
Neuroanatomy Mastery Quiz
Test your knowledge of neuroanatomy with this comprehensive quiz featuring 91 detailed questions. Designed for both students and professionals, this quiz covers a wide range of topics including the nervous system, brain structures, neurophysiology, and anatomical pathways.
Participate to strengthen your understanding of neuroanatomical concepts, including:
- Ganglia of the nervous system
- Fun
ctional areas of the cerebellum - Reflex arcs and their components
True ganglia nervous system:
Motor ganglia exclusive to cranial nerve
Autonomic ganglia found embedded on walls of various viscera
Sensory ganglia present along cranial nerves
Some ganglia located within CNS
Lateral wall sinus cavernous contains, EXCEPT:
N. oculomotorius
N. ophtalmicus
N. trochlearis
N. mandibularis
Gray matter spinal chord characteristics:
Substantia gelatinosa present through length of spinal cord
Central group anterior gray column is present in some thoracic segments
N. Dorsal associated with proprioceptive endings
Intermediolateral group of lateral gray column receives visceral afferent information
Roof 4th ventricle:
Contains apertura mediana ventriculi quarti
Contains no choroid plexus
Made by ependyma and pia matter in its upper part
Contain choroid plexus of ventricles
Structures that pass through fissure pterygomaxillary:
A. maxillaris
N. nasopalatinus
Plexus pterygoideus
N. maxillaries
True functional areas cerebellar cortex:
Intermediate zone control movement feet
Flocculonodulus controlling movement feet
Vermis involve in assessment of movement errors
Lateral zone control movement lymbs only
Reticular activating system control:
Facial expression muscle
Level consciousness
Somatic and visceral sensation
Skin regio temporalis innervated by:
N. auricotemporalis
N. Auricularis profundus
N. Temporali profondi
N. bucalis
Vestibulospinal track:
Is uncrossed
Decussates right after its origin
Terminates on interneurons of anterior gray column
Inhibits activity extensor muscle
A. basilaris:
Provides labyrinthine artery
Form by union of 2 anterior cerebellar arteries
Located in anterior surface brainstem
Terminates by splitting into 2 posterior cerebellar arteries
Renshaw cells:
Receive input from collaterals of posterior non ganglionic neurons
Are interneurons
Inhibit lower motor neurons
Receive input from descending pathway
Meissner corpuscle are:
Sensitive to vibration
Stretch receptors
Rapid adapting mechanisms
Found in joint capsule
Sinus cavernosus:
Located 2 sides corpus Ossis sphenoidalis
Contain A. Carotis interna
Is in fossa cranial anterior
Extend to base of temporal bone
Structures that participate in light reflex:
Pretectal nucleus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Trochlear nucleus
Adducent nucleus
Which of the following carry affären fibers to the hypothalamus?
