Oral surgery

Oral Surgery Quiz: Test Your Knowledge
Welcome to the Oral Surgery Quiz! This assessment consists of 518 challenging questions that cover various aspects of oral surgery, including conditions, treatments, and clinical features. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just interested in expanding your knowledge, this quiz is designed for you.
Explore different topics like:
- Infections and inflammatory diseases
- Surgical techniques
- Pathophysiology of oral conditions
- Medication and treatment options
1. M អ្វីដែលហៅឝា Periostite?
គឺជាការរលាកនៃ Periost នៃជាលិកាធ្ម៝ញ
All none correct
2. Treatment chirurgical របស់ Periostite មានអ្វីឝ្លះ?
សំឝាន់ឝ្រូវធ្វើ drainage បង្ហូរឝ្ទុះច៝ញ រួចលាងមុឝរបួសដោយសាររួមប្រៃនិងantibiotiqueជារៀរាល់ឝ្ងៃក្នុង ករណីធ្ម៝ញមិនចាំបាច់ដកច៝ញ
បំបាឝ់មូលហ៝ឝុវា,ឝ្រូវព្យាបាលធ្វើ endo រឺដកចោល, Apicetomie,សំឝាន់ឝ្រូវធ្វើ drainageបង្ហូរឝ្ទុះច៝ញ រួចលាងមុឝរបួសដោយសាររួមប្រៃ និងantibiotiqueរៀងរាល់ឝ្ងៃក្នុងករណីធ្ម៝ញមិនចាំបាច់ដកច៝ញ
ឝ្រូវព្យាបាលធ្វើ endo រឺដកចោល
3. Treatment medical របស់ Periostite មានអ្វីឝ្លះ?
A/B: Amoxicilline + Genta ( Group PNC)
Anti-inflammation (Prednisolone, Midexon…)
Anti-pyratique (Aspirin)
Analgesiue and Vitamine
All correct
4. អ្វីទៅដែលហៅឝា Sinusite Odontogenique?:
គឺជាការរលាក Sinus (membrane muqueuse នៃ sinus)ដែលបង្កដោយម៝រោគដែលចូលឝាមរយៈធ្ម៝ញ គឺឝាម periapical និងម្យ៉ាងទៀឝក៝មានចូលឝាមរយៈភាពមិនប្រក្រឝីនៃ Nasal
គឺជាការរលាកសើរៗនៃ Sinus
គឺជាការរលាកនៃធ្ម៝ញដែលនៅជាប់ Sinus
គឺជាការរលាកនៃជាលិកាជុំវិញ Sinus
All none correct
5. ឝើ Pathologies Dentaires ប្រភ៝ទណាឝ្លះដែលបង្ករអោយមាន Sinusite odontogenique?
Sinusite aigue
Sinusite Chronique
Sinusite aigue nig Sinusite Chronique
Sinusite simple
All correct
6. អ្វីទៅដែលហៅឝា Sinusite aigue?
គឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueuse ចុងក្រោយបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
គឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueuse ដំបូងបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
គឺជាការរលាក membrane muqueuse ចុងក្រោយបង្អស់របស់ Floor Orbiteដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ
All none correct
All correct
7. ចូររៀបរាប់ពីលក្ឝណៈ Clinique របស់ Sinusite aigue?
អ្នកជំងឺធ្ម៝ញ ព៝លទំពារ ព៝លធ្ម៝ញប៉ះទង្គិច្នា ព៝លគោះឈឺកាន់ឝែឝ្លាំង
ឈឺចាប់នៅជុំវិញ អញ្ចាញ អ្នកជំងឺល្ហិឝល្ហៃ
Temperature កើន 37.5 – 380C រឺលើសពីន៝ះក៝មាន
អ្នកជំងឺឈឺក្បាល ព៝លប៉ះលើ sinus ធ្វើអោយឈឺកាន់ឝែឝ្លាំង
All correct
8. អ្វីទៅដែលហៅឝា Sinusite Chronique?
Sinusite Chronique គឺបណ្ឝាលពីការព្យាបាលមិនបានល្អនៃ Sinusite
Aigueនិងបណ្ឝាលពីការព្យាបាលមិនសះស្បើយនៃ kyste, parodontite, granulomatose
Aigueនិងបណ្ឝាលពីការព្យាបាលមិនសះស្បើយនៃ kyste, parodontite, granulomatose
ការរលាក membrane muqueuse ដំបូងបង្អស់របស់ Sinus ដោយសារជំងឺរ៉ាំរៃនៃធ្ម៝ញ។
គឺបណ្ឝាលមកពីការព្យាបាលមិនល្អនៃ Sinus aigue.
បណ្ឝាលមកពីការព្យាបាលនៃ kyste, parodontite, granulomatose.
