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An engaging and modern illustration representing management concepts such as leadership, teamwork, and competitive advantage, featuring diverse professionals collaborating in a dynamic office environment.

Mastering Management Concepts Quiz

Test your knowledge on essential management concepts and principles with this comprehensive quiz designed for aspiring managers and business enthusiasts. With 125 thought-provoking questions, you will explore topics like leadership, organizational behavior, ethics, and competitive advantage.

Features of the quiz include:

  • Wide range of questions covering key management topics
  • Multiple-choice and open-ended questions for varied assessment
  • Designed for learners and professionals who want to enhance their management skills
125 Questions31 MinutesCreated by ManagingGoal102
One pioneer of management ideas, is “the art of getting things done though people.” Getting things done. Through people.
A group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose.
The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by (2) integrating the work of people through (3) planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization’s resources. (efficiently and effectively, which basically means “doing things right’)
The pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively by (2) integrating the work of people through (3) planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the organization’s resources. (efficiently and effectively, which basically means “doing things right’)
Means to achieve results, to make the right decisions, and to successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization’s goals.
managers create values. The reason is that in being a manager, you have a _____________ your influence on the organization is multiplied far beyond the results that can be achieved by just one person acting alone.
Competitive advantage is the ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them. Being responsive to customers
Finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services
Making improvements in quality has become an important management idea in recent times.
Companies strive to produce goods or services as quickly as possible, using few employees and raw materials as possible.
The challenge to the manager of the near future is to maximize the contributions of employees diverse in gender, age, race, and ethnicity. Some scholars think that diversity and variety in staffing produce organizational strength.
Gestures and symbols don’t have the same meaning to everyone throughout the world. Not understanding such differences can affect how well organizations manage globally.
E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce – the buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks – is reshaping entire industries and revamping the very notion of what a company is.
Ethical behavior is not just nicety; it is a very important part of doing business.
Regardless of how well paid you are, you have to consider whether in meeting the organization’s challenges you are also meeting the challenge of realizing your own happiness.
: Managing for Competitive Advantage
Managing for Diversity
Managing for Globalization
Managing for Information Technology
Managing for Ethical Standards
Managing for Your Own Happiness and Goals
Managing Goals and compensation
S the planning, organizing, compensation, integration, and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals, is that part which is primarily concerned with human resource of organization.
It is the logical and systematic approach of formulating the objectives, programs, policies, procedures, budgets, rules and regulations, and other types of plan.
It is the arrangement and relationship of jobs and position which are necessary to carry out the personnel programs as determined by top management.
It is concerned with the guidance of all efforts toward a stated objectives. It is making decisions and giving order
- It is a method of getting people in an organization to work together harmoniously to achieve a common goal with minimum expenditure of effort and materials.
It involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and comparing it with planned goals or objectives and making the necessary corrective actions so that work is accomplished as planned.
It is concerned with recruitment, selection, hiring, and placement of employees.
It refers to the employee’s acquisition of knowledge, development of skill in the job, and proper work attitudes.
Managers interact with people inside and outside their work units: figurehead, leader, and liaison activity
The most important part of a manager’s job is handling information because accurate information is vital for making intelligent decision: monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson.
Managers use information to solve problems or take advantage of opportunities: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.
Managers use information to solve problems or take advantage of opportunities: entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.
You are responsible for the actions of your subordinates.
You must act like a politician, working with people outside your work unit to develop alliances to achieve organization’s goals.
You should be constantly alert for useful information, whether gathered from newspaper stories about the competition or gathered from snippets of conversation with subordinates you meet in the hallway. Important
Managers need to disseminate important information to employees, as via e-mail and meetings.
You are expected, of course , to be a diplomat, to put the best face on the activities of your work unit or organization
A good manager initiates and encourages change and innovation.
Because you’ll never have enough time, money, and so on, you’ll need to be an allocator, setting priorities about use of resources.
Working with others inside and outside the organization to accomplish your goals.
Unforeseen problems – from product defects to international currency crises – require you to be disturbance handler, fixing problem
Is the design of formal systems in an organization to ensure effective and efficient use of human .
Is to provide adequate supply of qualified individuals to fill the jobs in an organization. Also to obtain qualified personnel for different jobs position in the organization. In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right jobs; therefore, it leads to maximum productivity and higher performance. To obtain qualified personnel for different jobs position in the organization.
Helps in updating employees’ skills and knowledge for performing a job which, at the end, results in increasing their work efficiency and increase the productivity of an organization. It ensures that employees oddness or eccentricity is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in a very structured format.
