POL 106 Q1 AND Q2

A visually appealing infographic depicting workplace rights, discrimination laws, and communication strategies, incorporating symbols of justice and inclusivity.

Workplace Rights and Communication Skills Quiz

Test your knowledge on workplace rights, discrimination laws, and effective communication strategies with our engaging quiz. This quiz is designed to help you understand important concepts within workplace dynamics and the legal framework surrounding them.

  • Learn about federal and state laws that protect against discrimination.
  • Enhance your understanding of communication and interpersonal interactions.
  • Challenge your knowledge with multiple-choice questions.
32 Questions8 MinutesCreated by UnderstandingLaw256
The federal law that prohibits most workplace harassment and discrimination, covering all private, state, and local employers with 15 or more employees. More as well but too much to type.
Title IX
Title VII
Title X
Behavior that targets individuals because they belong to a certain group is
Intentional or "Evil" Intent
Disparate Treatment
Denial of Accommodations
What year was Michigan's Non-discrimination law, the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act Passed?
Which Act covers ALL employers and has a broader discrimination scope?
Elliott-Larsen Act
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Which Title of the Americans with Disabilities Act protects qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination on the basis of disability in services, programs, and activities provided by State and local government entities?
Title VII
Title II
Title IX
Hate/bias crimes with the malicious and specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person's race, color, religion, or national origin are ________.
Civil Disuputes
Ethnic Intimidation
Unconscious Bias
Is something we all have
Is something police officers never have
Is the best way to form an opinion
The totality of shared and transmitted values, behavior patterns, and all other products of human behavior and thought characteristics of a particular community or population is the definition of
Family Values
A shared value of Law Enforcement subculture is
Courage, integrity, and honesty
Officer safety and loyalty
What is a benefit of understanding the cultures around us?
Allows us to know who the criminals are
Strengthens relationships within the community
Helps us testify in court in front of a jury
A standardized mental picture held by an individual or group about others that is oversimplified and overlooks individuality.
Ethnic Intimidation
Effective communication is an interactive exchange where a degree of ______ takes place.
The words that are being said is what percent of communication?
Non-verbal aspects of communication are ______%.
What is NOT an factor that affects communication.
The ability to be a good listener
Understanding perceptions
The ability to get people to agree with you.
What type of questions should be used to encourage verbal communication?
Open ended
Open minded
Open variable
Which is NOT an active listening skill?
Reflecting and mirroring
Loud voices, Profanity and threatening words are examples of ______ indicators of hostility.
Red face, clenched fists and fixed stare are examples of ______ indicators of hostility.
In order to be considered a "victim" a person must suffer harm or loss _______?
Without consent
On purpose
Through no fault of their own
Which of the following would NOT be considered a "victim"?
A person who was raped by a stranger
A person who could not afford the payment and had their car repossessed
The family of a homicide victim
Which of the following is a victim "need to know"?
What comes next
How to file an insurance claim
How long the lab will take to process DNA
Which is the best way to deliver an emergency message?
By telephone
Text Message
In Person
Within how many hours after initial contact must a victim receive victim's rights info?
48 Hours
24 Hours
Any time before sentencing
Which of the following is covered by the Crime Victims Service Commission
Funeral costs
Costs for counseling and rehabilitation
Both A & B
When a victim has to see the suspect in court and has to testify, they may experience ________?
Vicarious liability
Secondary victimization
A loss of memory
Which property could be returned to victims?
Broken picture frame
Weapon used in the crime
The victim's place of employment, address, and phone number shall be _________?
Publicly displayed
Exchanged with the suspect
Kept confidential
When dealing with a victim, an officer should do which of the following?
Be judgmental and treat them differently
Actively listen and show respect
Reassure their safety and blame the victim
_________________ can be described as situations dealing with relationships between people, such as a marriage, or a contract dispute between corporations.
Civil disputes
Status complaints
Criminal issues
Methods of resolving civil disputes include:
Advising the parties of alternative course of action
Protecting the safety of involved parties and officer(s)
Arresting involved parties in volatile on-going disputes when a violation of the law occurs or either of the above.
____________ if left unchallenged / uncontested can lead to destructive behaviors such as discrimination, racism, and sexism.
Racial Profiling
{"name":"POL 106 Q1 AND Q2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on workplace rights, discrimination laws, and effective communication strategies with our engaging quiz. This quiz is designed to help you understand important concepts within workplace dynamics and the legal framework surrounding them.Learn about federal and state laws that protect against discrimination.Enhance your understanding of communication and interpersonal interactions.Challenge your knowledge with multiple-choice questions.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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