Endo 22 quiz

A medical examination scene featuring a doctor examining a patient, with anatomy charts and medical instruments in the background, designed to look educational and engaging.

Comprehensive Medical Examination Quiz

Test your knowledge on medical examinations and pathophysiology with our extensive quiz. This quiz covers a variety of topics that are crucial for healthcare professionals.

  • 29 questions focusing on physical examination, auscultation, and more.
  • Ideal for students, teachers, and medical practitioners.
  • Assess your understanding and reinforce your learning.
29 Questions7 MinutesCreated by DiagnosingDoc723
In physical examination of the patient with pneumonia:
Percussion may be hyperresonant over the affected area
Tactile fremitus may be decreased over the affected area
In auscultation may be heard fine crackles over the affected area
In auscultation may be heard bronchophony, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy
Percussion may be dull over the affected area
Correct statements:Sign of rare or incomplete blinking, often associated with Dalrymple's sign, present in Graves Orbithopathy.The description above matches best:
Stellwag's sign
Chvostek’s sign
Graefe's sign
Kocher's sign
Kussmaul's sign
The technique which you use to assess possible ascites is
Test of rebound tenderness
Test of shifting dullness
Skin rubbing test with a stethoscope
Hooking technique
Test for a fluid wave
Choose all true answers about the S4 heart sound:
is also called ventricular gallop
is almost certainly pathology
Best heard at the cardiac apex
Appears in early systole
appears just before S1 heart sound
Goldflam sign is present in:
Ulcerative colitis
Vater papilla tumor
Ulcer gastric disease
Kidney stones
By asking the patient to frown we can test the function of which cranial nerve?
Choose all true answers about murmur of the mitral stenosis:
Location - apex
Radiates to the axilla
it's a diastolic murmur
If it is accompanied by aortic regurgitation it is called Austin Flint murmur
Heard best in left lateral position
Choose all true answers:
Erb's point is localized on the third left intercostal space
S2 sound is connected with closure of the atroventricular valves
Physiologic S3 sound is typical for eldery people
Physiologic splitting of S2 usually disappears on expiration
best place to hear splitting of S2 is the second left interspace
Which of the following causes primarily a diastolic murmur?
Tricuspid regurgitation
Aortic Stenosis
Mitral regurgitation
Ventricular Septal Defect
Aortic Regurgitation
Choose false answer:
Murmur which is audible when stethoscope is removed from chest is grade 5 in Levine's scale
a thrill can be felt in grade 4 or higher.
Levine's scale characterises the loudness of a heart murmur
A loud murmur readily audible but with no thrill is grade 3 in Levine's scale
louder murmurs (grade ≥3) are more likely believed to represent cardiac defects
Which one of the following is a reason of constipation:
Opiates and anticholinergic drugs,
Cancer of the rectum or sigmoid colon,
irritable bowel syndrome,
Hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia
Choose the causes of liver tenderness
Right-sided heart failure
Venous cogestion
Left sided heart failure
Which one of the following is true for jaundice:
it is the yellowish discoloration of the skin and sclerae from increased levels of bilirubin
Becomes visible at a bilirubin concentration above >2, 5 mg/dl,
Haemolytic anemia causes intrahepatic obstructive jaundice,
Dark yellowish brown/ tea colored urine and gray or light pale-colored stools are typical for ob-structive jaundice
Yellowish urine and dark stools are typical for hemolysis.
Choose the correct answers about liver cirrhoris
Is a late stage of scarring (fibrosis) of the liver
If you have liver cirrhosis, you should avoid alcohol
Cirrhosis often has no signs or symptoms until liver damage is extensive
Being overweight is a risk factor
Possible cause of pain in lower abdomen area
Acute appendicitis
Actopic pregnancy
Uretral colic
Chronic pancreatitis
Choose all true answers about murmur of the aortic stenosis
location - left second intercostal interspace
. Heard best when the patient leaning forward
radiates to the axilla
It's a systolic murmur
can be associated by slow rising and delayed pulse
In hydrothorax we can find:
Increased tactile fremitus
Resonant percussion note
Decreased/ absent breath sounds
Bronchial sound during auscultation
Trachea shifted toward involved side
Charcot's cholangitis triad include
Abdominal pain
Referred pain:
Pain from pleurisy or may be referred to the left lower abdomen,
Biliary pain may be referred to the right shoulder or the right posterior chest,
Is felt in more distant sites, which are innervated at approximately the same spinal levels as the disordered structure,
Pain of duodenal or pancreatic origin may be referred to the back,
Pain from acute myocardial infarction may be referred to the upper abdomen.
Choose all diastolic murmurs:
Austin flint murmur
Aortic regurgitation
Tricuspid stenosis
Mitral regurgitation
Aortic stenosis
Choose false about melena:
Possible causes: esophageal varices, peptic ulcer, colon cancer, hemorrhoids.
Tests for occult blood are positive,
The passage of black, tarry (sticky and shiny) stools,
Usually bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or duodenum,
Signifies the loss of at least 60 ml of blood into the gastrointestinal tract,
What is the first location in which jaundice can be spotted
Blumberg’s sign and Rosving’s sign are present in:
Gastric ulcers
Kidney stones
Acute appendicitis
Gall bladder tumour
Pancreatic tumour
Typical findings during examination of pneumothorax include:
Hyperresonant percussion note, decreased breath sounds, increased tactile fremitus
Dull percussion note, vesicular breath sound, decreased tactile fremitus
Hyperresonant percussion note, decreased breath sounds, decreased tactile fremitus -
Dull percussion note, decreased breath sounds, decreased tactile fremitus
Hyperresonant percussion note, vesicular breath sound, increased tactile fremitus
Choose all true answers about innocent murmurs:
are common in children
Are often accompanied by additional signs such as ejection sounds or diastolic murmurs
Sometimes physiologic or structural abnormality can be detected
caused by turbulent blood flow
Can be connected with high cardiac output conditions such as fever and anemia
Choose the false statement regarding breathing patterns:
Cheyne-Stokes breathing is never physiological
Breathing punctuated by frequent sighs suggests hyperventilation syndrome
Normal respiratory rate is about 14-20 per minute
Ataxic Breathing is characterized by irregular periods of apnea that alternate with regular deep breaths which stop suddenly for short intervals
N obstructive lung diseases expiration is prolonged
Signs of Respiratory Distress:
Contraction of the accessory muscles SCM and scalene muscles
Supraclavicular retraction
Respiratory rate faster than 25 breaths per minute
Cyanosis on lips, tongue, and oral mucosa
Horners´s syndrome does not include
Choose the answer that correctly pairs condition with the most common area of pain
Acute cholecystitis – lower left quadrant
Acute pancreatitis – lower right quadrant
Acute appendicitis – upper left quadrant
Acute salpingitis – upper abdomen
Acute diverticulitis – lower left quadrant
{"name":"Endo 22 quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on medical examinations and pathophysiology with our extensive quiz. This quiz covers a variety of topics that are crucial for healthcare professionals.29 questions focusing on physical examination, auscultation, and more.Ideal for students, teachers, and medical practitioners.Assess your understanding and reinforce your learning.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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