Anatomy 4

Create an image depicting a detailed anatomical diagram of the human urinary system, showcasing kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra in a vibrant, educational style.

Test Your Knowledge of Anatomy and Urinary System

Welcome to the Anatomy 4 quiz! This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of the human anatomy, particularly focusing on the urinary system and its components. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or someone interested in learning more about anatomy, this quiz is perfect for you.

Features of the quiz:

  • 81 thought-provoking questions
  • Covers various aspects of kidney function and urine composition
  • Multiple choice format for easy navigation
81 Questions20 MinutesCreated by ExploringAnatomy42
Do not dissociate in solution
All of the following are layers of the filtration membrane in the glomerular membrane, EXCEPT the _______.
Fenestrated endothelium
Basement membrane
Renal capsule
Fluid in the space between cells
Match each urinary term with its characteristic: Long nephrons that deeply invade the medulla
Macula densa cells
Fibrous capsule
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Renal fascia
Juxtaglomerular cells
Match each urinary term with its characteristic: Anchors kidneys to surrounding
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Renal fascia
Fibrous capsule
Macula densa cells
Juxtaglomerular cells
Match each urinary term with its characteristic: Prevents infection from other areas spreading to the kidney
Juxtaglomerular cells
Renal fascia
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Fibrous capsule
Macula densa cells
Match each urinary term with its characteristic: Specialized chemoreceptors
Macula densa cells
Juxtaglomerular cells
Renal fascia
Fibrous capsule
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Match each urinary term with its characteristic: Specialized mechanoreceptors
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Macula densa cells
Fibrous capsule
Juxtaglomerular cells
Renal fascia
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Arcuate artery
Vasa recta
Between the cortex and medulla
Between the renal pyramids
Exiting the kidney
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Interlobar artery
Between the cortex and medulla
Exiting the kidney
Vasa recta
Between the renal pyramids
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Renal vein
Between the cortex and medulla
Between the renal pyramids
Exiting the kidney
Vasa recta
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Surrounding the loop of Henle
Vasa recta
Between the cortex and medulla
Between the renal pyramids
Exiting the kidney
Match the appropriate pressures in and around the glomerulus with their correct names: Net filtration pressure
The force of blood against the walls of the golmerular
The sum of all the pressures that act at the level of the glomerulus; responsible for the formation of filtrate.
Force that pulls fluid back into the glomerulus from the capsular space
Pressure exerted by fluid in the glomerular capsule against the fluids coming out of the glomerulus.
Match the appropriate pressures in and around the glomerulus with their correct names: Capsular hydrostatic pressure
Force that pulls fluid back into the glomerulus from the capsular space
The sum of all the pressures that act at the level of the glomerulus; responsible for the formation of filtrate.
Pressure exerted by fluid in the glomerular capsule against the fluids coming out of the glomerulus.
The force of blood against the walls of the glomerular capillaries
Match the appropriate pressures in and around the glomerulus with their correct names: Colloid osmotic pressure
Force that pulls fluid back into the glomerulus from the capsular space
Pressure exerted by fluid in the glomerular capsule against the fluids coming out of the glomerulus.
The force of blood against the walls of the glomerular capillaries
The sum of all the pressures that act at the level of the glomerulus; responsible for the formation of filtrate.
Match the appropriate pressures in and around the glomerulus with their correct names: Glomerular hydrostatic pressure
The force of blood against the walls of the glomerular capillaries
The sum of all the pressures that act at the level of the glomerulus; responsible for the formation of filtrate.
Force that pulls fluid back into the glomerulus from the capsular space
Pressure exerted by fluid in the glomerular capsule against the fluids coming out of the glomerulus.
Both the male and female urethras serve both the urinary and the reproductive systems.
Possibly occurring with emphysema, extreme obesity, or narcotic overdose.
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
When the concentration of ADH increases, ________.
More salt is secreted by the nephron
More urine is produced
Less urine is produced
Less water is reabsorbed by the nephron and collecting duct
The specific gravity of the urine decreases
Match the following chemicals found in urine with their causes: Proteins
Elevated levels are expected in a diabetic
Usually seen in association with trauma to the kidneys or along the urinary tract.
Often seen after excessive physical exertion
Elevated levels are evidence of starvation or untreated diabetes mellitus.
Match the following chemicals found in urine with their causes: Ketone bodies
Usually seen in association with trauma to the kidneys or along the urinary tract.
Elevated levels are expected in a diabetic