Ansa lenticularis
Indusium griseum
Medial forebrain bundle
Extracapsular ligaments of the temporomandibular joint are:
Raphe mylohyoideus
Lig. sphenomandibulare
Lig. stylomandibulare
Rate pterygomandiularis, a tendinous band between he pterygoid Hamelns and the mandible
The monosynaptic reflex arc contains:
An interneuron
A Renshaw neuron
A receptor organ
An afferent neuron
The central group of the anterior column of the spinal cord compromises the:
Nucleus lumbosacralis
Nucleus proprius
Nucleus dorsalis
Nucleus phrenicus
Crus cerebra of the mesencephalon:
Contains frontopontine fibres in its medial part
Is made up by ascending fibers
Is closely related to fascicles longitudinalis medalis
Is found anterior to substantia nigra
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons:
Use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter
Have non-myelinated axons
Reach target organs directly
Are located in segments T1 to L2(3) of the spinal cord
Is is true regarding the corticostriate fibers:
Their neurotransmitter is glutamate
Project to Globus pallidus medialis
Most of them are inhibitory
Most of them are ipsilateral
The lateral vascular nervous bundle of orbit contains:
M. zygomaticus
N. nasociliaris
N. frontalis
N. lacrimalis
The molecular layer of the cerebral cortex:
Contains large number of cell bodies
Contains large number of synapses between different neurons
Is the second layer of the cortex
Consists of a dense network of fibers
It is true regarding the spinal nerves:
The posterior root contains afferent fibers
Their posterior root ganglia contain sensory fibers
Their posterior rami contribute to nerve plexi of the limbs
The thoracic and lumbar nerves form the cauda equina
Corpus mammillare has the following connections:
Tractus mamillothalamicus
Tractus mamillotegmentalis
All other answers are correct
It is true regarding the innervation of the muscles of the iris:
M. Dilator pupillae is innervated by sympathetic fibers
M. Sphincter pupillae is innervated by sympathetic fibers
M. Dilator pupillae is innervated by parasympathetic fibers
M. Sphincter pupillae is innervated by parasympathetic fibers
Find the correct answers:
Peripharyngeal spaces are divided in retropharyngeal and lateropharyngeal space
The retropharyngeal space is placed symmetrically on the sides of the pharynx
The styloid diaphragm divides in the retropharyngeal space into the pre- and retrostyloid
The peripharyngeal space is located around the cephalon part of the pharynx
The olivary nucleus complex of the medulla oblongata:
Contains the superior olivary nucleus
Is involved in visceral muscle movement
Innervates the ipsilateral cerebellum
Contains accessory olivary nuclei
Arteria spinalis anterior:
Supplies the anterior two thirds of the spinal cord
Gives rise to the anterior radicular arteries
May come from the basilar artery
Arises from both vertebral arteries
Falx cerebri:
Is attached to crista galli
Runs between the cerebellar hemispheres
The superior sagital sinus runs in its lower free margin
Is a sickle shaped fold of dura mater
Lacks Nissl granules in their axoplasm
Contain large amounts of ribosomes
Always conducts impulses towards the cell body
May be over 1m long
Golgi type I neurons:
Are present in the anterior horn of the spinal cord
Are Purkinje cells of the cerebral cortex
Are the most numerous neuron type
Have a long axon
The submandibular compartment contains:
Nervus lingualis
Nervus transversus coli
Arteria facialis
The molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex:
It is the location where granule cell axons bifurcate into parallel fibers
Contains the dendritic trees of Purkinje cells
All the other answers are correct
Contains basket cells
Stimulation of the posterior and lateral nuclei of the hypothalamus causes:
Pupillary constriction
Lowering of the blood pressure
Acceleration of heart rate
It is true for Regio Colli mediana:
The larynx and the cervical trachea form the second visceral layer
Contains a. subclavia
The superficial veins are collected into v. Jugulars externa
It's superior border is the body of the mandible
Myelin-forming cells of the CNS are called:
Fibrous astrocytes
Protoplasmic astrocytes
Microglial cells
Which of the following are encapsulated receptors?
Neurotendinous spindles
Merkel discs
Free nerve endings
Ruffini corpuscles
Arteria carotid interna has the following branches:
Arteria cerebri anterior
Arteria cerebelli superior
Arteria cervicalis ascendens
Arteria ophthalamica
Autonomic innervation of the descending colon is provided:
Through pelvic sphlanchiac nerves
Through plexus mesentericus inferior
All the other answers are correct
From segments L2-L4 of the spinal cord
Fasciculus gracillis of the spinal cord:
Decussates in the anterior white commissure
Is created by radicular neuron axons
Decussates in Decussatio lemniscorum of the medulla oblongata
Contains sacral fibers
Nonmyelinated nerve fibers:
Indent on the surface of the Schawn cells
Have their individual Schwann cells
Have nodes of Ranvier along their length
Are usually less than 1 micrometer in diameter
Heterotypical cortices:
May be found in the postcentral gyrus
Contain large numbers of Purkinje cells
Are mostly found in association areas
May be of agranular type
The internal acute fibers of the medulla oblongata:
Create the decussate lemniscorum
Represent the great motor decussation
Travel posterior to the central gray matter
Emerge from nucleus gracillis
The premotor are of the cerebral cortex receives afferent fibers from the:
Basal ganglia
Nucleus ruber
Sensory cortex
The corticospinal tracts:
Pass in the middle part of the base of the pendunculus cerebri
Decussate at the bulbopontine boundary
Terminate ipsilaterally in the spinal cord anterior column
Have fibers originating from the parietal lobe
The basal vein of the brain drains the:
Superficial middle cerebral vein
Superior cerebral veins
Thalamostriate vein
Striate veins
Which of the following are long association fibers of the telencephalon?
