PATH CH 6 Infection Quiz

1.Bacteria that form an irregular cluster of spheres are called:
None of the above
The presence of the bacterial capsule:
Aids in the release of endotoxins
Protects the microbe from phagocytosis
Increases the release of toxins and enzymes.
Prevents replication of the bacterium
A bacterial endospore can:
Also be classified as an acid-fast bacterium.
Exist in latent form inside a host cell.
Reproduce very rapidly.
Survive high temperatures and a dry environment.
The structure of a virus includes:
A cell wall and membrane.
Metabolic enzymes for replication.
A protein coat and either DNA or RNA.
A slime capsule and cilia.
What method do viruses use to replicate?
Binary fission
Budding of a daughter cell from the parent viral cell
Producing reproductive spores
Using a host cell to produce and assemble components
A retrovirus such as HIV contains:
RNA and enzymes for its conversion
A double strand of DNA.
Many enzymes to limit budding of new virions.
Numerous mitochondria
Which of the following is NOT classified as a protozoan agent of disease?
Plasmodium vivax
Trichomonas vaginalis
Tinea pedis
Entamoeba histolytica
Which of the following is a characteristic of rickettsia?
.It is a very small gram-negative intracellular microbe.
It exists in three forms.
It causes sexually transmitted disease.
It reproduces by budding.
Entamoeba histolytica is transmitted by which of the following?
Mosquitoes (bites)
Inhaling contaminated particles
. Sexual intercourse
Cysts in feces
Which of the following is normally considered sterile?
Distal urethra
The term nosocomial infection means:
Transmission involves an insect or animal host.
Acquired in a hospital or medical facility.
Transmitted by a fomite.
Spread by direct contact with secretions from an open lesion.
Transmission of microbes by direct contact includes:
Touching a contaminated countertop.
Sexual intercourse
Drinking contaminated water
Inhaling dust-borne microbes.
What does the term carrier mean?
A person with active infection who acts as a reservoir for microbes
. Animals, insects, objects, or surfaces contaminated by pathogens
An individual who is contagious through infected secretions on the hands
An asymptomatic person whose body harbors pathogens and can transmit them to others
Opportunistic infection may develop when:
Pathogens enter the body but cannot colonize the site of entry.
An imbalance occurs in the normal resident flora.
. Host resistance increases, and the balance of resident flora is restored.
Contaminated food or water is unknowingly ingested.
That time in the course of an infection when the infected person may experience a headache or fatigue and senses he or she is “coming down with something” is referred to as which of the following?
Subclinical period
Eclipse period
Prodromal period
Presymptomatic period
The principle of Universal Precautions is based on:
Using disinfectants at all times to eliminate cross-infections.
Not touching any open or bleeding lesions.
Sterilizing all instruments and equipment after each use.
Assuming that all body fluids from all individuals are possible sources of infection.
The “incubation period” refers to the time period between:
Entry of the pathogen into the body and the first signs of infectious disease.
The onset of the prodromal period and the peak of the acute infection.
The onset of clinical signs and signs of recovery from infection.
The acute period and establishment of chronic infection.
What does “bacteremia” refer to?
Numerous pathogens circulating and reproducing in the blood
Uncontrolled sepsis throughout the body
Multiple infections, primary and secondary, established in the body
Microbes present in the blood
Which of the following is a local sign of infection?
Fever and leukocytosis
Headache and anorexia
Pain, erythema, and swelling
Nausea, weight loss, and fatigue
A broad-spectrum bactericidal agent would be expected to:
Destroy many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
Destroy all pathogenic microbes in contact with the agent.
reduce the replication of many bacteria.
Inhibit the growth of most spores and acid-fast bacteria.
How does penicillin act as a bactericidal agent?
It interferes with cell-wall synthesis
It blocks protein synthesis.
It increases cell membrane permeability.
It prevents DNA replication.
Secondary infection may occur with administration of antibacterial drugs because the:
Patient is allergic to the drug.
Balance of species in the resident flora is upset
Mucosa of the stomach is irritated.
Infecting microbes spread to adjacent areas.
All types of vegetative microbial cells can be killed by proper use of:
70% isopropyl alcohol.
Frequent hand-washing with antibacterial soaps.
Secondary bacterial infections occur frequently during influenza epidemics primarily because:
Antiviral drugs lower host resistance.
The virus causes extensive tissue inflammation and necrosis.
Respiratory droplets transmit infections.
The viral infection is usually self-limiting.
What does leukocytosis frequently indicate?
Bone marrow damage
An allergic or autoimmune reaction
Presence of bacterial infection
When an infection or inflammation is suspected, what does leucopenia often indicate?
Bacterial infection
.Viral infection
Allergic reaction
Which of the following statements applies to Chlamydia?
The microbe exists as a chain of cells
It causes a common STD.
It possesses many flagella
It is excreted in feces.
Which of the following microbes is classified as an obligate intracellular parasite?
The widespread necrosis of respiratory mucosa caused by an influenza infection often gives rise to:
Severe anemia.
Secondary infections
Which of the following is a function of interferons?
They block the invasion of pathogenic bacteria.
They reduce the inflammatory response to local infection
They increase host cell resistance to viral invasion.
They may facilitate the spread of some cancer cells.
.Which of the following statements applies to Influenza A H1N1?
. It alters human chromosomes to cause manifestations.
It usually causes severe respiratory distress and high fever.
Infection is common in the elderly.
. It contains genetic material from avian, swine, and human viruses.
Inflamed tissue is likely to become infected because:
The immune system is not effective in inflamed tissue.
The increased fluid and protein in the inflamed area supports microbial growth
phagocytes cannot penetrate the inflamed areas.
Capillaries are less permeable in the affected area.
When an infectious disease is occurring globally at a higher rate than usual, it may be designated as a/an:
Sporadic occurrence.
Emerging disease.
Which of the following is the primary difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant?
Antiseptic is used on living tissue, whereas disinfectant is designed for nonliving surfaces
Antiseptic is much stronger than the potency of a disinfectant.
Antiseptic often causes allergic skin reactions, whereas disinfectant is always hypoallergenic.
Antiseptic is effective against endospores; disinfectants are not effective against endospores.
.Drugs that are designed to inhibit or slow down growth of microbes but not necessarily kill them are considered:
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