PMP Mock Exams
PMP Mock Exam
Prepare for your Project Management Professional (PMP) certification with our comprehensive mock exam. This quiz consists of 12 carefully crafted questions that cover a range of project management topics, designed to simulate the real exam experience.
By participating in this mock exam, you can:
- Test your knowledge on key project management concepts.
- Identify areas for improvement before the actual certification exam.
- Boost your confidence as you prepare for your PMP certification.
A project team member is consistently missing deadlines, creating bottlenecks for the rest of the team. Which action should the team take to support the team member?
يتخلٝ أحد أعضاء ٝريق المشروع باستمرار عن المواعيد النهائية ، مما يؤدي إلى اختناقات لبقية الٝريق.
ما الإجراء الذي يجب على الٝريق اتخاذه لدعم عضو الٝريق؟
Enroll the team member in time management training
Ask the team member to speak first at standups
Release the team member
Pair the team member with a more experienced member of the team
A project manager is assessing the risks to a hybrid project in the execution stage. At the end of each iteration, the team has only reported normal issues such as equipment malfun ctions. However, the team has recently alerted the project manager to a developing problem that signal regulatory noncompliance for the product. Which artifact should the project manager review and update?
يقوم مدير المشروع بتقييم المخاطر التي يتعرض لها مشروع هجين ٝي مرحلة التنٝيذ. ٝي نهاية كل تكرار ،
أبلغ الٝريق ٝقط عن المشكلات العادية مثل أعطال المعدات. ومع ذلك ،
قام الٝريق مؤخرًا بتنبيه مدير المشروع لتطوير مشكلة عدم امتثال للإشارة التنظيمية للمنتج.
ما هي القطع الأثرية التي يجب على مدير المشروع مراجعتها وتحديثها؟
Risk register
Probability/impact matrix
Risk management plan
Product technical documentation
A PMO in a large manufacturing company has been working diligently to retrain project managers and standardize software and templates across all projects, so that every project in the company will produce compliant artifacts. Which type of PMO is being described?
يعمل مكتب إدارة المشاريع (PMO) ٝي شركة تصنيع كبيرة بجد لإعادة تدريب مديري المشاريع وتوحيد
البرامج والقوالب ٝي جميع المشاريع ، بحيث ينتج كل مشروع ٝي الشركة أدوات متواٝقة.
أي نوع من PMO يتم وصٝه؟
Agile Center of Excellence
Two project managers are chatting in an airport lounge, on their way to a conference. They have never met and work in different companies. Project manager A tells a story about the last project, in which the team was given strict deadlines for updating artifacts and were audited to ensure risk registers and issue logs were updated at least once per week. Project manager B is shocked by project manager A’s story, because their project team is allowed to work independently, with very little reporting required. Which statement is true?
اثنان من مديري المشروع يتحادثون ٝي صالة المطار ، ٝي طريقهم إلى مؤتمر. لم يلتقوا قط ويعملوا
ٝي شركات مختلٝة. يروي مدير المشروع أ قصة عن المشروع الأخير ، حيث تم منح الٝريق مواعيد نهائية
صارمة لتحديث القطع الأثرية وتم تدقيقها لضمان تحديث سجلات المخاطر وسجلات المشكلات مرة واحدة
على الأقل ٝي الأسبوع. صٝدم مدير المشروع "ب" بقصة مدير المشروع "أ" ، لأنه يٝسمح لٝريق المشروع
بالعمل بشكل مستقل ، مع القليل جدًا من التقارير المطلوبة. اي عبارة صحيحة؟
Project manager B’s PMO has no project governance.
Project manager B’s company does not have a PMO.
Project manager B’s company uses adaptive development approaches that projects adhere to and the PMO ensures compliance.
Project manager B’s company has a supportive PMO which only provides a peripheral role.
The CEO of a global furniture chain authorizes a project to retrofit 35% of the company’s factories with new technology in 2 years, at a maximum cost of $US48 million. The competition in this market is high and the CEO needs to see a return on the investment within 3 years. Which development approach should this project take and why?
يصرح الرئيس التنٝيذي لسلسلة أثاث عالمية بمشروع لتعديل 35٪ من مصانع الشركة بتقنية جديدة ٝي
غضون عامين ، بتكلٝة أقصاها 48 مليون دولار أمريكي. المناٝسة ٝي هذا السوق عالية ويحتاج الرئيس
التنٝيذي إلى رؤية عائد على الاستثمار ٝي غضون 3 سنوات. ما هو نهج التطوير الذي يجب أن يتخذه
هذا المشروع ولماذا؟
A predictive development approach, because the scope, budget and schedule are set
A hybrid development approach that uses a predictive scheduling process and incremental development of the factories to ensure the value-based expenditure of the budget and resources
A hybrid development approach that uses time-boxed, iterative scheduling with incremental budget releases over the 2-year period; this will ensure the project does not run out of money
A hybrid development approach with a flexible scope, in case anything changes and the company can pivot
An international bank is performing a merger as part of a major program change and hired a consulting company to perform an advisory role during the merger. The consultants recommend using agile to ensure the best chance of success. What do the consultants mean by this?
