TCP Practice Quiz III

TCP Practice Quiz III
Test your knowledge on critical medical concepts with our comprehensive TCP Practice Quiz III! This quiz is designed to challenge your understanding of various medical conditions, treatments, and trauma management.
- Multiple choice questions across various topics
- Ideal for medical students, professionals, and healthcare enthusiasts
- Instant feedback on your answers
Which of the following is not a typical finding in exertional heat stroke?
Respiratory alkalosis
Sweat-soaked, pale skin
Which mammal has the highest association with rabies in the US?
During what stage of fracture healing does a hematoma form?
Inflammatory phase
Granulation tissue formation
Callus formation
Lamellar bone deposition
Remodeling phase
Inhalation injury below the glottis is due to _____.
Chemical injuries only
Chemical and thermal injuries
Thermal injuries only
Carbon monoxide, chemical and thermal injuries
The vast majority of spinal fractures are ________ fractures.
____ fractures are caused by rotational forces.
The preferred antiseptic agent for facial lacerations is...
Hydrogen peroxide
Sterile saline
Which is the most common muscle affected in ocular muscle entrapment?
Lateral rectus
Inferior rectus
Superior rectus
Medial rectus
T/F: Simple pneumothorax cannot convert to tension pneumothorax.
A 33 y/o male chef with PMH of HTN presents to the ED for evaluation after dropping hot grease on his arm at work. His right arm and right leg where he sustained the burn has a pink/red/white mottled appearance. He rates his pain a 5/10 on pain scale. On PE, you note that the burn appears to affect the epidermis and the upper 2/3 of the dermis. What type of burn does this patient have?
First degree
Second degree superficial partial thickness
Second degree deep partial thickness
Third degree
Fourth degree
Regarding the above patient, which treatment option will give him the fastest healing?
Split thickness skin graft
Mepilex Ag
A patient presents to the ED s/p MVA where they were rear-ended. The patient was wearing a seatbelt and there was minimal damage to the car. The presence of which of the following would necessitate immediate x-ray based on the Canadian c-spine rule?
Delayed onset of neck pain
Unstable vital signs
Paresthesias in lower extremities
Sitting position in ED
Type ___ open fractures occur as a result of low energy trauma.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. A & B
E. B & C
A 27 yo M patient is brought in by EMS after a severe, high speed MVC with crepitus on palpation of his face. On exam, the patient has clear watery discharge coming from his nose and, when you apologize for the smell of your coffee breath, he responds that he can't smell anything at all. Based on these findings, the following intervention would be absolutely contraindicated in your patient:
ET intubation
NG tube
Supplemental O2
Which type of injury is NOT the cause of many dead on arrival injuries?
Tracheal injury
Aortic injury
Bronchial injury
Esophageal injury
During which phase of would healing does the epithelial layer develop under the scab?
Lag phase
Inflammatory phae
Proliferative phase
Maturation phase
T/F: after a submersion event injury, a patient with a GCS of 13 or higher with a Sao2 of >95% is able to be safely discharged home if the patient’s O2 saturation and pulmonary examination are normal after 4-6 hours of observation.
A burn patient needs to receive fluid resuscitation while admitted to the hospital. You remember learning about the Parkland Formula in PA school. What is the equation for this formula?
1-3cc NS x body weight (kg) x % TBSA burned
2-4cc NS x body weight (kg) x TBSA
1-3cc LR x body weight (kg) x TBSA
2-4cc LR x body weight (kg) x % TBSA burned
78 y/o F presents to the ER s/p falling on her R side with an outstretched arm and hitting her R side on the coffee table. Pt reports increasing SOB and chest pain. Which chest exam finding would indicate a hemothorax?
Hyperresonance to percussion
Increased venous pressure with inspiration
Venous pressure elevation
Dullness to percussion
Diagnostic study of a pt reveals nasoethmoid fracture. You should be monitoring for the development of?
Airway complication
Cerebellar hematoma
Ocular muscle entrapment
T/F: A strong pulse excludes the diagnosis of compartment syndrome.
______ skull fractures happen along suture lines.
Which histological zone of a thermal wound is characterized by vasoconstriction as a result of inflammatory mediators?
Zone of coagulation
Zone of hyperemia
Zone of stasis
30 y/o M is brought to the ED s/p being hit in the face with a blunt object. What is the best diagnostic study for this pt?
CT facial bones
Panorex scan
Head CT
Head MRI
Regarding the pt from the previous question, diagnostic study shows fracture extends through the nose, along the medial orbital wall, through the orbital floor and the sphenoid bone. How would you classify this type of fracture?
Leforte 1
Leforte 2
Leforte 3
Leforte 4
T/F: KUB is more useful in penetrating abdominal trauma than in blunt abdominal trauma
A patient is brought in via trauma activation by EMS s/p high speed MVA. The patient presents with an erythematous, painful band with ecchymosis across their abdomen and severe back pain. Besides an x-ray, we should also order...