Elevated levels are evidence of starvation or untreated diabetes mellitus.
Often seen after excessive physical exertion
Match the following chemicals found in urine with their causes: Glucose
Elevated levels are expected in a diabetic
Often seen after excessive physical exertion
Usually seen in association with trauma to the kidneys or along the urinary tract.
Elevated levels are evidence of starvation or untreated diabetes mellitus.
Match the following chemicals found in urine with their causes: Erythrocytes
Elevated levels are evidence of starvation or untreated diabetes mellitus.
Usually seen in association with trauma to the kidneys or along the urinary tract.
Often seen after excessive physical exertion
Elevated levels are expected in a diabetic
Match the following condition with their cause: Any condition that impairs gas exchange or lung ventilation; rapid, shallow breathing; narcotic or barbiturate overdoes or injury to brain stem
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Match the following condition with their cause: Hyperventilation; brain tumor or injury
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Match the following condition with their cause: Vomiting; selected diuretics; ingestion of excessive amount of sodium bicarbonate; constipation; excess aldosterone
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Match the following condition with their cause: Severe diarrhea; renal disease; untreated diabetes Mellitus; starvation; excess alcohol ingestion
Respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
The main fluid compartment located within the cell.
Dissociated into ions in water.
The basic functional unit of the kidney is the _______.
Renal corpuscle
Major calyx
Loop of Henle
May form meandering vessels or bundles of long straight vessels.
Afferent arterioles
Glomerular capillaries
Efferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Match the following conditions with their possible causes and/or consequences: When the ECF osmolality starts to drop as a result of overhydration
Hypotonic hydration
Match the following conditions with their possible causes and/or consequences: An atypical fluid accumulation in the interstitial space, leading to tissue swelling
Hypotonic hydration
Match the following conditions with their possible causes and/or consequences: When water output exceeds intake over a period of time
Hypotonic hydration
Match the following conditions with their possible causes and/or consequences: Low ECF Na+
Hypotonic hydration
The path urine takes after is it formed until it leaves the body is the urethra, urinary bladder, and finally the ureter.
Magnesium excess.
The act of emptying the bladder is called voiding.
Match the following electrolytes with their descriptions: Major extracellular anion
Match the following electrolytes with their descriptions: Major intracellular anion
Match the following electrolytes with their descriptions: Major extracellular cation
Match the following electrolytes with their descriptions: Major intracellular cation
The renal _______ is continuous with the ureter.
The most important factor affecting the glomerular filtration rate is _________.
Net filtration pressure
Blood osmotic pressure
Negative pressure
Capsular hydrostatic pressure
Capsular osmotic pressure
High pressure vessel that forces fluid and solutes into the glomerular capsule.
Afferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Golmerular capillaries
Vasa recta
The main fluid compartment outside the cells.
Which substance would NOT normally be expected in urine?
Nitrogenous waste
Possibly caused by severe diarrhea or untreated diabetes mellitus.
Respiratory alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Which of the following statements about the urinary system is INCORRECT?
It metabolizes vitamin D to its active form
It produces renin, which helps regulate blood pressure
It carries out the majority of gluconeogenesis in the body
It produces erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell formation
Low pressure, porous vessels that reabsorb solutes and water form the tubule cells.
Afferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Glomerular capillaries
Vasa recta
Possibly caused by vomiting, use of diuretics, or use of antacids.
Respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Match the internal anatomical structures with their most appropriate descriptions: Small, cup-shaped structures at the apex o the renal pyramids
Renal medulla
Renal pelvis
Minor calyces
Renal cortex
Match the internal anatomical structures with their most appropriate descriptions: Flat, funnel-shaped tube that enters, into the ureter
Renal pelvis
Minor calyces
Renal cortex
Renal medulla
Match the internal anatomical structures with their most appropriate descriptions: Light tan in appearance and just deep to the capsule
Renal medulla
Renal cortex
Renal pelvis
Minor calyces
Match the internal anatomical structures with their most appropriate descriptions: Composed of cone-shaped, dark-red masses
Minor calyces
Renal pelvis
Renal medulla
Renal cortex
Match the urinary system feature with its correct characteristic: A protein metabolite found in skeletal muscle and excreted in urine
Waste that actually helps form the medullary gradient
A nitrogen waste product from nucleic acid metabolism
Match the urinary system feature with its correct characteristic: Not normally found in the urine
Waste that actually helps form the medullary gradient
