What Type of Sales Manager are You?

A professional looking sales team collaborating in an energetic office environment, with a focus on teamwork and productivity.

Discover Your Sales Manager Style

Are you ready to find out what type of sales manager you are? This engaging quiz will help you identify your managerial style and approach to leading your sales team. By answering a few questions, you can gain insights into your strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Quick and easy to complete
  • Learn more about your leadership approach
  • Helps tailor your management style for better results
6 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LeadingWave587
How Do You Feel About Team Meetings?
Love meetings, integral to team success.
I don't care either way, I could take them or leave them. Do it because he thinks he's supposed to. Review last months numbers.
Meetings are very important but in short, effective fashion
Honestly, meetings feel like a waste of time to me. There's a lot of talking and nothing getting done. I only want to be in a meeting that involves making a sale.
What Kind Of Office Environment Do You Maintain?
I try to keep the work environment as low stress as possible and give the sales team as much space as I can so they can focus on what they do best. I don't even like to reprimand because it kills the good vibe.
I like people to be there, in person, on time, doing their job, chop chop
Trust until you prove you can't be trusted, do your own thing, more hands off than hands on. Collaborative workplace is a must.
Action, high activity, all day long, show me that you are busting it out.
How Do You Manage Your Team?
I like to be involved in everything so I make sure rules and procedures are followed. At the end of the day, I'm responsible for things getting done right and are successful
If they're doing their job, I'm hands off, if there's issues, I'm all over them
I manage at a distance, leave them free to walk to the beat of their own drum, I don't want to mess them up
I act like one of the team. In Sales, in calls, activity. Lead by doing
Little further than arms because of the need for collaboration, making sure they're talking to one another, avoid silos. Always be available to give them answers, help them
What Does Your Team Do When They Have Specific Questions About Your Product/Service?
Beyond process documentation, I will find the source and send them to get answers
I'm pretty much the guru for the team. I've seen it all and have the answers.
I'll take an educated guess to move the process along for something that I should know But if I really have to I'll find someone who has the answer.
They need to go find it themselves.
I study up on everything so I can have the answers my team needs when they're looking for help .
How Do You Structure Your Team's Sales Goals?
Hitting the sales goals is like winning the season and I'll do what ever it takes. I expect everyone's A-Game until the job's done & if someone doesn't pull their weight, they'll hear about it from me.
We're always monitoring our KPIs & reviewing at team meetings. There are never any surprises.
Celebrate quickly and look for ways to improve
Big wins are expected, we get back to work immediately.
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