Coagulation studies
CT abdomen
MRI head
A 17 yo F patient presents to the ER after she fell onto her hand during a volleyball game. The patient is unable to fully extend her elbow and she reports pain when you attempt to test supination and pronation of her forearm. On x-ray, you would expect to see:
Anterior glenohumeral dislocation
Posterior fat pad
Anterior fat pad
Transverse fracture of the distal radius
25 y/o M presents with blurry vision and eye pain. Exam reveals a R teardrop pupil. What is the best course of action?
Fluorescein eye exam
Meaure globe pressure
Ophthalmology consult stat
Check visual acuity
Which of the following is the most commonly injured organ in a blunt trauma?
A patient that has motor movement against gravity, but not resistance has a grading muscle power (MRC) score of _____.
A black widow spider bite is _____________.
Which of the following is not a treatment for post-operative hiccups?
Thorazine (chlorpromazine)
Vagal stimulation
Demerol (mereperidine)
A 40 yo M patient presents to the ED s/p trauma with SOB, decreased breath sounds, and dullness to percussion on the right side. CXR shows a large hemothorax so you place a chest tube. As soon as the chest tube is placed, the patient puts out 1520ml of blood. The next appropriate step in the care of this patient is...
Continue observation of chest tube output for 24 hours
OR exploration
Needle aspiration
Regarding the patient in the above case, one of the most common causes of hemothorax is:
Blunt trauma
Dive into shallow water
Laceration of intercostal vessels
Fall from significant height
T/F: The secondary survey must be performed completely before patient is transferred or taken to the OR.
Which of the following is not a contraindication for Silvadene?
Sulfa allergy
Pregnant women
Children up to 1 y/o
Elderly patients with thin, fragile skin
Which of the following is not a hospital responsibility covered by EMTALA?
Acceptance of transfers
Patient stabilization
Medical insurance provided to all ED patients
Medical screening exam
An operative wound in which the respiratory, alimentary, genital or urinary tract is entered under controlled conditions without unusual contamination is considered a ______ wound.
Augmentin is antibiotic treatment of choice for all of the following conditions EXCEPT:
Human bites
Dog bites
Penetrating wound through athletic shoes
Cat bites
On your ED rotation as a PA student, you preceptor allows you to spend a few hours reading imaging with the radiologist. While doing so, you see a C-spine XR with open mouth view of a burst fracture of the anterior and posterior arches of C1. What is this injury called?
Hangman's fx
Jefferson fx
Chance fracture
An 18 y/o patient was electrocuted while holding an umbrella in the rain. They present to the ED complaining of pain and decreased ROM in the right shoulder. First you examine his minor, linear electrical injuries, which luckily just turned out to be 1st degree burns. After this is done, you notice the right arm is held against the patient’s chest, adducted and internally rotated. Before you even order the Y view XR of the shoulder, what position do you suspect this patient’s shoulder is dislocated in based on how their arm is positioned?
T/F: If pink skin without pigment is exposed to the sun, cessation of pigment back to that area of skin is not permanent.
A 42 yo F marathon runner presents to your clinic c/o pain in her right leg while running. She went to urgent care a few weeks ago where they took x-rays which came back normal. She has been resting, but states that the pain is still present and she is eager to find the cause so she can get back to her usual routine. The next step in the management of this patient includes...
Bone scan or MRI
Continued RICE regimen
Refer to ortho for surgery
PO analgesics and return to activity
Unilateral facet subluxation is caused by ______ forces.
Flexion and rotation
During which view of the FAST exam do you examine Morrison’s pouch?
Pericardial sac
Splenorenal fossa
Hepatorenal fossa
When is treatment with hyperbaric O2 indicated for carbon monixide ingestion?
Any case of carbon monoxide poisoning
Carboxyhemoglobin of <25
Patients younger than 50
Cerebellar findings on PE
______ wound closure is when the wound is immediately closed by approximating its edges.
Which of the following is true regarding nursemaid's elbow?
Due to longitudinal traction force applied to an extended and supinated arm.
Most common in age 4-6 years old.
There is no visible deformity on physical exam.
AKA radial head fracture.
Which of the following is the mot common cervical injury in the elderly?
Odontoid fracture
Jefferson fracture
Hangman's fracture
Clay Shoveler's fracture
T/F: Grade 1-3 kidney injuries are mostly treated non-operatively
Which of the following pathogens is unique to a cat bite?
A. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B. Eikenella corrodens
C. Streptococcus
D. Pasteurella multocida
When treating anemia in a Jehovah’s witness, which is the most appropriate option?
B. EPOgen
C. Iron
D. Autologous blood transfusion
E. A & B
F. B & C
A patient suffers a blunt trauma to the head at the temporo-parietal area. Pt had no LOC, but reports a lucid interval. On CT of the head, you see a bi-convex hyperdense lesion. What injury does your patient have?
Epidural hematoma
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Which of the following is not one of the 6 factors used in the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI)?
High risk surgery
Non-insulin dependent DM
{"name":"TCP Practice Quiz III", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on critical medical concepts with our comprehensive TCP Practice Quiz III! This quiz is designed to challenge your understanding of various medical conditions, treatments, and trauma management.Multiple choice questions across various topicsIdeal for medical students, professionals, and healthcare enthusiastsInstant feedback on your answers","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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DES 2016-2017 : 2040-2299 (Fabien) 6