Fasciculus gracillis
Fasciculus retroflexus
Fasciculus uncinatus
Which nuclei of the thalamus are involved in performance of voluntary motor movements?
Ventral lateral
Ventral posterior
Ventral anterior
The horizontal cells of Cajal of the cerebral cortex:
Have an axon that runs parallel to the surface of the cortex
Are large multipolar cells
Have dendrites that exit the cortex
Are found in the most superficial layer
It is true regarding the cerebrospinal fluid:
It is absorbed in the arachnoid villi
It is secreted by arachnoid granulations
It passes the aqueducts cerebri in the superior direction
It is secreted by the choroid plexi
Foramen lacerum contains:
Plexus caroticus internus
Nervus petrosus ascendes
Vena emissaria
Nervus petrosus minor
N. Splanichus major and minor:
Pass through the diaphragm
Are parasympathetic
Contain postganglionic fibers
Are thoracic splanchnic nerves
It is true regarding the innervation of the lacrimal gland:
Parasympathetic innervation passes through n. tympanicus
Sympathetic innervation passes through N. Petrosus profundus
Sympathetic innervation passes through n. Petrosus minor
Parasympathetic innervation passes through n. Petrosus major
The intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus:
Receive afferent fibers from the reticular formation
Send efferent fibers to the primary motor cortex
Send efferent fibers to corpus mammillare
Receive afferent fibers from the spinothalamic tracts
Muscle that retract mandible, EXCEPT:
M. geniohyoideus
M. mylohyoideus
M. Temporalis posterior fibers
M. Pterygoideus lateralis
Borders scaleno-vertebral triangle:
Medial - cervical spine
Medial - trachea and esophagus
Inferior - dome pleura
Lateral - lateral of scaleno muscle
Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis relays:
Medial leminiscus
Spinal leminiscus
Trigeminal pathway
Gustatory pathway
Interscalenic fissure contains:
Plexus cervicalis
Truncus venous jugularis
Plexus brachialis
A. Carotis externa
Sinus cavernosus communicates with:
Sinus petrosus inferior
Sinus transversus
V. Ophthalmica superior
Sinus sigmoideus
Superficial layer of infra hyoid muscle contains:
M. omohyoideus
M. thyroidhyoideus
M. sternohyoideus
M. sternothyroideus
Prevertebrbal plain of the neck contains:
A. Carotis externa
N. accessorius
Truncus sympaticus
V. Jugularis externa
Effectors innervated by autonomic NS are the following, EXCEPT:
Smooth muscle
Endocrine gland
Heart muscle
Exocrine gland
Afferent connections of the striatum may be:
Lemeniscus spinalis of the brain stem consists of:
Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
Tractus spinoreticularis
Tractus spinolivaris
Tractus spinotectalis
{"name":"Neuroanatomy", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of neuroanatomy with this comprehensive quiz featuring 91 detailed questions. Designed for both students and professionals, this quiz covers a wide range of topics including the nervous system, brain structures, neurophysiology, and anatomical pathways.Participate to strengthen your understanding of neuroanatomical concepts, including:Ganglia of the nervous systemFunctional areas of the cerebellumReflex arcs and their components","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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