Child Info Kit and Placement Procedures Quiz

An office setting with a team leader helping a young person review a Child Info Kit, with documents and notes visible on the table, conveying a professional and supportive atmosphere.

Child Info Kit and Placement Procedures Quiz

Test your knowledge on the Child Info Kit and essential procedures related to child placements. This quiz is designed to reinforce your understanding of key protocols and responsibilities within the placement process.

Key Topics:

  • Child Info Kit Completion
  • Placement Register Updates
  • Progress Reports
  • Positive Behaviour Support Plans
66 Questions16 MinutesCreated by GuidingLight234
The TL has _ hours to complete the Child Info Kit part 1 when a new YP comes to placement
How often should the placement register be updated with 'ongoing matching' comments
Every fortnight
How often should expired/required documents be requested? (excluding the ATC)
What is the correct process for requesting an ATC?
Initial request to be done by team leader, then if not received within 24h it should be escalated to region AM or FSO
Request weekly along with other required documents
We don't need an ATC
Who is responsible for sending CI's to the department?
Area Manager
What should be in a CI?
Nothing, CIs aren't necessary
All sections completed, the events that happened in order, first person perspective, objective framed language, includes adults responses to YPs behaviour/feelings
What happened and how the adult felt.
How often should progress reports be sent to the Department & Approved Stakeholders?
Weekly (unless advised otherwise by CSO in writing)
Never, progress reports aren't important
What is the purpose of the Positive Behaviour Support Plan?
To provide the team with the strategies to get the YP to do what you want
To provide the team with some extra reading for fun
To provide the team with positive, proactive, and consistent strategies to assist the young person to be able to identify, understand and manage their emotions and related behaviours safely and effectively.
Who is responsible for looking at the PBSP monthly and providing feedback to the team leader?
The region area manager
The region framework support officer
How often should a stakeholder meeting be held for each YP?
Minimum of monthly
Minimum of every 3 months
How soon after a stakeholder meeting should the minutes be uploaded to the case site?
5 days
7 days
14 days
How often should the YP be included in some way in stakeholder meetings
Every year
Every 6 months
Every month
If a TL needs to drive a YP in their personal car what do they need to do?
Get written approval from AM & provide FCSS with copy of current insurance & signed declaration that the car is safe/road worthy
Get approval from the AAA & provide fuel receipts
How often should team members receive a formal, face to face supervision?
1 per month
1 per week
1 per year
When do supervision notes need to be submitted in ELMO?
By end of the month
Within 5 days of supervision
Within 7 days of supervision
Who is responsible for having the roster completed 14 days in advance?
Team Leader/Framework Support Officer
Area Manager/Framework Support Officer
Team Lead/Area Manager
Who is responsible for organizing replacement staff or filling in shifts?
Area Manager
Framework Support Officer
Who is responsible for rostering team meetings & supervisions?
Framework Support Officer
Team Leader
Area Manager
How often do week day timesheets need to be approved?
How often do weekend time sheets need to be approved?
By 10am the following Monday
By 10am the following Friday
On-call support notes are to be recorded in the support & feedback register by when?
Friday 10am
Monday 10am
Monday 5pm
Team Leaders can be on-shift & on-call at the same time
How often can a STM do on-call for?
5 weekdays per week/weekends for their own house
2 week days per week/weekends for their own house
4 week days per week/weekends for their own house
Can a STM, TL or STL do on-call without having done 'post crisis multilevel response' training
When is the on-call information sheet to be provided to the TL/STL who is scheduled for on-call?
After their on-call shift begins
After their on-call handover
Before their on-call handover
Who receives a copy of the weekend summary?
Team leaders, Area managers, Region framework support officer
Area manager, team leaders
CEO, area manager team leaders
How much notice is required for annual leave (if the leave falls on school holidays/public holiday)?
2 weeks
6 weeks
4 weeks
How much notice is required for annual leave (if the leave does NOT fall on school holidays/public holiday)
4 weeks
6 weeks
2 weeks
How much notice is required for personal carers leave?
2 hours
6 hours
4 hours
Generally an annual leave balance is considered 'excessive' if a shift worker has:
More than 5 weeks annual leave
More than 10 weeks annual leave
More than 12 weeks annual leave
Generally an annual leave balance is considered 'excessive' if an employee has:
More than 8 weeks annual leave
More than 10 weeks annual leave
More than 5 weeks annual leave
If a TM has more than 5 weeks annual leave accumulate the AM may provide written notice to take annual leave at an agreed time?
How long does a Team Leader have to provide an outcome for a leave request?
3 weeks from the initial date it was entered into ENTO
4 weeks from the initial date it was entered into ENTO
2 weeks from initial date it was entered into ENTO
Who is responsible for informing the team member if & why a leave request was declined?
The team leader
The area manager
A post crisis multilevel response must be conducted for which of the following (select all that apply)
All category 1 incidents
Missed medication
All CAT 1 & CAT 2 incidents
Any CAT 2 incident with new/exacerbated behaviours