Strategies, incentives, recognitions, and any other elements that increase an employee's overall motivation to perform their duties at work. You can implement different factors of motivation within your team or for yourself to increase productivity and satisfaction
Strategies, incentives, recognitions, and any other elements that increase an employee's overall motivation to perform their duties at work. You can implement different factors of motivation within your team or for yourself to increase productivity and satisfaction
Wants to do the task for pleasure and for itself
Wants to the task with reward or to avoid punsihment
It helps companies maintain their resources while controlling time and costs to ensure maximum efficiency of the manufacturing process, the utilities, and related facilities. It is a tool that helps to secure a reliable and satisfactory quality of the production, safety for employees, and protection for the environment.
As the dependent variable, consists of preventive actions, medical care actions, welfare services, retirement actions, and insurance actions. The studies show HR maintenance have vital role in developing committed employees.
What is not part of decisional roles
Figurehead role
Entrepreneur role
Innovation role
Resource allocator role
Negotiator role
What is not belong to the group
Liaison role
Figurehead role
Leadership goal
Monitor role
What is not part of informational role
Disseminator role
Monitor role
Spokesperson role
Liaison role
The aim of is to provide adequate supply of qualified individuals to fill the jobs in an organization
Is the strategic approach to nurturing and supporting employees and ensuring a positive workplace environment. Its f u n ction s vary across differen t businesses and industries, but typically include recruitment, compensation and benefits, training and development, and employee relations.
Is the specialty of Industrial/Organizational Psychology concerned with the creation, care and maintenance of a work force, which includes the recruitment, placement, training, and development of workers; the measurement and evaluation of their performance; and concern with worker productivity and satisfaction.
Is one of the most basic personnel functions or the systematic study of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a job and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform it.
Is the starting point for nearly all personnel functions, and critically important for developing the means for assessing personnel.
Is a detailed description of job tasks, procedures, and responsibilities; the tools and equipment used; and the end product or service
Is a detailed accounting of the tasks, procedures, and responsibilities required of the worker; the machines, tools, and equipment used to perform, and the job output (end product or service).
Identify and match job candidates with appropriate firms and positions that best fit their backgrounds. They build relationships with job seekers to gain a deep understanding of their skills and qualities. They also provide a steady flow of workers to client firms.
Provides information about the human characteristic s required to perform the job, such as physical and personal traits, work experience, and education
Is the process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization.
T to find people whose skills, abilities, and characteristics are best suited to your organization.
Hiring From the Inside. It means making people already employed by the organization aware of job opening.
Hiring From the Outside. It means attracting job applicants from outside the organization
Application Forms, Resumes, & Reference Checks
There is no fixed set of questions asked of all applicants and no systematic scoring procedure.
Involves asking each applicant the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers.
Ability, Personality, Performance, & Others
Measure physical abilities, strength and stamina, mechanical abilities, and clerical abilities.
Measure performance on actual job tasks.
Measure such personality traits as adjustment, energy, sociability, independence, and need for achievement.
Refers to the process of connecting the selected person and the employer in order to establish an ongoing employment relationship. In this step the employee is given the activities he/she needs to perform and is told about his/her duties. Placement is usually followed by the orientation process.
Proper makes the employee happy and reduces absenteeism and labour turnover. Proper placement increases morale and efficiency of the employees and builds a good relation with the employer. A candidate who passes all the steps in the selection process is then offered the job.
Actual posting of employee to a specific job also assigning specific task and respopnsibility to the employee
Defined as the compatibility between individuals and the job or tasks that they perform at work. This definition includes compatibility based on employee needs and job supplies available to meet those needs, as well as job demands and employee abilities to meet those demands.
Defined as the compatibility between individuals and the job or tasks that they perform at work. This definition includes compatibility based on employee needs and job supplies available to meet those needs, as well as job demands and employee abilities to meet those demands.
E it has strong implications for your well-being. It impacts job satisfaction, as well as satisfaction with your coworkers and supervisor. You can also expect increases in your organizational commitment and identification when you fit well with your job.
Essentially compatibility between an employee and an organization – it is about the congruence of a candidate's own beliefs and values with the mission, values, and ethics of your organization, which in turn should be reflected in your company's culture
Refers to how aligned a person's core values, beliefs, ethics and purpose are to those of the organization they work for. For example, someone who is results-focused and values speed will fit best with an organization that shares, and enacts, these values.