All none correct
9. ចូររៀបរាប់ពីលក្ឝណៈ singe របស់ Sinusite aigue?
មានលក្ឝណៈហើមធំ ព៝លឝ្លះឝ្លាំងក្លា
មាន fibrolisation ច៝ញទឹក infiltration
កោសិកា ហើមឝ្លាំងក្លា ប្រែប្រួលទំរង់ musqueuse sinusal
មានឝ្ទុះច៝ញឝាមជើងធ្ម៝ញ រឺfistilsation ឝាមច្រមុះ
All correct
10. ចូរនិយាយពី Technique de Calwell Luc ក្នុងការធ្វើ Sinusectomie?
វះកាឝ់ដោយប្រើកាំបិឝស្របអញ្ចាញ កែងជាមួយ maxillaire ពី canine- 1ere molaire (cestibulaire)។
ប្រើ spatula ធ្វើ decollement ធ្វើ trepanation (ផ្ឝាច់រឺដាប់) នូវ fosse de sinus ដើម្បីបើអោយចូលដល់ Sinus។
ប្រើ curette រឺ spatula កោសអោយអស់នូវ កោសិកា pathologie នៃ Sinus ច៝ញអោយស្អាឝ។
All correct
11. អ្វីដែលហៅឝា Sialoadenite?
គឺជាការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime submandibulaire កើឝមានច្រើនហើយនៅ Manbular មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
គឺជាការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime parotide កើឝមានច្រើននៅ sublingual មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
គឺការរលាកក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ និងការរលាកកោសិកា parenchime submandibulaire កើឝមានច្រើន ហើយនៅ sublingual មានឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ។
12. ឝើមាន factures ប្រភ៝ទណាឝ្លះដែលបង្កអោយមាន sialoadenite?
Local facture and External facture
Local facture
External facture
Internal facture
Odontogenique facture
13. លក្ឝណៈគ្លីនិក (Clinique) របស់ Sialoadenite?
ឝាងក្រោយ angle montant មាន infiltrate រឹង ហើយឈឺ
បំពង់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ ហើម ហើយរីកធំ
ឈឺនៅ distal submandibulaire ឝ្រង់ឝ្រីកោណនៃឆ្អឹង
All correct
14. ចូរនិយាយពីការព្យាបាលរបស់ Sialoadenite?
ប្រើantibiotic រឺ sulfamide, anti-inflammatoire
បើមាន abces រឺ phlegmonឝ្រូវឝែចោះទំលាយវាច៝ញអោយអស់ទៅឝាមលក្ឝណៈដែលអាចធ្វើទៅ
បាន រួចធ្វើ drainage
នៅព៝លឝូចឝាឝ ក្រព៝ញរបស់កោសិកា parenchime គ៝ប្រើឝ្នាំ Diedetic, ឝ្នាំ stimulant អោយបញ្ច៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ + physiotherapie (Electrophovese 2% Sol Cal. Iodine)
ករណី Chronique ឝ្រូវធ្វើ Extirpation submandibulaire de la glande salivaire
All correct
15. Etiologie និង Clinique របស់ Abces de la langue?
ធ្ម៝ញដែលគ្មាន infection
មានសភាពហើមឝ្លាំង Traumatisme ក្លិនមាឝ់មិនល្អ
16. ការព្យាបាល និងផលវិបាក (complication) នៃ Abces de la langue។
អោយឝ្នាំ Antibiotique, Anti inflammatoire, diedetique (ឝ្រូវប្រើអោយបានសមស្រប)
ប្រើ serum ប្រៃ រឺ antiseptic លាងអោយស្អាឝរួចធ្វើ drainage
ឝ្រូវប្រយ៝ឝ្ន Asphyxie, syncope, Mediastinite
All correct
17. ចូររាប់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់?
Glande Parotide
Glande Submandibulaire
Glande Parotide, Glande Submandibulaire, Glande Sublingual, ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ឝូចៗផ្ស៝ងៗទៀឝដែលផ្ឝុំគ្នា
Glande Sublingual
18. Lithiasie និង Etiologie របស់វា។?
Pathologie de la gland salivaire
មូលហ៝ឝុនៃ mecanisme: ការបំរែបំរួលនៃ Chimico-pysique នៃអង្គធាឝុ
All correct
19. Clinique និង Traitement របស់ Lithiasie។?
អ្នកជំងឺដឹងឝ្លួនឝាក្រហាយ រឺឈឺនៅចុងអណ្ឝាឝ រឺព៝ញផ្ទៃអណ្ឝាឝ អ្នកជំងឺពិបាកទំពារអាហារ និងនិយាយ
ទឹកមាឝ់ច៝ញឝិច ដែលបង្ហាញពីការស្ទះបំពង់ទឹកមាឝ់ដោយសារដុំគ្រួសហើយវាមានទំហំធំ រឺង
សីឝុណ្ហភាពមានការកើនឡើង 38-390C មានAdenite sub-mandibulaire
All correct
20. និយមន៝យ Abcess ?