Any CAT 2 incident where the TM or TL feel a post crisis is required
Align the post crisis stages in order (1 being first, 5 being last)
Life Space Interview for the young person (conducted by youth worker)
Incident review with team member (conducted by supervisor)
Incident review with team (facilitated by supervisor)
Documentation (written by youth worker, supported by TL)
Immediate response (conducted by on-call)
When should a case induction be given to a team member?
During their first shift
Prior to their first shift
After their first shift
Before receiving the induction the team member is responsible for what? (check all that apply)
Reading most recent shift reports
Reading all stakeholder reports
Reading critical information reports
Reading progress reports (including goals)
Reading the Positive Behaviour Support Plan
Who can complete a case induction with new staff? (check all that apply)
Team Leader
Framework Support Officer
Area Manager
Senior Team Member
'Support shift' & student placements require a case induction
How long do team members have to acknowledge a case induction?
5 days
7 days
14 days
48 hours
If a TM has not worked with a YP for ___ they are to be provided with a new case induction prior to completing a solo shift with that YP
6 months
3 months
1 month
What is required to NOT hold a face-to-face case induction? (check all that apply)
Written approval from Area Manager
Written approval from the team member
Rationale (reason it cannot be done face-to-face)
If a TM did NOT receive a face-to-face at placement induction & is allocated to the core team they will need a 2nd follow up case induction within 7 days.
If a second face-to-face at placement case induction is required, how is this documented?
Override the original case induction
Create a second case induction & follow the same steps
How many team meetings should be held per month?
If only 1 meeting is held over the month what is required? (check all that apply)
Area manager written approval
Approval from the team to cancel the meeting
Team Meeting minutes are to be saved to sharepoint how soon after the meeting?
7 days
14 days
By end of the month
5 days
How long should team meetings run? (excluding placements with multiple siblings)
30 min per young person
1 hour per young person
2 hours
How often should a YP be included in the team meeting?
1 per month
1 every 3 months
Every team meeting
If a YP is unable to attend the team meeting who is responsible for ensuring the YP is provided a summary of the meeting?
The team leader
The team
The area manager
How often should team meetings be held with a new YP comes to placement?
Weekly for 6 weeks
Every 2 weeks
Weekly for 4 weeks
How many team meetings a month do team members need to attend?
All meetings scheduled for the month
None of the meetings
Half all of all meetings scheduled for the month
How many team meetings a month do team members need to attend if there is a new YP at placement?
What is the process for delegation of authority (in order)?
Fixing accountability
Assigning responsibility
Granting authority
When a new YP has been placed, how soon do TLs need to book practice reviews?
First month
First 3 months
First 6 weeks
Additional practice reviews can be organized for what reasons? (check all that apply)
An increase in assaults or WH&S concerns
Increase in staff burn out due to complexities
A decrease in goal achievement for the team
A YP is not doing what the team wants them to
A YP has been with FCSS for 12+ months & additional focus may be beneficial to support future transition
Who is responsible for household budgets?
Team leader
Area manager
Framework support officer
Area administration assistant
A team member or team leader can discuss ending a placement with any other stakeholder
If a team leader is questioning the sustainability of placement who should they talk to?
Area manager & discuss with CEO
Another team leader & discuss with area manager
Team member & discuss with area manager
If a YP is transitioning out of FCSS what info should be included on the case site? (check all that apply)
Discussions with the AAA
All steps in the transition
Discussion with the department
Discussions with the YP
Transportation of the YP to their new accommodation/service centre
Who is responsible for completing the end of placement info on the placement register?
Teram Leader
Area Manager
Area admin assistant
Framework support officer
Contingency hours. What are the reasons a team member may not be able to come off shift at their allocated time? (check all that apply)
The YP is refusing to go to school
The YP is unwell
A critical incident has gone beyond or occurs outside of allocated hours
The YP is suspended from school
The team member wants extra overtime hours
The YP is hospitalised
Who is responsible for ensuring property & vehicle checklists are carried out?
The team leader
The team member
The area manager
What does the Framework Support Officer review monthly? (check all that apply)
Staff work life balance (rosters)
Property inspections
Case Reviews
WH&S reports
Why do child safety do inspections/audits on FCSS placements, cases and staffing?
Because they're nosey
To ensure licensing standards are being met
To ensure continuous improvements are identified & achieved
{"name":"Child Info Kit and Placement Procedures Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the Child Info Kit and essential procedures related to child placements. This quiz is designed to reinforce your understanding of key protocols and responsibilities within the placement process.Key Topics:Child Info Kit CompletionPlacement Register UpdatesProgress ReportsPositive Behaviour Support Plans","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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