Ts 2

Create an image of a control system diagram featuring matrices and transfer fun<wbr>ctions, incorporating elements like graphs, equations, and electronic components in a visually appealing layout.

Control Systems Quiz

Test your knowledge on control systems and state-space equations with this engaging quiz. This is a perfect opportunity for students and professionals alike to assess their understanding of key concepts in control theory.

What you will find:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Topics covering matrix theory and transfer functions
  • Great way to challenge yourself and learn!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CalculatingFish72
1. Matricea marimilor de intrare dintr-un sistem de ecutatii de stare are forma
A. nxm
B. mxm
C. nxn
2. O valoare proprie a unei matrici trebuie sa satisfaca urmatoarea relatie
A. A+B+C+D=0
B. A*lamda=lamda*v
C. A*v=lamda*v
3. Matricea de tranzitie a sistemelor este importanta pentru
A. Determinarea valorilor proprii
B. Determinarea raspunsurilor temporale a sistemelor nedete
C. Determinarea ecuatiilor de stare
4.Matricea de transfer a unui sistem se determina cu relatia
A. G(s)=C*1/(Si-A)*B+D
B. G(s)=C*1/(Si-A)*B+A
C. G(s)=C*(Si-A)*B+D
5. Functia "connect" are rolul:
A. Conecteaza blocurile unei scheme bloc
B. Inmulteste ecutatiile unui sitem de intrare stare iesire
6. Metoda de determinare a matricii de tranzitie este:
A. teorema Cayley-Hamilton
B. transformarea Laplace inversa
C. Utilizarea formulei Lagrange-Silvester
7. Intr-un sistem de ecuatii intrare-stare-iesire matricea A semnifica:
A. Matricea marimilor de stare
B. Matricea marimilor de iesire
C. Matricea marimilor de intrare
8. Matricele unui sistem de ecuatii intrare-stare-iesire au dimensiuni standard. Ce forma are matricea sistemului?
A. coloana
B. patratica
9. Se da matricea de forma 1 0 0 2 -2 0 0 0 -4. Care sunt valorile proprii?
A. -1, 2 , 4
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, -2, -4
10. Functia matlab de conversie din functie de transfer intr-un sistem de ecuatii intrare-stare-iesire este:
A. tf2ss
B. ss2tf
C. convert
11. Ce rezultat obtinem la apelarea functiei matlab "expm"?
A. Nu exista functia in matlab
B.forma exponenitala a unei matrici
C. Realizeaza extragerea de radical
12. In Simulink blocul pentru studiul unui sistem de ecuatii de intrare-stare-iesire se numeste:
A. Transfer Fcn
B. Mux
C. State Space
13. Functia matlab de conversie a unui sistem de ecuatii intrare-stare-iesire intr-o functie de transfer este:
A. tf2ss
B. convert
C. ss2tf
{"name":"Ts 2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on control systems and state-space equations with this engaging quiz. This is a perfect opportunity for students and professionals alike to assess their understanding of key concepts in control theory.What you will find:Multiple-choice questionsTopics covering matrix theory and transfer functionsGreat way to challenge yourself and learn!","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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