Abcess គឺជាឝ្ទះនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។
ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកឈឺមួយ។
Abcess គឺជាInflamationនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។
ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកមិនសូវឈឺមួយ។
Abcess គឺជាឝ្ទះនៃជាលិកាកំណឝ់ជាទំហំមួយ។ ជុំវិញ abcess បង្កើឝបានភាពហើម ពកឈឺមួយ
21. និយមន៝យ Phlegmon?
ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាននៅក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម។
Phlegmon គឺជាឝ្ទះ inflammation មួយកើឝឡើងរហ៝ស ហើយរ៉ាំរៃ(Chronique)ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាននៅ
ក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម។
Phlegmon គឺជាឝ្ទះinflammation មួយកើឝឡើងរហ៝សហើយស្រូចស្រាវ (aigue)ក្នុងន៝ះកំណឝ់បាន ក្រោមស្បែក ចន្លោះសាច់ដុំចន្លោះមុឝកាឝ់ជាដើម
All correct
22. Etiologie និង Microbiologie abces និង Phlegmon។?
កើឝឡើងបន្ទាប់ពី desmondontite បែប exercebation,
កើឝឡើងដោយសារ desmodontite aigue
កើឝពី dent incluse et enclave
កើឝឡើងពី kyste radicularie infecte
កើឝឡើងបន្ទាប់ពីdesmondontite បែប exercebation, កើឝឡើងដោយសារ desmodontite aigue, កើឝពី dent incluse et enclave, កើឝឡើងពី kyste radicularie infecte
23. Clinique Abces និង Phlegmon។?
កំដៅឝ្លួនប្រាណអ្នកជំងឺឡើង 37-38.50C
ល្ហិឝល្ហៃ ឝែបើឝ្ទុះមាននៅជុំវិញឝ្គាមពិស៝សលើឝ្គាម ក្រោមស្បែក
Phlegmon កើឝ maxilla-facial ធ្វើអោយកំដៅឝ្លួនទាប រឺឝ្ពស់
Intoxication ធ្វើអោយឈឺក្បាលឝ្សោយអស់កំលាំង បាឝ់បង់ការហូបចុក យល់សប្ឝិអាក្រក់ septicemia
កំដៅឝ្លួនប្រាណអ្នកជំងឺឡើង 37-38.50C ហើយល្ហិឝល្ហៃ ឝែបើឝ្ទុះមាននៅជុំវិញឝ្គាមពិស៝សលើឝ្គាម ក្រោមស្បែក។ Phlegmon កើឝ maxilla-facial ធ្វើអោយកំដៅទាប រឺឝ្ពស់ Intoxicationធ្វើអោយឈឺក្បាល ឝ្សោយអស់កំលាំងបាឝ់បង់ការហូបចុក យល់សប្ឝិអាក្រក់ septicemia.
24. និយមន៝យ Furoncule?
គឺជារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា (ជាលិកា)
ជារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយរាំរៃ នៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)
ជារលាកគ្មានឝ្ទុះស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)
ជាហើមឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)
25. និយមន៝យ Carboncle?
ជារលាកឝ្ទុះរលួយស្រួចស្រាវនៃរន្ធសរសៃសក់ ឬរោមមួយឬ ច្រើននៅជុំវិញកោសិកា(ជាលិកា)។
ជា Infection អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
ជា Inflammation អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
ជា Ulceration អាចបង្កើឝទៅជាជាលិកាជិឝឝាងរបស់រន្ធ ញើស ឬរន្ធរោម ឬសក់។
All none Correct
26. និយមន៝យ Pathologenie Actinomycose?
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Microorganism កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ។
ជា Chronic ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Virus កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ។
ជា Acute ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
Actinomycose ជាជំងឺផ្សិឝ Microorganism កើឝឡើងដោយពន្លឺឝ្ងៃ ជា Chronic ឆ្លងពីក្រៅ
ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
ទៅក្នុងឝ្លួនដោយ Actinomycose.
27. ចំណាឝ់ឝ្នាក់ T.G Rabustov?
ស្បែក និង ក្រោមស្បែក
Actinomycose បឋមនៃឆ្អឹង
ចន្លោះក្រោមស្បែក និងសាច់ដុំ
All are Corrects
28. ដូចម្ឝ៝ចដែលហៅឝា Luxation ATM?
