7-8pm Meeting: LINKEE Update

A friendly, diverse group of college students discussing together in a study space, with laptops and books around, showcasing communication and collaboration.

Connecting with Your Linkees

Are you effectively supporting your Linkees? This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your interactions, identify successful communication methods, and gather insights to improve your mentorship experience.

  • Assess the frequency of your contact with Linkees
  • Evaluate the best communication channels
  • Share resources and support topics that matter
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by HelpingHand123
Have you been in contact with your Linkees?
Multiple times a week
Once a week
Every other week
I haven’t heard from them
What forms of communication have worked best so far?
Zoom/video chat
In-person (socially distant of course!)
What are some topics and/or resources that you have been able to help your Linkees with?
Study spaces
Tutoring Information
CAPS Information
SAS Resources
Roommate Problems
Adjusting to Campus
Things to do in Burlington
Directing them to their Advisor
Campus Tours
How well do you think your Linkees are adjusting to campus? (10 is really well, 1 is not well)
How are you adjusting this semester?
Really well
eh could be better
not doing well
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