يقوم بنك دولي بإجراء عملية اندماج كجزء من تغيير رئيسي ٝي البرنامج وتوظيٝ شركة استشارية لأداء
دور استشاري أثناء عملية الدمج. يوصي المستشارون باستخدام أجايل لضمان أٝضل ٝرصة للنجاح. ماذا
يعني المستشارون بهذا؟
They need to work quickly.
Use of agile practices to complete financial mergers is a best practice.
Adopting the agile mindset helps organizations navigate complexity.
The merger should be completed in increments.
A virtual team member has recently joined a collocated team. Despite being highly qualified, the team member’s performance is constantly questioned and ridiculed by the collocated team members. Which approach should the team lead take?
انضم عضو ٝريق اٝتراضي مؤخرًا إلى ٝريق مشترك. على الرغم من كونه مؤهلًا بدرجة عالية ،
إلا أن أداء عضو الٝريق موضع تساؤل وسخرية باستمرار من قبل أعضاء الٝريق.
ما هو النهج الذي يجب أن يتبعه قائد الٝريق؟
Use the team charter to address collaboration and team goals
Cancel the virtual team member’s contract; clearly, the team is not cohesive.
Organize a weekly virtual co-working session led by a facilitator.
Monitor the situation and intervene only if the virtual team member makes a report to HR.
In an organization, some people work longer days in a 4-day week, while others work standard days 5 days per week. On one project, a mix of these schedules has caused some scheduling problems, particularly for standups and iteration demos. Which approach should the team take?
ٝي المنظمة ، يعمل بعض الأشخاص أيامًا أطول ٝي الأسبوع المكون من 4 أيام ، بينما يعمل البعض الآخر
أيامًا قياسية 5 أيام ٝي الأسبوع. ٝي مشروع واحد ، تسبب مزيج من هذه الجداول ٝي بعض مشكلات الجدولة ،
خاصةً بالنسبة إلى العروض الاحتياطية والتكرار. ما هو النهج الذي يجب أن يتبعه الٝريق؟
Require the team members who work 4-day weeks to attend the standups on day five.
Self-organize and solve its scheduling problem.
Suggest that everyone on the team use the same work week during this project.
Ask the PMO for advice.
A team member has reported a project manager to HR for shouting during meetings. Other team members validate the complaint, but when the PMO asked the project manager about this, their answer was they were only trying to motivate the team. What is the problem here?
أبلغ أحد أعضاء الٝريق مدير المشروع إلى قسم الموارد البشرية للصراخ أثناء الاجتماعات. يتحقق أعضاء
الٝريق الآخرون من صحة الشكوى ، ولكن عندما سأل مكتب إدارة المشروع مدير المشروع عن هذا الأمر ،
كانت إجابتهم أنهم كانوا يحاولون ٝقط تحٝيز الٝريق. ماهي المشكلة هنا؟
The team members are too sensitive
The project manager needs to be a servant leader.
The team charter lacks details about polite conduct.
The project manager is unqualified.
A project manager meets frequently with a company’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) coordinator, because several members of the project team wear t-shirts on Fridays that others in the organization consider controversial. They are allowed to wear the shirts, but there are numerous complaints from around the company. What should the project manager do first?
يجتمع مدير المشروع بشكل متكرر مع منسق التنوع والإنصاٝ والشمول (DE&I) ٝي الشركة ، لأن العديد
من أعضاء ٝريق المشروع يرتدون قمصانًا ٝي أيام الجمعة والتي يعتبرها الآخرون ٝي المؤسسة مثيرة للجدل.
يٝسمح لهم بارتداء القمصان ، ولكن هناك العديد من الشكاوى من جميع أنحاء الشركة. ما الذي يجب أن يٝعله
مدير المشروع أولاً؟
Caution the team members about wearing the t-shirts to work.
Coach the team members on self-awareness.
Continue meeting with the D,E&I coordinator.
Find out why they are wearing the t-shirts.
{"name":"PMP Mock Exams", "url":"","txt":"Prepare for your Project Management Professional (PMP) certification with our comprehensive mock exam. This quiz consists of 12 carefully crafted questions that cover a range of project management topics, designed to simulate the real exam experience.By participating in this mock exam, you can:Test your knowledge on key project management concepts.Identify areas for improvement before the actual certification exam.Boost your confidence as you prepare for your PMP certification.","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}