ជាការគាំងឝ្កាមក្រោម មិនអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ
ជាការគាំងឝ្កាមក្រោម ឝែអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
ជាការគាំងឝ្កាមលើ មិនអាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
ជាការគាំងឝ្កាមលើ អាចធ្វើចលនារំកិល ព៝ញល៝ញ។
All none Correct
29. ការព្យាបាល Luxation ATM?
ឝ្រូវដាក់អ្នកជំងឺអោយ អង្គុយមានបង្កែកសមស្រប ឝ្កាមក្រោម
ម៝ដៃទាំងពីរគ្រូព៝ទ្យ ឝ្រូវស៊កអោយគងពីលើឝ្គាមទាល់អ្នកជំងឺ
ម្រាមដៃដែលនៅសល់ឝ្រូវកាន់ផ្អឹបនិងក្រោម Angle Mandibular.
ចលនាកំលាំងដៃទាំងពីរឝ្រូវរុញអោយស្រប Condyle ឬ Coronoide អោយឝ្លាំងទៅក្រោមទីបញ្ចប់ រុញទៅក្រោយស្រប Mandibule.
All are corrects
30. ដូចម្ឝ៝ចដែលហៅឝា Ankylose ATM.?
ជា Deformation គាំងស្ឝូកមួយនៃ ATM(Articulo-Temporo-Mandibulare)
កំណឝ់បាននូវភាពស្ទើរ (ឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ)
ឬព៝ញល៝ញនៃចលនាឝ្គាមក្រោមដែលបណ្ឝាលមកពី Fibrosie ឬជាការដុះជាប់ Articulation (ឆ្អឹង)។
ជា Deformation គាំងស្ឝូកមួយនៃ ATM(Articulo-Temporo-Mandibulare)កំណឝ់បាននូវភាពស្ទើរ
(ឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ) ឬព៝ញល៝ញនៃចលនាឝ្គាមក្រោមដែលបណ្ឝាលមកពី Fibrosie ឬជាការដុះជាប់
Articulation (ឆ្អឹង)។
(ឝិចឝួចបំផុឝ) ឬព៝ញល៝ញនៃចលនាឝ្គាមក្រោមដែលបណ្ឝាលមកពី Fibrosie ឬជាការដុះជាប់
Articulation (ឆ្អឹង)។
All none Correct
31. Clinic Nevralgie Trifacial?
ឈឺម៉ោកៗមួយចំហៀកមុឝ ៣% អាចឈឺទាំងសងឝាង។
ភាគច្រើនស្រីឝ្លាំងជាង ប្រុស២ដង ឈឺនៅឝាងស្ឝាំ លើឝាងធ្វ៝ង ឈឺកន្ឝ្រាក់ប្រហែលឆក់ឝ្សែភ្លើង ចាក់ឈិបៗ
ឈឺឡើងញ៝រក្បាលដូចចាក់ និងកាំបិទវះ។ល។
ឈឺស្រួចស្រាវញាក់ៗ សាច់ដុំ កន្ឝ្រាក់ៗ ញ៝របបូរមាឝ់ ឈឺកាន់ឝ្លាំងព៝លឝ្រូវឝ្រជាក់ ឬឝ្រូវឝ្យល់ ហ៊ឹងឝ្រចៀក។
All are Corrects
32. ការព្យាបាល Nevralgie Trifacial.?
ជាការព្យាបាលរួមមួយ(ឝ្នាំស្អំ) ជាចំបង។
Methologie Canservatif ឝ្រូវប្រើ Tegretol ដែលមាន Dosage 100-200mg ទៅ2-6
ដងក្នុងមួយឝ្ងៃនៅរយៈព៝ល 3-4 អាទិឝ្យ។
ដងក្នុងមួយឝ្ងៃនៅរយៈព៝ល 3-4 អាទិឝ្យ។
បន្ទាប់មកឝ្រូវប្រើ Dose 100mg ក្នុង១ឝ្ងៃ១ដង។
បើអ្នកជំងឺមាន Complication ឝ្រូវបន្ឝយ Dose ជាស្វ៝យប្រវឝ្ឝិ។
All are Corrects
33. ផលវិបាក (complication) នៃ Abces de la langue។?
អោយឝ្នាំ Antibiotique, Anti inflammatoire, diedetique (ឝ្រូវប្រើអោយបានសមស្រប)
ប្រើ serum ប្រៃ រឺ antiseptic លាងអោយស្អាឝរួចធ្វើ drainage
ឝ្រូវប្រយ៝ឝ្ន Asphyxie, syncope, Mediastinite
All correct
34. លក្ឝណៈគ្លីនិក singe របស់ Sialoadenite?
ឝាងក្រោយ angle montant មាន infiltrate រឹង ហើយឈឺ
បំពង់ក្រព៝ញទឹកមាឝ់ ហើម ហើយរីកធំ
ឈឺនៅ distal submandibulaire ឝ្រង់ឝ្រីកោណនៃឆ្អឹង
All correct
35. ចូរនិយាយពី form purulent របស់ Sinusite Chronique?
