Effective Communication Quiz

A professional work environment where team members are engaged in conversation, showcasing effective communication and collaboration.

Effective Communication Quiz

Assess your communication skills with our engaging quiz designed for team members and co-workers. Discover how your communication style impacts your workplace interactions and relationships.

  • Evaluate your approach to conflicts.
  • Understand how you express your feelings.
  • Identify ways to improve your communication techniques.
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ListeningLeaf42
1. When talking to a team member or co-worker
I maintain eye contact the whole time.
Alternate between looking at the person and looking down..
I look around the room a good deal of the time.
I try to maintain eye contact, but look away from time to time
2. If I have an important decision to make....
I think it through completely before deciding.
I go with my gut instincts.
I consider the impact it will have on other people before deciding.
I run it by someone whose opinion I respect before deciding.
3. If I am having a conflict with a co-worker
I try to help the situation along by focusing on the positive.
I stay calm and try to understand the cause of the conflict.
I try to avoid discussing the issue that caused the conflict.
I confront it right away so that I can get it resolved as soon as possible.
4. If a co-worker is upset.....
I ask if I can do anything to help.
I leave him alone because I don’t want to intrude on his privacy.
I try to cheer him up and help him to see the bright side.
I feel uncomfortable and hope he gets over it soon.
5. When I attend meetings...
I sit back and think about what is being said before offering my opinion.
I put all my cards on the table so that my opinion is well known.
I express my opinion enthusiastically, but listen to others’ ideas as well.
I try to support the ideas of other people in the meeting.
6. When a someone is explaining a problem to me...
I try to understand and empathize with how she is feeling.
I look for the specific facts pertaining to the situation.
 I listen carefully for the main issue so that I can find a solution
I use my body language and voice so that I can show her that I understand.
7. When I want to get my point across to a co-worker... 
I listen to their point of view first and then express my ideas gently.
I strongly state my opinion so that they will know where I stand.
I try to persuade them without being too forceful.
I explain the thinking and logic behind what I am saying.
8. When I am late for a meeting or an appointment....
I don’t panic but call ahead to say that I will be a few minutes late.
I feel bad about keeping the other person waiting.
I get very upset and rush to get there as soon as possible.
I apologize profusely once I arrive.
9. I set goals and objectives...
I think I can realistically attain.
I feel are challenging and that I can realistically attain.
I need to achieve as part of a bigger objective.
Will make me feel good when I achieve them.
10. When explaining a problem to a co-worker whom I need help from...
I explain the problem in as much detail as possible.
I sometimes exaggerate to make my point.
I try to explain how the problem makes me feel.
I explain how I would like the problem to be solved.
11. If I already arrived but my co-workers are late for a meeting...
I keep myself busy by making phone calls or working until they arrive.
I assume they were delayed a bit and don’t get upset.
I call to make sure I have the correct information (time, date, etc..)
I get upset that the person is wasting my time.
12. When I am behind on a project and feel pressure to get it done...
I make a list of everything I need to do, in what order, by when.
I block out everything else and focus 100% on the work I need to do.
I become anxious and have a hard time focusing on my work.
I set a date to get the project done by and go for it.
13. If I feel verbally attacked by a co-worker...
I tell her to stop it.
I feel hurt but usually don’t say anything about it.
I ignore my co-worker’s anger and try to focus on the facts of the situation.
I let that person know in strong terms that I don’t like their behavior.
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