Toxicity Assessment
Assess your body’s total toxic load and find out how burdened your liver is.
Upon completion you will understand just how toxic your body is and what you can do to begin detoxing and rebalancing your body for optimal health.

Do you experience any of these head-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Neck tension
Cloudy head
None of the above
Do you experience any of these sinus-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Nasal congestion (stuffy nose)
Allergies (seasonal or daily)
Nose blowing
None of the above
Do you experience any of these eye-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Dark circles under eyes
Bags under eyes
Itchy eyes
Discharge or watery eyes
Blurred vision
Crusty eyes upon waking
None of the above
Do you experience any of these ear-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Itchy ears
Discharge or drainage from ears
Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
Excessive wax buildup
Blocked or muffled hearing
None of the above
Do you experience any of these teeth-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Pain in gums or teeth
Bleeding gums
Silver fillings
None of the above
Do you experience any of these mouth-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Canker sores
Cold sores (Herpes virus)
Cracking on lips
Discolored lips
White film on lips upon waking or after eating
None of the above
Do you experience any of these tongue-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Red dots on tongue
Side of tongue has dents (scalloping)
White, yellow or brown coating on tongue
Cracks or lines on tongue
None of the above
Do you experience any of these glands-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Swollen lymph nodes (neck, armpits or groin)
Difficulty swallowing
Loss of voice
Swollen ankles or hands/wrists/fingers
None of the above
Do you experience any of these breathing-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Chest tension
Air hunger (inability to get enough air in)
Chest congestion
Chronic cough
Clearing throat a lot
Voice hoarseness
None of the above
Do you experience any of these weight-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Difficulty losing weight
Gaining weight easily
Feeling swollen or puffy
Retaining water
Binge or compulsive eating
None of the above
Do you experience any of these joint/muscle-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Pain in joints
Muscle stiffness
Limited range of motion
Muscle weakness
None of the above
Do you experience any of these skin-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Hair loss
Flushing/Hot flashes
Dry, flaky skin
Excessive sweating
Hives or itchiness
Psoriasis, eczema, ringworm or skin rashes
None of the above
Do you experience any of these sleep-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Inability to fall asleep
Can't stay asleep/Wake up frequently
Heart racing at night
Night sweats
Trouble sleeping during a full moon
None of the above
Do you experience any of these energy-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Tired upon waking
Daytime or afternoon fatigue
General lack of energy
Lack of ambition or drive
None of the above
Do you experience any of these energy-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Hyperactivity (can't sit still)
Restlessness (feeling uncomfortable with quiet)
Tapping feet or shaking legs when seated
Decreased libido or sexual function
None of the above
Do you experience any of these digestive-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Feeling tired after meals (especially lunch)
Heartburn or indigestion
None of the above
Do you experience any of these digestive-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Constipation (straining or less than 1 BM/day)
Stomach or intestinal pain
Nausea or vomiting
Stomach sticking out more as day progresses
None of the above
Do you experience any of these mind-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Lack of concentration
Easily distracted or lose train of thought
Difficulty making decisions
Brain fog
None of the above
Do you experience any of these mind-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Stuttering or difficulty putting sentences together
Uncoordination or dropping things
ADD/ADHD or learning disabilities
None of the above
Do you experience any of these emotion-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Anger or rage
Dark thoughts
None of the above
Do you experience any of these emotion-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Sad for no reason
Mood swings
High strung
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Extreme highs and lows
None of the above
Do you experience any of these immunity-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)
Frequent colds (more than 2-3 illnesses per year)
Allergies (environmental or non-fatal food sensitivities)
Pneumonia in the last 12 months
Diagnosed disease
Unexplained illness
None of the above
{"name":"Toxicity Assessment   Assess your body’s total toxic load and find out how burdened your liver is. Upon completion you will understand just how toxic your body is and what you can do to begin detoxing and rebalancing your body for optimal health.", "url":"","txt":"Do you experience any of these head-based symptoms? (Select all that apply), Do you experience any of these sinus-based symptoms? (Select all that apply), Do you experience any of these eye-based symptoms? (Select all that apply)","img":""}
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