Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Research Methods Quiz
Test your knowledge of qualitative research methods through this comprehensive quiz designed for students and researchers alike. With 48 carefully crafted questions, you will explore key concepts, ethical considerations, and methodological approaches in qualitative research.
- Multiple-choice questions covering various aspects of qualitative methods
- Enhance your understanding of research principles, ethics, and interviewing techniques
- Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge in qualitative research
If you don’t know where are you are going, any road will do. But if you know your destination, you need to…
Choose your path deliberately and carefully
Choose wisely
None of the above
A….is a “system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
All of the above
A research study in which “research comes before theory is called:
Deductive research
Inductive research
Grounded theory
Conceptual research design
When conducting literature review, which of the statements is the most accurate one?
Avoid predatory journals
Search peer-reviewed journals/books
Select scholarly publications
All over the above
None of the above
According to Lune and Berg (2017), there are some objectives/purposes of writing literature. Which of the following is the most accurate response?
Explain competing conceptual frameworks
Justify assumptions
Clarify the focus on your work
Dispel Myth
All of the above
To ensure that everyone is working with (understanding the same definition and mental image, we need to conceptualize the term and operationalize it measurement. This process is called:
Dispel Myth
Operationally defining concept
None of the above
All of the above.
Valierie Janesick metaphorically describes – design is the ….. That establishes the research dance
Mental mapping
Snowball sampling technique is….
Used only in qualitative research
A non-probability sampling strategy
Also called responded-driven sampling
All of the above
In which of the following situations, you no longer required to obtain an ethics approval for conducting a research study?
Your research does not involve human subjects
You must always have ethics approval
None of the above
Dissemination of research finding means…
You are publishing your research findings as a journal article or a book chapter
You are presenting your findings in an in-person or virtual conference.
All the answers
You are publishing a book based on your findings
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
Several researchers in the past created risks on research subjects due to having forced participation, no responsibility if any harms, no informed consent, and no respects to research participants.
Only one researcher in the past created risks on research subjects due to having forced participation, no responsibility if any harms, no informed consent, and no respects to research participants.
Which of the statements is/are true about Tuskegee Syphilis Study?
It violated the rights to health of research participants.
It was responsible for death of hundreds of research participants.
It denied participants access to syphilis medicines publically available in the 1940’s.
All of the above
Which of the following research involved a researcher I disguised form and collected personal information?
Leafy Room
Trade Room
Tearoom Trade
What are the three core principles of research ethics
Concerns for human welfare
Respects for persons
Love and commitment
A,B and C
None of the above
You must obtain ethical approval from uOttawa, REB, if your research
Includes human participants
Conducted within UofOttawa
Collects biological materials
All of the above
TCPS2 does not apply if
The research does not involve human participants or human biological materials at all.
There is a possibility of coercion, mental or physical harm
All of the above
None of the above
REB requires a full ethical review of the research, where
Possibility of coercion
Possibility of mental harm
Possibility of physical harms
All of the above
Informed consents: Participants cannot withdraw from the research process once they consent to the researcher?
In ethnographic study, covert role of the researchers means
researcher fully and secretly involves as a participant
Researcher is involved and is not a secret
None of the above
As a researcher, which of the following activities you must respect when publishing the research?
Respecting Anonymity and confidentiality of research participants
Disclosing financial resources/fundings that you got for the research
Disclosing conflict of interest, if any
Refraining from understating, of the findings
All of the above.
Interviews are always face-to-face communication
Dramaturgical model of interview is similar to….
Unstandardized interviews
Creative interviewing
Standardized interviews
All of the above
The interview structure, which is flexible, has not no pre-determined set of questions, and both the researcher and the interviewee enjoy a great deal of freedom, is called…
Unstandardized interviews
Creative interviewing
All of the above
None of the above
When approaching interview participants, you, as a researcher, must…
Introduce who are are and why your there
Tell them how they were selected
Convince the participant that the research is important
Explain all the situations noted above and create a relationship of confidence between you and the participant
In qualitative interviews, throw-away questions are general questions used to develop a rapport between interviews and subjects
In qualitative research essential questions are the central focus of the study
Which of the following second parts is NOT correct if matched with the given first part of the sentence? Pre-testing of interview questions can…
not ensure if interview questions work to obtain information that you are looking for
Separate the two topics and ask separate questions
Both the researcher and interview participants involve in impression management activities
All of the above.
Which of the following is the most appropriate solution to the double barrelled questions asked in any qualitative research?
Ask as many questions as possible
Follow up with other questions.
Separate the two topics and ask separate questions
All of the above.
Which of the following statements are TRUE in the context of “dramaturgical interview”
The theory derived from Goffman’s (1956) the presentation of self in Everyday life
It is the study of social interaction in terms of thearatical performance
Researchers tend to emphasize the importance of building rapport
Both the researcher and interview participants involve in impression management activities
All of the above
In FGDs, what does “synergetic group effects” mean?
3 participants or more draw ideas from another or participate in brainstorming
One participant can draw ideas from another or participate in brainstorming collectively
Both a & b
Large focus groups are difficult to handle because they remain vigilant because their options are already expressed
Neither one
Focus group as a secondary data collection method can help you corroborate data for validity of the data collected using other methods
Heterogenous FG incorporates participants having different socio-demographic characteristics
It is mandatory that FG facilitators must be fluent in French and English
Which of the following should NOT ideally be done by a professional researcher?
Requests FGD participants to maintain confidentiality of the data/information/ idea shared in the meeting
Asks FGD participants to sign a statment that they will respect the confidentiality of information discussed in the meeting.
Reminds FGD participants at the end of the meeting about their responsibility of respecting other’s privacy
All of the above
Body language, gestures and tones are important when transcribing data?
Which of the following is/are potential shortcomings of the FGDs
Small sample size (or less than three groups) is not effective
Ome participants may dominate discussions
Some participants may lead the discussion to other topics but relavent to the discussion
All of the above
Asynchronous FG discussions are live sessions, in which participants must take part at the time of meeting
Which of the following statement is TRUE about 'digital ethnography'?
Researchers can use information and communication technologies as tools to collect ethnographic data
It is called online ethnography
Ethnographer can produce richly textured reports with conveniance
Digital platform is your field of study.
All of the above
As an ethnographer you should apply Hawthorne effect when collecting data
Informed consent is NOT possible if you conduct participant observation as an invisible ethnographer
Which of the following is/are the characteristics of the ethnographic research?
It is informative descriptive and interpretive
The validity of the ethnographic data cannot be established
It is conducted in a natural setting
Informal interactions can be part of data source
All of the above
If an ethnographer fully involves as a study participant but introduces his/her role to fellow participants, this is called ethnographer’s overt involvement
Sociogram refers to:
Descriptions that reveal aspects of the subject through
The physical removal of the researchers from the research setting
A systematic method for classifying similar events, actions, objects, people, or places into discrete groupings.
None of the above
An ethnographer is anyone who enters the private settings to conduct field research
When you obtain data from fully uninvolved researcher's observation, this is called ETIC VIEW
In critical ethnography, Ethnographer applies a critical theory to analyze data and make value-laden judgement.
Certificate of confidentiality, protects researchers from revealing confidential information collected during the research process to someone not involved in the research.
NEITHER true or false
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