allows complex questions
Allows access to a dispersed sample group
Attitudes are best measured using
Closed questions
Ranking questions
Likert scales
Semantic differential questions
The collection of qualitative data using a questionnaire would require you to use
Closed questions
List questions
Likert scales
Open questions
When designing a questionnaire, try to start of with
Closed questions
List questions
Likert scales
Open questions
What should not be included in a covering letter?
Details of the researcher
An explanation of the research
An indication of the likely results
An indication of when and how the questionnaire should be returned
An interview that allows the respondent to develop stories about their life experiences would be
An unstructured interview
A semi-structured interview
A structure interview
A narrative interview
An advantage of an interview over a questionnaire may be
It provided more structured data
The time taken is generally shorter for interview
It is easier to analyse
It allows trust and rapport to be developed
Asking a respondent to develop a particular point would be an example of
A clarification probe
An elaboration probe
A development probe
All of these are corrects
When interviewing children, you should try to
Avoid being seen as an authority figure
Take them out of the classroom if interview them at school
Not be overly concerned with ethical issues
All of these are corrects
What is the smallest sample size you should consider when interviewing?
Field notes should be
As brief as possible
Made after the fieldwork
Focus on a single element of the research
What will normally be the last of the following sections to be written?
Literature review
What should be the content of an abstact?
The topic and the research question or hypothesis
The topic, the research question or hypothesis
The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives and a brief resume of the conlusions
The topic, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study, a brief resume of the conclusions
What should not be included in the introduction?
The aim of the research
A statement justifying the importance of the research
An indication of the key findings
An outline of the structure of the report
Which of the following do we recommend as ways to build your general knowledge of a topic area?
Read a good recent textbook chapter.
Look for the most recent in press publication before reading any order material.
Find and use a reader on the topic in question.
Read a good recent textbook chapter and Find and use a reader on the topic in question
Why do u need to review the existing literature
You enjoy reading the academic research on your topic
Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
To find out what is already known about your area of interest
To make sure you have a long list of referances
To read the literature critically means:
To suggest the previous research was always poorly conducted
Skimming through the material because most of it is just paddnig.
Evaluating what you read in terms of your own research questions
Being negative about something before you read it
What can a research use the literature to achieve?
They can demonstrate their competence by referring to prominent writings in the field.
They develop their version of the literature in such a way as to show and to lead up to the contribution they will be making in their own project or article.
They can identify a gap or problem in the literature that corresponds to the research questions.
All of above are corrects.
A systematic literature review is:
One which generates a literature review using a treasure hunt system
A replicable, scientific, and transparent process.
One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area.
A manufactured system for generating literature reviews tailored to your subject.
Which of the follow is a benefit of systematic review?
It reduces researcher bias and demands the researcher is comprehensive of their approach.
It is really quick to complete.
It is cost effective as an approach.
It provides internal validity to the study.
What is a limitation of systemic review?
It is too hard to do
The research can not be defined into the impact of a single variable
They are particularly complocated
The researcher community finds them complex
What is distinctive about a narrative literature review?
It is a review based exclusively on stories about companies, in book and case-study form.
It is an historically-based review, starting with the earliest contributions to the field.
It is paraphrase style of reviewing which does not require referencing.
It serves as a means of gaining an initial impression of a topic, which you will understand more fully as you conduct your research.
When accessing the internet, which of these steps is the most essential?
Recording the full URL
Noting the access dates
Downloading material to be referenced
They are all equally important
According to the vancover referencing convention, pick out the correct version of showing this book in a bibliograhphy:
Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2011, 3e) Business Research Methods, Oxford; Oxford University Press
Bryman (2011, third edition) Oxford University Press
Bryman and Bell, Business research methods (2011: OUP)
Bryman, A. Business Research Methods (2011)
What does an empiricist believe?
We should not apply natural science methods to social science research
It is the sociologist's aim to understand the meaning of social action
Knowledge, in the form of 'facts', should be gained through sensory experience
Research conducted within the British empire was biased and unreliable
An inductive theory is one that:
Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis
Does not allow for findings to feed back into the stock of knowledge
Uses quantitative methods whenever possible
Allows theory to emerge out of the data
An important practical issue to consider when designing a research project is:
Which theoretical perspective you find most interesting
Whether or not you have time to retile the bathroom first
How much time and money you have to conduct the research
Which color of ring binder to present your work in
Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your institution?
