An inviting kitchen with a variety of comfort foods like chocolate, chips, and fruits displayed, warm lighting, and a cozy atmosphere.

Are You a Food Craver?

Take our insightful quiz to discover your relationship with food and cravings. Whether you're an emotional eater or just a fan of comfort foods, this quiz will help you understand your eating habits.

  • Find out what types of foods you crave.
  • Identify your eating patterns and triggers.
  • Gain insights into your comfort food preferences.
9 Questions2 MinutesCreated by EatingSquirrel247
Which Foods do you crave most?
All sugary food
All salty food
All crunchy foods
All food that is very salty/high in sugar and fat
Which of the following is true for you?
I tend to overeat in the morning
I tend to overeat at night
I tend to overeat at any time of day
Every time I eat I end up overly full
Which type of comfort foods do you go to?
Foods you ate as a child (something your mother/grandmother would make often)
Foods that were NOT present in your home growing up
Foods that you wern't allowed to eat as a child (or you were seldomly allowed to eat)
Foods that were only present in other peoples homes
Which of these statements are true for you?
I eat really fast and barely taste the food I eat
There are some foods that when I start eating I cannot stop (chocolate bars, big bags of crisps)
I am not able to keep sugary treats in the house without eating them
I overeat in secret
I use food to try not to feel lost, sad, angry disappointed
I feel the need to eat when celebrating something good
I crave food full of salt, fat, sugar
I feel an urge to eat when under pressure? (Job interview, alone with a task to do)
Are you someone who.... Select all that applies
Would eat super healthily all week and then feel in need of a brake
Thinks all salad is healthy no matter what you add to it
Counts potatoes as vegetables
Thinks that food labelled "low fat" "low sugar" must be good for you
Do you sabotage your diet every time you come close to your ideal weight?
Not sure
Do you eat whenever food is in front of you regardless of your fullness/hunger levels?
At times
Just when it's my favourite food
{"name":"TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Take our insightful quiz to discover your relationship with food and cravings. Whether you're an emotional eater or just a fan of comfort foods, this quiz will help you understand your eating habits.Find out what types of foods you crave.Identify your eating patterns and triggers.Gain insights into your comfort food preferences.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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