
An informative and engaging illustration representing long service leave claims and entitlements, featuring elements like paperwork, awards, and a professional setting.

Long Service Leave Claims Quiz

Test your knowledge on the intricate details of Long Service Leave claims and entitlements. This quiz covers various scenarios, policies, and procedures that are essential for understanding employee rights and responsibilities in relation to their long service leave claims.

  • 24 questions across multiple formats
  • Focus on claims processing policies
  • Ensure compliance with CoINVEST Rules
24 Questions6 MinutesCreated by NavigatingClaims42
What rule in the CoINVEST Rules can we find information relating to calculating 'Ordinary Pay'?
Rule 30.8
Rule 37.6
Rule 15.2
Rule 40.1
How would we calculate the ROP for a casual claim?
Based on the payslips provided
Based on a 38 hr week
Based on a 260 day average of last service reported
Based on the last quarterly period
Please select the correct answer below relating to our shift policy?
If the worker has been performing shift work for 3-6 months we will take an average of his wages over 260 days to determine the ROP
If the worker performed shift work in the week prior to his long service leave claim he will be paid on this rate
We never pay a worker shift rates because this is overtime
If the worker has been performing shift work for 0-3 months we will take an average of his wages over 260 days to determine the ROP
A worker has advised on their claim form that they have service recorded with an interstate scheme? What do we do?
Call the worker and advise that he needs to contact interstate to be paid this amount
Call the interstate scheme to get them to authorise that we pay service
Send an NRA to the interstate scheme to obtain entitlement and service information
Process the claim anyway
Select from the answers below what can be accepted as confirmation of a WORKERS ROP
Payslips within 4 weeks of received date or final service date
Verbal confirmation from the worker
Verbal confirmation from the employer
PAYG summaries
When processing a standard claim we allow for a variance of:
10% from the last contribution period
5% from an average of the last 4 x quarterly periods, or service reported from current employer
10% from an average of the last 4 x quarterly periods, or service reported from current employer
5% from the last contribution period
A worker has advised on their claim form that during the last 12 months they have changed roles from a worker to a leading hand. Are we required to contact the employer to verify coverage?
A worker has advised on thier claim form that during the last 12 months they have changed roles from a foreman to a site manager. Are we required to contact the employer to verify coverage?
A worker has advised on a claim form that they have been paid long service leave directly from an employer in the last 7 years, what is the process from here?
Nothing, we just need to know for our records
Employers never pay long service leave directly, just change to No
Call the worker to verify this as an employer reimbursement might be required
A worker has submitted an unemployed claim. Select what we should be checking in the Employers tab?
The trade type is the same as what has been listed on the claim form
There are termination dates for all employment periods
That the employer listed on the claim form matches up with the workers most recent employer
That the payslips match up with the most recent employer listed
All of the above
Are we required to check for 10% variances in the service history for casual workers?
What should we be checking when viewing the service history for a claim? Select all
Excess apprenticeship days in the last 12 months
All contributions
Excess WorkCover days in the last 12 months
Contributions over the last 12 months of service
Variances greater than 10%
Contributions for ALL employers
For a left industry claim, when are we required to contact the employer to obtain final service information?
When the termination date is after the end of the last WDW quarterly period
Every time
When the termination date is within the last 6 months
If the worker finished within the last quarterly WDW cycle and the employer hasn't submitted their most recent return
Select the correct format for a standard claim note:
RE: LSL claim for 2 weeks starting 11/11/2017. ROP $2063.44 = $54.54 + weekly allowance $100 x 36 as per payslip dated 21/07/2017
Claim paid: 1 weeks starting 1/7/2017. ROP $1000
RE: LSL claim for 1 week. ROP $1000 as per payslips
RE: LSL claim for 1 week starting 21/07/2017. ROP $1595 = $40 p/h + $4p/h site allowance x 36 + $11 first aid allowance paid weekly as per payslip dated 15/07/2017.
What is required to pay a WD claim?
3 x most recent PAYG summaries and confirmation of current ROP
3 x most recent payslips only
Verbal confirmation of ROP only
What is an interstate reimbursement?
A claim we paid to the worker that we are invoicing
An invoice for entitlements paid to a member from an interstate scheme on our behalf
A request for information from the interstate scheme relating to the workers entitlement
A claim received from a member who has interstate service
When is a deceased claim benefit payable to the Estate? Select all applicable
When the worker has more than 55 days of service reported
Only if the worker has reached entitlement
A benefit is always payable
If the last service reported is within 4 years of the date of death
Only if the member is currently registered
We have received a claim for a member where the allowances on the payslip are unclear and hard to calculate. The worker receives a lot of allowances and we cannot determine what the most recent week of allowances should be paid based on. The best course of action from here is to:
Take an average of what has been listed
Contact the worker to verify
Contact the employer to request another payslip
Contact the employer via phone to verify
A worker receives multiple site allowances on their payslips. Site allowance is received on each working hour. The way that we would go about calculating this is:
Choosing the site allowance where the most hours have been paid and pay all working hours based on this amount
Calculate the site allowance total working from most hours worked to least hours worked, up to the total hrs paid
Call the employer to ask what site they worked on most recently
A WSC is yet to reach entitlement and is wanting a refund of his payments. Does he fill out a claim form?
A WSC calls who has not reached entitlement wanting a refund on their payments. Do they receive the interest earnt on this amount?
A worker has 3 years of service recorded with CoINVEST and has moved into a managerial office based position from this date. He has worked with the same company for 10 plus years but does not have an entitlement with CoINVEST. The claims process for this would be:
Nothing - we don't have an entitlement and therefore cannot pay a claim
We pay the worker our component and the employer pays theirs
The worker needs to go back on site performing trade work for 4 more years to be paid entitlements
The employer would pay the worker and we would reimburse them for the service that's recorded with CoINVEST
A full-time worker has been paid 32 hrs site allowance. He worked on site 32 hrs for the week, with the rest of his time being taken paid leave. How would the site allowance be paid?
For 32 hrs only
For each hour worked
For all hours + overtime
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{"name":"Claims", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the intricate details of Long Service Leave claims and entitlements. This quiz covers various scenarios, policies, and procedures that are essential for understanding employee rights and responsibilities in relation to their long service leave claims.24 questions across multiple formatsFocus on claims processing policiesEnsure compliance with CoINVEST Rules","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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