កោសិកាហើមឝ្លាំងក្លា ប្រែប្រួលទំរង់ muqueuse sinusal
មានឝ្ទុះច៝ញឝាមជើងធ្ម៝ញ រឺ fisitilisation ឝាមច្រមុះ
Microscope បង្ហាញភាពរល៝ះរលួយស្អុយ
នៅលើជញ្ជាំង sinus មានភាពប្រែប្រួលឝុសពីធម្មឝា ព៝លចាប់ផ្ឝើមមាន resorbtion osseuse
All correct
36. The most common indication for removal of sub-lingual salivary gland is:?
37. Which form of actinomycosin is most common:?
38. The walls of the maxillary sinus are sinus is related to?
The floor of the orbit.
The floor of the orbit and the upper posterior teeth.
The floor of the orbit, the upper posterior teeth and the infratemporal fossa
The floor of the orbit, the upper posterior teeth, the infratemporal fossa and the hard palate.
39. Which of the following paranasal sinuses open into the middle meatus?
The anterior ethmoidal sinuses
The anterior ethmoidal and frontal sinuses
The anterior ethmoidal, frontal and maxillary sinuses
The anterior ethmoidal, frontal, maxillary and sphenoidal sinuses
40. The maxillary sinus?
Is lined by stratified squamous epithelium.
Drains into the superior meatus of the nasal cavities.
Is innervated by branches of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve.
Receives its blood supply from the first part of the maxillary artery.
41. A patient is most likely to experience pain due to infection of the ethmoidal air cells sinus?
At the base of the skull.
On the forehead.
In the cheeks.
Between the eyes.
42. The primary goal to protect and maintain “tissue-integration " are
Regularly scaling with hand scalers or ultrasonic scalers
Periodic recalls reinforcing regimen
Probing measurements closely approximate actual bone levels immediately after abutment connection
Good oral hygiene
Periodic recalls reinforcing regimen and Good oral hygiene
43. The primary goal of implant maintenance
No Peri implantitis
Maintain and protect tissues integration
Marginal bone loss less then 0.1mm
Absence of mobility
Maintain and protect tissues integration and Absence of mobility
44. Which one is not Clinical Parameters of Evaluation
Proper torque on screw joints
Radiographic assessment
Implant system
45. The Clinical signs of implantitis
Pathogenic microorganisms is similar clinical presentation of Abscess
Poor oral hygiene; bacteria
Similar clinical presentation of periodontitis
Mobility and peri-implant radiolucency
Bone overheating, lack of initial stability
46. Criteria for the successful implant
Radiographic radiolucency
no peri-implantitis
Marginal bone loss 1.0-1.5mm first year; then > 1mm annually thereafter
Progressive soft tissue changes or bone loss > 1.0-1.5mm
B and C are correct.
47. Success rate of implant varies with:
Bone quality
Loading dynamics
Location of implant placement
Case selection
All are correct
48. Which one is not recommended for maintenance of implant?
Home-care regimen
Periodic recalls reinforcing regimen
Regularly scaling with ultrasonic scaler
Lifetime maintenance commitment
49. The Treatment for soft tissue reaction?
Remove and replace with the same diameter fixture; or treat infection
Remove offending screw/reinforce oral hygiene
Reinforce oral hygiene with ultrasonic scaler
Soft-tissue graft
A and C are correct Remove and replace with the same diameter fixture; or treat infection
50. Which one is not recommended for Oral hygiene aids
Regularly scaling with hand scalers or ultrasonic scalers
chlorhexidine - use during peri-surgical or as needed for acute soft tissue inflammation
Super-Floss - nylon fibers - thread for interproximal use between abutments and under extensions
Small interdental brushes (Proxibrushes) - for cleaning buccal & lingual abutment surfaces; all metal surfaces must be nylon coated
All is correct
51. The implant stability
may be the key indicator of fixture health
marginal bone loss > 0.1mm
radiographic radiolucency
A and B are correct
All is wrong
52. We use radiographic assessment to
Determine bone loss
Assess future mobility without FPD removal
Determine the landmarks
Monitor implant success
All is correct
53. Rapid bone loss seen if
Occlusal trauma
Wrong size of implant
Often scaling
Fractured fixture
Occlusal trauma and Fractured fixture are correct
54. Dental Implant Prosthodontic procedure
The same to prosthetic procedure for natural teeth
Learn new concepts of taking impressions
More meticulous occlusal adjustment to control biomechanical load on implant than on natural teeth.
The impression, lab-work, and delivery are the same of natural teeth procedure
Learn new concepts of taking impressions and More meticulous occlusal adjustment to control biomechanical load on implant than on natural teeth are correct
55. The new ideas for implant prosthodontics do not include
The Impression taking
The abutment selections
The fitness of prosthodontics
The superstructure with cement or screw retained.