Whether an abstract should be included
The format for referencing
The word limit
All of the above
The role of a project supervisor is to:
Make sure u keep to your schedule and deadlines
Provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback
Negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf
Give you a reading list
You can manage your time and resources best, by:
Working out a timetale
Finding out what resources readily available to you
Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
All of the above are corrects
How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
If they guild your literature search
If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
All of the above
Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?
Your sample frame and sampling stategy
The ethical issues that might arise
Negotiating access to the setting
All of the above are corrects
Why is it helpful to keep a research diary or log book while you are conducting your project?
To give you something to do in early stages of your research when nothing is happening
Because funding councils general demand to see written evidence, you were working every day during the period of the research
To keep a record of what you did and what happened throughout the research process
It can be added to your dissertation to ensure that you reach the required word limit
Which of the following should be included in a research proposal?
Your academic status and experience
The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on the topic
Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
All of the above
What can you do to ensure your physical safety during your research?
Be alert to the possibility of exposure to danger
Avoid interviewing alone in the respondent's residence
Make sure someone knows where you are and how you can contact them in an emergency
All are corrects
What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?
Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics commitee
All are corrects
Why do you need to review the existing literature?
To make sure you have a long list of references
Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
To find out what is already known about your area of interest
To help in your general studying
Which two of the following are legitimate frameworks for setting out a literature review:
Construction intertextual coherence
Deconstruction of textual coherence
Deconstruction of textual coherence Problematizing the situation
Constructing intertextual coherence, Problemtizing the situation.
To read critically means:
Taking an opposing point of view to the ideas and opinions expressed
Skimming through the material because most of it is just padding
Evaluating what you read in terms of your own research questions
Being negative about something before you read it.
Which two of the following are legitimate frameworks for setting out a literature review:
Constructing intertextual coherence, Deconstruction of textual coherence
Deconstruction of textual coherence,
Deconstruction of textual coherence Problematizing the situation
Constructing intertexual coherence, Problematizing the situation
A systematic literature review is:
One which starts in your own library, then goes to on-line databases and finally, to the internet
A replicable scientific and transparent process
One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area
Plagiarism is such an awful crime that those found guilty should be obliged to wear a scarlet "P" on their clothing.
A responsible, professional process of time-management for research
Which of the following is a form of harm that might be suffered by research participants?
Physical injury
Stress and anxiety
Impaired development
All are corrects
Why is it important that personal data about research participants are kept within secure, confidential records?
So that the participants cannot fine out what has been written about them
In case individuals, places or organizations can be harmed through identification or disclosure of personal information
So that government officials, teachers and other people in authority can have easy access to the data
To enable the researcher to track down individuals and find out more about their lives
Why is it "easier said than done" to ensure that the principle of informed consent is adhered to?
It is not practicable to present every participant with all the informaton about the study time an interview will take
If the participants knew exactly what the researcher was intending to study, they might change their behaviour
All are corrects
An Operational definition is:
One that refers to opera singers and their work
A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures
One that bears no relation to the underlying concept
An abstract, theoretical definition of a concept
The term reverse operationism means that:
The theories we devise will often hinder out attempts to measure concepts
The measurements we devise can sometimes help to develop a theory
Techniques such as factor analysis have no place in social A definition of a concept in terms of specific, empirical measures
Driving instructors always make you practice the most difficult manoeuvre
Closed ended questions are those that:
Have a fixed range of possible answers
Prevent respondents from allocating themselves to a category
Encourage detailed, elaborate responses
Relate to basic demographic characteristics of respondents
Have fixed range of possible answers
Which of the following is not advised when planning the question order of a structure interview?
Be wary of asking an earlier question that alters the salience of later questions
Expect some variation in the order in which question are asked
Leave questions about sensitive or embarrassing issues until later in interview
Group the questions into logically organised sections
Which of the following statement is correct?
Self-completion questionnaires are a type of postal survey
Postal surveys can include self-completion or email survey
Self-completion questionnaire can include postal or email surveys
Email surveys are a type of postal questionnaire
One of the advantages of self-completion questionnaires over structured interviews is that:
They are quicker and Cheaper to administer
They create interviewer effects
They have greater measurement validity
They are less prone to inter-coder variation
An open question is one that:
Allows respondents to answer in their own terms
Does not suggest or provide a limited range of reponses
Can help to generate answers for closed questions
All are corrects
Which of the following is a general rule of thumb for designing questions?