A nitrogen waste product from nucleic acid metabolism
Match the urinary system feature with its correct characteristic: Its reabsorption occurs with K+ efflux
A nitrogen waste product from nucleic acid metabolism
Waste that actually helps form the medullary gradient
Match the urinary system feature with its correct characteristic: Urea
Waste that actually helps form the medullary gradient
A nitrogen waste product from nucleic acid metabolism
Match the urinary system feature with its correct characteristic: Uric acid
A nitrogen waste product from nucleic acid metabolism
Waste that actually helps form the medullary gradient
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Peritubular capillaries
These are the first branches of the renal artery after it enters the hilum of the kidney.
Blood vessels leading directly into the glomerulus.
Specialized blood vessels leading away from the glomerulus.
Capillaries that surround the tubules of the nephron.
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Segmental artery
These are the first branches of the renal artery after it enters the hilum of the kidney.
Capillaries that surround the tubules of the nephron.
Blood vessels leading directly into the glomerulus.
Specialized blood vessels leading away from the glomerulus.
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Afferent arteriole
Capillaries that surround the tubules of the nephron.
Blood vessels leading directly into the glomerulus.
Specialized blood vessels leading away from the glomerulus.
These are the first branches of the renal artery after it enters the hilum of the kidney.
Match the following vessels found in the kidney with their locations: Efferent arteriole
Specialized blood vessels leading away from the glomerulus.
These are the first branches of the renal artery after it enters the hilum of the kidney.
Capillaries that surround the tubules of the nephron.
Blood vessels leading directly into the glomerulus.
Which process results in increased blood pressure in response to hormone release?
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism
Myogenic mechanism
Adrenergic response
Countercurrent mechanism
Tubuloglomerular response
Fenestrated vessels that allow passage of all plasma elements but not blood cells.
Efferent arterioles
Peritubular capillaries
Glomerular capillaries
Vasa recta
The entire responsibility for urine formation lies with the nephron.
Match the following parts of the glomerular structures with their correct description: Glomerulus
Specialized, branched epithelial cells that cling to the glomerulus
Large knot of capillaries at the beginning of the nephron
Glomerulus and glomerular (Bowman’s capsule), collectively
The capillary pores of the glomerulus
Match the following parts of the glomerular structures with their correct description: Renal corpuscle
Glomerulus and glomerular (Bowman’s capsule), collectively
The capillary pores of the glomerulus
Specialized, branched epithelial cells that cling to the glomerulus
Large knot of capillaries at the beginning of the nephron
Match the following parts of the glomerular structures with their correct description: Podocytes
Large knot of capillaries at the beginning of the nephron
Specialized, branched epithelial cells that cling to the glomerulus
The capillary pores of the glomerulus
Glomerulus and glomerular (Bowman’s capsule), collectively
Match the following parts of the glomerular structures with their correct description: Fenestrae
Glomerulus and glomerular (Bowman’s capsule), collectively
Large knot of capillaries at the beginning of the nephron
The capillary pores of the glomerulus
Specialized, branched epithelial cells that cling to the glomerulus
Play a role in urine concentration.
Peritubular capillaries
Glomerular capillaries
Vasa recta
Afferent arterioles
Renal ptosis may lead to _______.
Hydronephrosis due to urine backup
Degeneration of the perirenal fat
Renal calculus formation
Bleeding in the kidney tissue
Possibly caused by asthma, pneumonia, or a severe panic attack.
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Match the following hormones with their actions on the urinary system: A powerful vasoconstrictor that also stimulates the secretion of aldosterone
Angiotensin II
Match the following hormones with their actions on the urinary system: Regulates water reabsorption at the collecting duct
Angiotensin II
Match the following hormones with their actions on the urinary system: Enzyme that catalyzes the formation of angiotensin I
Angiotensin II
Match the following hormones with their actions on the urinary system: Promotes reabsorption of sodium at the distal convoluted tubule
Angiotensin II
The position of the kidneys behind the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity is described by the term retroperitoneal.
Name and describe at least four functions of the kidney.
{"name":"Anatomy 4", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Anatomy 4 quiz! This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of the human anatomy, particularly focusing on the urinary system and its components. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or someone interested in learning more about anatomy, this quiz is perfect for you.Features of the quiz:81 thought-provoking questionsCovers various aspects of kidney function and urine compositionMultiple choice format for easy navigation","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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