Statement identifies the reasons for the company’s existence, An organization exists for a purpose
Statement indicates the company’s “dream”, what it wants to become in a specific period
It usually involves teaching operational or technical employees how to their jobs more effectively and or efficiently
It is intended to help the organization fucntion more effectively
Refers to a system of educating employees within a company. It includes various tools, instructions, and activities designed to improve employee performance. It's an opportunity for employees to increase their knowledge and upgrade their skills.
It is an educational activities within an organization that are designed to improve the job performance of an individual or group. These programs typically involve advancing a worker's knowledge and skill sets and instilling greater motivation to enhance job performance.
It is designed to assist employ acquiring better skills for their current job. The focus of employee training on current job skill requirement
It is designed to help the organization to ensure that it has the necessary talent internally for meeting future human resource needs with focus on employee development
Program that designed to assist employees advancing their works lives, the focus of this development provide necessary information and assessment to help them realise their career goals
It deals with facilitating system with changes in the organization, the focus of the norganization development is to change the attitudes and values of employees according to new organizational strategic directions
Complies with various mandated legal requirements (e.g. Occupational Safety, EEO) and serves as training for all employees (new employee orientation)
Enables employee to perform their jobs, tasks, and responsibilities well (e.g. Product knowledge, technical processes and procedures, customer relations)
Addresses both operational and interpersonal problems and seeks improve organizational working relationships (e.g. Interpersonal communication, managerial/supervisory skills, conflict resolution).
Provides a long-term focus to enhance individual and organizational capabilities for the future (e.g. Business practices, executive development, organizational change)
Defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team members/managers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of their job on employees' personal lives.
Is a force that serves three functions: it energizes, or causes people to act; it directs behavior toward the attainment of specific goals; and it sustains the effort expended in reaching those goals.
A motivational theory proposed by Maslow, that arranges needs in a hierarchy from lower, more basic needs to higher-order needs
Motivational theory that categorizes needs into existence, relatedness, and growth needs
Who is the proponent of ERG theory
Model of motivation that emphasizes the importance of three needs – achievement, power, and affiliation – determining the worker motivation
Who is the proponent of achievement motivation theory
The theory that behavior is motivated by its consequences; draws on principles of operant conditioning:
Emphasizes the role of specific, challenging performance goals and workers’ commitment to those goals as key determinants of motivation.
Theory that implies that organizations should create interesting jobs in order to motivate people.
Pay, job security, working conditions, status
Recognition and advancement
Is an application of Herzberg’ theory which involves designing of jobs which would improve an employee’s personal growth such as hi/her sense of responsibility and achievement. Methods are
The timely and direct evaluation of performance
New learning
Each job emphasizes unique features and qualities
The employee is given the power to be accountable to his job
Rewards and recognition
Ugh the avoidance of an existing negative state; punishment
S used to denote a branch of management that is concerned with the development of strategic vision, setting out objectives, formulating and implementing strategies, and introducing corrective measures for the deviations (if any) to reach the organization’s strategic intent. It has two-fold objectives
Are strategy frameworks used to analyze a company's financial health and competitive advantages or disadvantages. These strategy tools are created to analyze internal and external forces affecting a company or industry
What do you have that is better than your competition
€� Where do you need to improve or identify where there’s competition
What external trends or factors can you use to leverage your business
What could impact your business that is potentially outside of your control
Several motivation theories assert that people have certain needs that are important in determining motivation. Needs involve specific physiological or psychological deficiency that the organism is driven to satisfy
Having equal time for self and work means ____as one of the causes of job satisfaction.
Taking care of the costumers
If you prepare an application letter wherein there is no assurance of vacancy, then, it is a type of ___ application letter
Some companies prefer ____ recruitment believing that the new applicant could bring new ideas, inventions, and innovations in the company
Some companies prefer ____ recruitment because it is cost – efficient in the sense that the person is already familiar with the culture of the organization; hence, no orientation is needed anymore
Some companies prefer ___ recruitment because they want to evade from some compensation benefits.
Some companies prefer ___ recruitment because they themselves want to process the applicant’s paper; hence, they have to face-to-face contact with the applican
If you prepare an application letter because you see a job vacancy in newspaper, then, it is a type of ____ application letter.
{"name":"Small caps", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on essential management concepts and principles with this comprehensive quiz designed for aspiring managers and business enthusiasts. With 125 thought-provoking questions, you will explore topics like leadership, organizational behavior, ethics, and competitive advantage.Features of the quiz include:Wide range of questions covering key management topicsMultiple-choice and open-ended questions for varied assessmentDesigned for learners and professionals who want to enhance their management skills","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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