Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 1 Apr 22
[2203.16543] Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Nicolas Gisin, Marc-Olivier Renou: Proofs of network quantum nonlocality aided by machine learning
[2203.16555] Zhi Li, Shengqi Sang, Timothy H. Hsieh: Entanglement dynamics of random quantum channels
[2203.16571] Jonas Haferkamp: Random quantum circuits are approximate unitary $t$-designs in depth $O\left(nt^{5+o(1)}\right)$
[2203.16592] Sebastian Horvat, Borivoje Dakić: Accessing inaccessible information via quantum indistinguishability
[2203.16629] Zhi-Xiang Jin, Shao-Ming Fei, Xianqing Li-Jost et al.: A new parameterized monogamy relation between entanglement and equality
[2203.16707] Jiahao Yao, Haoya Li, Marin Bukov et al.: Monte Carlo Tree Search based Hybrid Optimization of Variational Quantum Circuits
[2203.16711] Junyu Liu, Khadijeh Najafi, Kunal Sharma et al.: An analytic theory for the dynamics of wide quantum neural networks
[2203.16724] Kazunari Hashimoto, Chikako Uchiyama: Effect of quantum coherence on Landauer's principle
[2203.16836] Lev-Arcady Sellem, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, Mazyar Mirrahimi et al.: Exponential convergence of a dissipative quantum system towards finite-energy grid states of an oscillator
[2203.16902] Owidiusz Makuta, Błażej Kuzaka, Remigiusz Augusiak: Fully non-positive-partial-transpose genuinely entangled subspaces
[2203.16933] Joaquín Berrocal, Emilio Altozano, Francisco Domínguez et al.: Formation of Two-Ion Crystals by Injection from a Paul-Trap Source into a High-Magnetic-Field Penning Trap
[2203.16946] Junyin Zhang, Changlong Zhu, Christian Wol et al.: Quantum coherent control in pulsed waveguide optomechanics
[2203.16975] Adrian Holzäpfel, Antonio Ortu, Mikael Afzelius: A readout-integrated time-bin qutrit analyzer for echo-based quantum memories
[2203.16979] Andrei Derevianko, Eden Figueroa, Julián MartÍnez-Rincón et al.: Quantum Networks for High Energy Physics
[2203.17006] Andrew M. Childs, Jiaqi Leng, Tongyang Li et al.: Quantum simulation of real-space dynamics
[2203.17009] Artur Soriani, Pierre Nazé, Marcus V. S. Bonança et al.: Assessing performance of quantum annealing with non-linear driving
[2203.17022] Javier Argüello-Luengo, Alejandro González-Tudela, Daniel González-Cuadra: Tuning long-range fermion-mediated interactions in cold-atom quantum simulators
[2203.17040] Cédric Ware, Raphaël Aymeric, Chaima Zidi et al.: Potential impact of CV-QKD integration on classical WDM network capacity
[2203.17046] Caio B. Naves, Marcelo A. Pires, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto et al.: Enhancing entanglement with the generalized elephant quantum walk from localized and delocalized states
[2203.17062] Diego S. S. Chrysosthemos, Marcos L. W. Basso, Jonas Maziero: Quantum coherence versus interferometric visibility in a generalized Mach-Zehnder interferometer
[2203.17077] Julia Neuwirth, Francesco Basso Basset, Michele B. Rota et al.: A multipair-free source of entangled photons in the solid state
[2203.17089] Ivana Nikoloska, Osvaldo Simeone: Quantum-Aided Meta-Learning for Bayesian Binary Neural Networks via Born Machines
[2203.17116] Koji Azuma, Nobuyuki Imoto, Masato Koashi: Optimal supplier of single-error-type entanglement via coherent-state transmission
[2203.17120] Christopher D. Mink, David Petrosyan, Michael Fleischhauer: Hybrid discrete-continuous truncated Wigner approximation for driven, dissipative spin systems
[2203.17147] E. K. Irish, A. D. Armour: Defining the semiclassical limit of the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian
[2203.17164] Denys I. Bondar, Zakhar Popovych, Kurt Jacobs et al.: Recovering models of open quantum systems from data via polynomial optimization: Towards globally convergent quantum system identification
[2203.17171] Rogério Jorge de Assis, Ciro Micheletti Diniz, Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas et al.: Thermodynamics of the Ramsey Zone
[2203.17181] A.K. Fedorov, N. Gisin, S.M. Beloussov et al.: Quantum computing at the quantum advantage threshold: a down-to-business review
[2203.17186] Nitish Mehta, Roman Kuzmin, Cristiano Ciuti et al.: Down-conversion of a single photon as a probe of many-body localization
[2203.17210] Maurice de Gosson: A Few Almost Trivial Notes on the Symplectic Radon Transform and the Tomographic Picture of Quantum Mechanics
[2203.17216] Renyu Wang, Leonid P. Pryadko: Distance bounds for generalized bicycle codes
[2203.17231] A. D. Alhaidari: Progressive approximation of bound states by finite series of square-integrable functions
[2203.17235] Yuanye Zhu: Quantum Computing with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ Abelian anyon system
[2203.17249] Andrew Shaw: Universalizing Analog Quantum Simulators
[2203.17252] Yuanye Zhu: Quantum simulation beyond Hamiltonian paradigm: categorical quantum simulation
[2203.17254] Bruno Bertini, Katja Klobas, Tsung-Cheng Lu: Entanglement Negativity and Mutual Information after a Quantum Quench: Exact Link from Space-Time Duality
[2203.17267] Zhiding Liang, Hanrui Wang, Jinglei Cheng et al.: Variational Quantum Pulse Learning
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in quant-ph on Fri, 1 Apr 22","img":""}

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