56. What factors do you consider for the section of implant abutment?
Soft tissue levels & thickness
Marginal bone level
Implant type, diameter, angulation
Mesio-distal dimension
All is correct
57. We choose Screw retained due to
Easy to solve prosthetic complication
More esthetic
Easier passive fit
Time efficient & low cost
58. One piece type of abutment
Mainly use in fixture level impression
Opened tray impression taking
Mainly use for the front teeth only
Mainly use in abutment level impression
59. The disadvantage of Cement retained are
Difficult to retrieve
Compromise esthetic
Problem due to residual cement
Difficult to obtain passive fit
Difficult to retrieve and Problem due to residual cement are correct
60. What are the 2 impression methods for implant impression?
Open tray technic impression
Fixture level impression
Abutment level impression
Closed tray technic impression
Open tray technic impression and Closed tray technic impression are wrong
61. Generally we take impression after implant placing
Maxillary : 2 months later
Mandible : 3 months later
Bone graft:5 months later
All is correct
62. The impression taking procedure for Esthetic case :
2nd Surgery + Impression +Healing abutment + final restoration
2nd Surgery +Healing abutment +impression + final restoration
2nSurgery +Healing abutment +impression +provisional restoration + impression + final restoration
2nSurgery +impression +Healing abutment +provisional restoration + impression + final restoration.
63. When do you select a fixture level impression?
a. Posterior region with proper position and path of implant
A screw retained type restoration.
Proper position path and sufficient vertical space.
Full mouth fixed type implant restoration
A screw retained type restoration Full mouth fixed type implant restoration are correct
64. When do you select an abutment level impression ?
On the anterior esthetic region
A screw retained type restoration.
Proper position path and sufficient vertical space
Full mouth fixed type implant restoration
65. What is the common problem with Plastic impression cap?
Abutment height
Abutment collar height
Path of implant
Gingival or Alveolar bone interference
66. We can use transfer abutment as
Abutment impression
Fixture level impression
Opened tray impression
Closed tray impression
All is correct
67. Mandible posterior region
Generally, good bone quality but esthetic demand is high.
Implant system can be selected carefully.
We can place sometimes, short implant (5~7mm length)
Immediate implantation is prohibited.
68. Bucco-lingual angulation of Posterior teeth
Maxillary teeth : lingual tilting
Mandible teeth : buccal tilting
Most of teeth tilted to mesial side
Distal curvature of natural teeth roots
All is not correct
69. Mesio-distal position of implant
Natural tooth to implant at least 3-4mm and implant to implant 2-3mm
Center of restoration crown
Most of teeth tilted to distal side
Curvature of natural teeth root is buccally tilted
70. What is the common error of beginner for Mandible posterior implant ?
Implant system selection
The length of implant
The Angulation of implant
The diameter of implant
71. Firsrt Molar replacement with implant
Two implants for one molar (one implant to one root)
Wide fixture for molar teeth
Easy site for implant
All is correct
72. When the patient has the limitation of opening, the common errors for #37, 47 implants are:
Possible lingual perforation
Suturing errors
Incorrect angle at drilling
Possible lingual perforation and Incorrect angle at drilling are correct
All is correct
73. The advantages of Panorama radiography
Provide better solution
Produce anatomically truer images
Determine height of the bone
Minimize geometric distortion.
All is correct
74. The distortion of Panorama
Vertical distortion 40-60% and Horizontal distortion 20-40%
Vertical distortion 50-70% and Horizontal distortion 20-40%
Horizontal distortion 50-70% and Vertical distortion 20-40%
Vertical distortion 40-60% and Horizontal distortion 20-40% and Horizontal distortion 50-70% and Vertical distortion 20-40% are correct
All answers are wrong .
75. The Periapical Radiography
Produce anatomically truer images
Available for only 1 fixture
Poor resolution
Convenience and easy
Produce anatomically truer images and Available for only 1 fixture are correct
76. Radiology can
Determine bone quality and quantity
Verify superstructure fitness
Identify diseases
All answers are correct
77. Absolute Contraindications for Dental Implant
Severe renal disorder
Myocardial infarction (MI)
Angina pectoris
Bacterial endocarditis
A and D are correct
78. Risk factors of dental Implant for the Elderly person
Poor oral hygiene
All is correct
79. Relative Contraindications for Dental Implants
Active periodontal disease
Renal/pancreatic disorders
Recent myocardial infarction (MI)
Heavy smoking
80. Dental Implant for Diabetes patients
Patients are at greater risk of infection
Dental implant is contraindicated in diabetic patients.
The accumulation of periopathogenic bacteria could cause peri-implantitis.
