Essential Medical Knowledge Quiz

A detailed illustration of a medical professional studying various human anatomy diagrams and laboratory equipment, with a colorful quiz interface in the background.

Essential Medical Knowledge Quiz

Test your understanding of crucial medical concepts and sharpen your diagnostic skills with our comprehensive quiz. Covering a range of topics from hematology to infectious diseases, this quiz is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their medical knowledge.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Diverse topics related to medicine
  • Designed for healthcare professionals and students alike
21 Questions5 MinutesCreated by StudyingDoctor247
A 122 amino acid protein with a molecular weight of 13,000 Da on which renal clearance cannot be measured because normally it is completely reabsorbed, and none is excreted in the urine.
Cystatin C
B-2 microglobulin
B Trace protein
All are consistent results for a diabetic patient except:
FBS: 100-125 mg/dL
FBS: >= 7.0 mmol/L
HbA1c: >=6.5
2hr plasma level after 75g load: >= 200 mg/dL
ALP is significantly elevated levels on the following diseases except:
Paget’s disease
Intestinal infarction
Zinc deficiency
CSF findings: Leukocyte count >= 100/uL, normal Glucose, mainly lymphocytes, normal-mild increase in lactic acid are consistent to:
Meningitis caused by C.neoformans
Tubercular Meningitis
Viral etiology
N.meningitides infection
All are true regarding this urine sediment except:
Microscopically, they appear bright and faintly striated
Irregular outline and a central depression
Exhibit a typical Maltese cross pattern
They are considered pathological if found in urine
All are consistent findings in Sideroblastic anemias except:
Elevated TIBC
Microcytic, hypochromic cells are noted
Increased storage iron
Percent saturation of the iron-binding protein is greatly elevated
All are under in Group I ABO discrepancies except:
Patients with a leukemia
Patients whose existing ABO antibodies may have been diluted by plasma transfusion
True chimerism
AchR are the autoantibodies in:
Pemphigus vulgaris
Myasthenia gravis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Pernicious anemia
Grave’s disease
Glomerulonephritis is related to the following complement deficiencies except:
Which test is used in the presumptive identification of Candida glabrata?
Presence of pseudohyphae
Chlamydoconidia is present
Trehalose assimilation positive
Germ tube positive
Ascospore production
HbsAg (-), Anti-HBs (-), IgM Anti-HBVc (+), HBeAg (-), HBV DNA (+) are consistent to Hepatitis B infection of:
Acute phase
Window phase
Chronic phase
Resolving phase
Remote phase
All are glucose fermenters except:
Causative agent of Gonorrheae
Causative agent of Waterhouse Friedrichsen disease
Neisseria subflava
DNAse positive M.catarrhalis
Breast cancer tumor marker/s:
Most elevated unconjugated bilirubin are found in:
Dubin Johnson syndrome
Rotor syndrome
Crigler Najjar type II
Crigler Najjar type I
Gilbert syndrome
All are true for Brugia malayi except:
Tail end is with 2 nuclei
Nocturnal periodicity
Tapered tail
Sheathed filaria
Regular smooth body curves
True of Plasmodium falciparum:
Affects only young RBCs
Benign tertian malaria
8-24 merozoites
Schizont characteristics: rosette form
Length of asexual cycle: 72 hrs
Addition of acetic acid to _________ precipitates hyaluronate into a mucin clot, which may be graded as good, fair, or poor.
Synovial fluid
Pericardial fluid
Pleural fluid
RBC precursor with prominent pyknotic nucleus:
Basophilic normoblast
Polychromatic normoblast
Orthochromic normoblast
Polychromatophilic erthrocyte
IDL HIGH, Triglyceride HIGH, Cholesterol HIGH. What Hyperlipidemia classification?
Type 1
Type 5
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Part of Quadri-screen for fetal defects except:
Inhibin A
Anti-I can be found in:
Hydatid cyst
Egg whites
{"name":"Essential Medical Knowledge Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your understanding of crucial medical concepts and sharpen your diagnostic skills with our comprehensive quiz. Covering a range of topics from hematology to infectious diseases, this quiz is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their medical knowledge.Multiple-choice questionsDiverse topics related to medicineDesigned for healthcare professionals and students alike","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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