Always bear in mind your research questions
Never ask a closed question
Always use vignettes rather than open questions
Use ambiguous terms to but respondents at ease
A critical review aims to:
Summarize information on a topic from all relevant literature to inform practice
Identify strengths and limitations to make conclusions about quality of the evidence
Identify weaknesses in research studied to make judgements about their suitability
Describe the methods used to gain evidence in the research studies
In deciding which literature to include in a critical review you would include all except:
Journal articles that report on the relationship between varables
Published abstracts of research conference papers
Articles that discuss theories or concepts and their application to practice
Published studies that used quealitative methodology
In critically reviewing a report of a quantitaive study the area of the report you would focus on to appraise credibility is the:
Ethical issues
Report of the analysis
Contraints or problems in a study are known as
The section'/ sentence that includes the aim or purpose of the study is found in the:
Literature review
Theoretical framework
When evaluating the research study results you would consider all of the following as important except:
The author's qualifications and experience
The design and methodology for the study
The significance of the findings for dentist practice
The discussion of results and recommendations for practice
In critiquing a qualitative research report you would expect to find information that would assist you in assessing the credibility of the study in the:
Literature review
Discussion of analysis of the data
Philoshophical integration
The final paper of a critical review of literature contains:
A summary of each author's work you have read
A description of the findings in each piece of research
A synthesis of the analysis of the information in the reviewed papers
Your analysis of each piece of literature
A good qualitative problem statement:
Defines the independent and dependent variables
Conveys sense of emerging design
Specifies a research hypothesis to be tested
Specifies the relationship between variables that the researcher expects to find
The "TOOL" function of theory is to:
Summarize existing knowledge
Summarize existing hypothese
Suggest new relationship and make new predictions
Suggest new theories
The statement of purpose in a research study should:
Identify the design of the study
Identify the intent or objective of the study
Specify the type of people to be used in the study
Describe the study
A qualitaive research question:
Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored
Is generally an open-ended question
Both a and b are correct
None of them
According to the text, which of the following orders is the recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea?
Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research question, hypothesis
Research topic, research problem, research question, research purpose, hypothesis
Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question, research purpose
One step that is not included in planning a research study is:
Identifying a researchable problem
Developing a research plan
Statement of the research question
Conducting a mate-analysis of the research
Which of the following is a function of theory?
Making predictions
Explaining phenomena
All of the above are corrects
Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
Sources of researchable problems can include:
Researcher own experiences as educators
Practical issue that require solutions
Theory and past research
All of the above
A review of the literature prior to formulating research questions allows the researcher to do which of the following ?
To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interest
To identify potential methodological problems in the research area
To develop a list of pertinent problems relative to the phenomemnon of interest
All of the above
What kind of ideas can't be empirically researched?
Effectiveness of different methods of instruction
Description of educational practices
Issues of values and morality such as the correctness of having prayer in schools
Factors helpful in predicting future drug use
Computer database searches can be done:
With a computer with CD-ROM drive
At the library
All of the above
The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light of :
Cost and tie required of the researcher
Potential ethical concers
All of the above
Skill required to conduct the study
A formal statement of the research question or "purpose of research study" generally:
Is made prior to the literature review
Is made after the literature review
Is made after the literature review and will help guide the research process
All of the above
A statement of the quantitative research question should:
Extend the statement of purpose by specifying exactly the question(S) the researcher will address
Specify the variables of interest
All of the above
Help the research in selecting appropriate participants, research methods, measures, and materials
The research participants are descried in detail in which section of the research plan?
Data analysis
Research hypotheses are:
Formulated prior to a review of the literature
Statements of predicted relationships between variables
Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
Statements of predicted relationship between variables and stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
A research plan:
Should be detailed
Should be given to others for review and comments
Sets out the rationale for a research study
All of the above
The method section of the research plan typically specifies
The research participants
The apparatus, instruments and materials for the research study
The planned research procedures
All of the above
The Introduction section of the research plan
Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
Contains a statement of the purpose of the study
Concludes with a statement of the research questions and , for quantitative research, it includes the research hypothesis
All are correct
What do you need to be able to provide in order for your research to pass the so what? Test?
Reasons why the research is important
Implications of answering the research question
Proof that no-one has ever conducted a similar study
Reasons why the research is important and Implications of answering the research
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