Medical Immunology MCQ

An engaging educational image depicting the human immune system interactions with various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, incorporating visual elements like antibodies, T-cells, and macrophages.

Medical Immunology Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge and understanding of medical immunology with this comprehensive quiz consisting of 22 carefully crafted questions. Dive into topics ranging from allergies to autoimmune diseases, phagocytes to phagocytosis, and learn how well you grasp the complex interactions of the immune system.

Perfect for students or professionals in the field of immunology, this quiz addresses key concepts through multiple-choice questions. Topics include:

  • Hypersensitivity Responses
  • Phagocyte Function
  • Autoimmunity Mechanisms
  • Intracellular Pathogen Responses
  • Transplant Immunology
22 Questions6 MinutesCreated by LearningEagle455
Concerning allergy
Type IV hypersensitivity is mainly caused by T cell mediated responses
Anaphylaxis is normally caused by type IV hypersensitivity reactions
Chronic asthma is caused by mast cells
The main physiological role of IgE is to target bacterial infections
Excessive Th2 responses cause diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases and multiple sclerosis
Concerning phagocytes:
They are one of the most important cells in defence against fungal infections
After activation they are able to secrete IgE
Make use of both oxidative and non-oxidative mechanisms to kill extracellular pathogens
Are numerically and functionally normal during neutropenia
Have their activity enhanced by chemotherapeutic agents used to treat leukaemia
Which of the following statements are true and which are false:
A Th1 response during viral infection is likely to lead to clearance of infection and clinical recovery
A Th2 response during fungal infections is likely to lead to clearance of infection and clinical recovery
Th17 cells play no role in inflammation
Glandular fever is characterised by a major influx of monocytes
CD8+ T cells are important secretors of IL-4
Which of the following statements are true and which are false:
CD8 T cells are crucial for a strong response against extra cellular pathogens
Ficollins, collectins, complement and cathelicidins and IFN-γ are all soluble mediators with important role in defence against extracellular pathogens
Th17 immunity is important in the clearance of extracellular fungi and bacteria
Bacterial super antigens cross link MHC and T cell receptors
Helicobacter pylori are the primary cause of stomach ulcers
Concerning Lupus erythematosus:
A typical finding in systematic lupus erythematosus patients is a high titre of autoantibodies directed against nuclear antigens (ANA)
Skin symptoms are frequently observable in this condition
Involvement of the kidneys is potentially life threatening
One pathogenic mechanism triggering the disease is believed to be a defect in clearance of apoptotic cells
UV light is a well described trigger which can initiate inflammatory responses in lupus patients
Which of the following mechanisms are believed to play a role in the development of autoimmunity?
Central tolerance
Peripheral tolerance
Molecular mimicry
Allergic responses
Insufficient function/response of Treg cells
Concerning intracellular immune response:
Th2 helper cells are required to fully activate macrophages
Dendritic cells display antigens to naïve T cells in the lymph nodes
CD4 cells provide IL-2 to medicate CD8 cell proliferation
NK cells can target infected cells that increase expression of cell surface MHCI
Fungi are obligate intracellular parasites
With reference to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections, which are of the following are correct?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an acid fast bacillus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects humans via the respiratory route
Antigen presenting cells are infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
During a Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, dendritic cells migrate to the nearest draining lymph node to activate NK cells
A granuloma is formed if the host immune system is unable to clear a Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
Concerning hypersensitivity:
Type II hypersensitivity is mainly mediated through excess IgE
Eosinophils are the main cause of the immediate “wheal and flare” reaction
Coeliac disease is mainly caused by histamine derived from mast cells
Atopy describes an increased propensity to generate an IgE response
The Th1 response is a major component of airway remodelling in asthma
Stages of malaria infection that provoke an immune response are:
Sporozites following mosquito infection
Parasites within hepatocytes in liver
Extracellular merozoites
Ring-stage trophozoites within red blood cells
Ookinete extracellular sexual stages
When compared to immature dendritic cells, mature dendritic cells have high levels of:
Cell surface MHC class I molecules
Cell surface MHC class II molecules
Cystatin C
B7.1 and B7.2
Concerning Epstein Barr virus (EBV):
EBV is a herpes virus
EBV undergoes both lytic and latent lifecycle
EBV infects T lymphocytes
Expression of EBV latent proteins can transform latently infected cells
Burkitt’s lymphoma is associated with EBV infection
Which of the following are primarily considered to be extracellular pathogens:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Streptococcus pyogenes
Candidia albicans
Helicobacter pylori
Concerning T helper cells:
T helper cells are mainly CD8 positive
Th1 cells produce IFNγ
Th2 cells help the humoral antibody response
Th17 cells are mainly involved in the inflammatory response towards extracellular pathogens
Foxp3 is the main transcription factor involved in the Th1 differentiation
Concerning extracellular pathogens:
Eosinophils are mainly activate in neutralising blood borne viruses
LPS is a super antigen
Super antigens activate all B cells through cross linking B cell receptors
Dectin-1 is the main receptor against malarial parasites
Collectins and ficolins are soluble pattern recognition receptors
Which of the following are issues with organ/tissue transplants?
Graft Rejection
Good longterm survival
Immunosuppressive therapy
Shortage of organs
The number of tissue types available
Graft rejection occurs because of:
Recognition of donor MHC class I or II molecules
The presence of pre-existing alloantibodies
Reliable MHC crossmatching
The use of immunosuppressive drugs
Incorrect blood group crossmatching
Which of the following are TRUE for corticosteroid drugs?
They are powerful anti-inflammatories
They are synthetic analogues of cortisol
They exclusively down-regulate gene expression
They reduce the inflammation caused by cytokines
They increase adhesion molecule expression on epithelial cells
Which of the following are NOT true of cytotoxic immunosuppressive drugs?
They interfere with DNA synthesis
They cause damage to the intestinal epithelium, hair loss and foetal damage
Mycophenolate alkylates DNA
Cyclophosphamide is less cytotoxic than azithiprine and mycophenolate
Cyclophosphamide was developed as a chemical weapon originally
Which of the following are TRUE for the mechanism of action of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus?
They bind to different groups of immunophilins
The immunophilin: drug complex activates Ca2+ activated calcineurin
Calcineurin is activated by T cells when intracellular Ca2+ levels decrease after T cell receptor binding
Both cyclosporin A:cyclophilin and tacrolimus:FK binding protein complexes bind to calcineurin
Cyclosporin A and tacrolimus block activation of NFATc
Which of the following are NOT true for biologics in the suppression of autoimmune disease?
Biologics include the use of cell, antibodies, cytokines and peptides
One of the most successful uses of biologics has been the use of anti-TNF-a antibodies in the treatment of RA
Antibodies against other cytokines e.g. IL-8 are now being used to treat RA
Etanercept is an anti-IL-1 therapy for treatment of RA
Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody that binds TNF-a
Which of the following also cause immunosuppression?
Infection with M. Leprae, measles
Trauma, burns, major surgery
Good levels of nutrition
HIV infection
Infections promoting the switch from TH2 to TH1 type cytokines
{"name":"Medical Immunology MCQ", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and understanding of medical immunology with this comprehensive quiz consisting of 22 carefully crafted questions. Dive into topics ranging from allergies to autoimmune diseases, phagocytes to phagocytosis, and learn how well you grasp the complex interactions of the immune system.Perfect for students or professionals in the field of immunology, this quiz addresses key concepts through multiple-choice questions. Topics include:Hypersensitivity ResponsesPhagocyte FunctionAutoimmunity MechanismsIntracellular Pathogen ResponsesTransplant Immunology","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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