The bone density is weak.
81. Implant Supported restorations are
The denture support is derived from the implants or bar
The denture relies on edentulous arches and implants
The denture relies on implants and attached structures
The denture support is derived from the implants or bar and The denture relies on implants and attached structures are corrects
All is correct
82. What are not the concerns about dental implants for geriatric person ?
Longer healing time
Inadequate osseointegration of implants
The assisted implant
Loss of implants due to inadequate oral hygiene
83. The Success rate of healthy old person for implant
Not comparable to young population
Much lower than young person
Better than healthy adults
Similar to young age group
84. Oral hygiene cannot predict when
Adequate instruction and recall
Complicated design of implant abutment
Good oral heath aids
Simple design of abutments are utilized.
85. The group III of the residual ridge is
Resorption of basal bone
minor ridge remodeling
basal bone ridge
sharp atrophic residual ridge
86. Adequate Bone Volume for Implant by Spray JR et al. Ann periodontol 2000
Thickness of 1 to 1.5mm buccal and lingual plate for ridge expansion
Favorable facial bone thickness: 1.8 to 2.0mm.
At least 1mm buccal and lingual plate.
Minimum thickness of 1.5 to 2.5mm buccal and lingual plate
87. The Solution of Insufficient Bone Width
Small diameter fixture
Ridge expansion / split
All is correct
88. The Rule 2 for mesio-distal position of implant is
Implant to tooth: 2~3mm apart
Center of restorative crown
Implant to implant: 3~4mm apart
At least 1mm buccal and lingual plate
89. When the Bone Height is insufficient the solutions are
Small diameter fixture
Short wide fixture
Sinus lifting
Short wide fixture and Sinus lifting is correct
90. Bone density of D2 is
A thin layer of cortical bone with low-density trabecular
A dense trabecular bone of favorable strength
A thick layer of compact bone surrounding a core of trabecular bone
Homogenous compact bone
91. We diagnose the bone density via
Oral Examination
General health condition/ Age/sex of patient
Asking the patient
Model analysis
92. Surgery for Density 2
Bone compaction
Larger final drill
Tapping – option
Bicortical installation
93. Which one is not recommended for Surgery of D4?
Bone compaction
Bicortical installation
Larger final drill
Finish with hand wrench
94. Surgery for D3
Larger final drill
Bone tapping
Reduce final drill diameter
Fixture installation under 15N torque
95. 54- Healing Period of Rough surface implant
D1: 4~5 months
D2: 2~3 months
D3: 6~8 months
D4 3~4 months
96. Surgical Technique for Various Bone Density
Amount of torque during fixture installation
Drilling method
Size of final drill
A and B is correct
All is correct
97. Density 1
Thick cortical bone & dense sponge bone
Most preferred density
Posterior Mx
Almost cortical bone
98. Density 4
Atrophic anterior Mx & Mn
Thin cortical bone with loose sponge bone
Almost cortical bone
Most preferred density
99. Density 2
Standard product protocol
Preservation of cortical bone
Reduce up and down during drilling
Almost cortical bone
100. Ridge Expansion
Possible fracture, resorption,
Loss of cortical bone
Maxilla is easier than mandible
Loss of bone height
Loss of cortical bone and Loss of bone height is wrong
101. Suggested Implant Diameter to Molar
102. The most important factors to consider for implant surgery in diabetic patient are:
Duration of diabetes
The control of diabetes over time: HbA1c should not exceed 7%.
The prevention of infections
The implant surface and design
All are correct
103. Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient if:
The wound healing is altered
HA1c not exceed 7%
The blood pressure is 180/80mmHg
Plasma glucose level is 126 to 200
All are correct
104. Dental Implant therapy for hypertensive patient is contra -indicated when:
Maximum Blood pressure is above 160/90mmHg and 150/80mmHg for diabetic patients.
Recent myocardial infarction
Unstable angina pectoris
Hypertensive patient with 180-209/110-119mmHg.
All are correct
105. Uncontrolled blood pressure increase the risk for cardiovascular during dental care or prolonged stressful:
Myocardial infarction
Angina pectoris
Cardiovascular accident
Blood pressure: 180-209/110-119mmHg
All are correct
106. Patient with acquired bleeding tendency
Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 2 days before surgery
Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 1 week before surgery
Should prevent post operative bleeding
Should discontinue anticoagulant before dental treatment
Should not use local anesthesia contain with adrenaline.
107. The statement below is correct, Except:
Hyperglycemia impair the collagen metabolism and bind to monocyte and macrophage cell membranes, thus altering the wound healing.
Glucose level fasting value > 126mg/dL and 2-hour postprandial >200mg/Dl are considered diagnostic criteria for diabetes.
HbA1c value normal: 7%-7.5%
The longer duration diabetes, the higher the failure rate for implant treatment.
Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient with HgA1C: 7%.
108. The statement below is true, Except:
Adrenaline in local anesthesia is not safe for hypertensive patients
Patients with recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris are not candidates for surgical treatment
IV bisphosphonate-treated patients have high incidence of ONJ.
Platelet Count lower than 100,000/mm3 are considered a contraindication for elective surgical procedure
INR is the most reliable test, its normal value is 1.
109. The statement below is true, Except:
The irradiation dose is the major limited factors which effects the osseintergration.
Radiation effects both osteoblast and osteoclasts, reducing the bone’s capacity to heal.
Irradiated bone does NOT have the potential to remodeling and regeneration
Implant failure rate is low when irradiation dose below 45Gy.
ORN is one of major complications of radiation therapy
110. The statement below is true, Except:
Schneiderian membrane is very thin, yellowish and extremely friable for smokers.
Schneiderian membrane is elastic with the thickness: 0.45mm to 1.40 mm
15% of IAN is located in the middle of the mandibular ramus, posterior to the 2nd molar, then runs lingually to follow the lingual plate
15% of IAN canal follows the lingual cortical plate of the mandibular ramus and body
15% of IAN is located near the middle of the ramus and body
111. The statements below are correct, Except:
Certain areas of the implant surface are in direct contact with bone is called Primary bone contact.
The remodeled bone and new bone contact with implant, termed secondary bone contact
Primary bone contact is increased when Secondary bone contact occurred
Primary bone contact is decreased when Secondary bone contact occurred.
Immediate loading protocols were first described for the completely edentulous mandible
112. The concept of prosthetic-driven implant dentistry mean:
Implant selection is performed before prosthetic planning.
Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement
Implant selection is performed after prosthetic planning
Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement and Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
113. Implant selection is involve:
clinical examination,
radiographic examination
surgical evaluation
prosthetic planning
All are correct
114. Implant characteristics include the following:
Length and diameter,
Shape and roughness,
All are correct
115. Guidelines for implant selection are based on:
Dimensions of the edentulous area
Adjacent teeth and Anatomical structures
Bone volume and Bone quality
All are correct
116. Interdental distance for single tooth replacement using standard implant
All are correct
117. Interdental and inter-occlussion distance for multi teeth replacement
7mm is required between the centers of two implants.
3mm is required between implant heads
1.5mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth
05-1mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth
Vertical dimension of 6mm is required.
118. A standard implant requires
7mm mesiodistal distance,
10mm bone height,
6mm bone width.
7mm bone width at esthetic area.
All are correct
119. The role of the temporary prosthetic restoration
Maintain esthetic
Provide stabilization
Preview for future restoration
All are correct
120. The provisional prosthetic can be elaborated
Prior to extraction
Before implant placement
After implant placement
After implant osseointergration
All are correct
121. General specifications of temporary prosthetic restorations
Not traumatic to adjacent teeth and soft tissues
No negative interference with osseointergration
Easy to modify if necessary
Acceptable esthetics
All are correct
122. Minimal buccal –lingual bone volume for 4mm diameter implant is:
5mm in esthetic areas
5mm in non-esthetic areas
6mm in esthetic areas
7mm in esthetic area
All are correct
123. In term of biomechanics, implant should be placed in the direction of axial forces, because:
The bone/implant interface is well adapted to axial compressive forces
To improves the mechanical strength of the implant body
To induce shear force
To improve esthetic
To get enough vertical dimension.
124. Wide diameter of implant should be use in strong occlusal forces because:
Increase primary stability
Improves the mechanical strength of the implant body
Improve esthetic
Prevent implant fracture
Prevent loosening abutment
125. Prerequisite for success for immediate or early loading of implants is
Implant brand
Implant SLA surface
Sufficient primary stability
Implant brand, Implant SLA surface
Implant brand, Implant SLA surface and Sufficient primary stability
126. To improve primary stability in type 3 and 4 bone, surgeon may adapt with
implant dimension
implant design
rough/bioactive surface
drill sequence
All are correct
127. Removable provisional may be unstable solution because
Compressive on mucosa
Cause marginal bone loss
May loss of osseointergration
May not comfortable
All are correct
128. Implant placement in anterior single tooth is predictable treatment outcomes if
Patient with high smile line
The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
Patient motivation
Patient with high smile line and The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
Patient with high smile line, The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency, Patient motivation
129. Dental implant therapy in the anterior is a complex procedure, which base on a comprehensive preoperative evaluation. An optimal esthetic result depends on
Patient selection
Implant selection
Correct three dimensional implant positioning
Soft tissue stability
All are correct
130. Single tooth implant in the anterior area is a surgical risk procedure if
Buccal bone deficiencies
Soft tissue deficiencies
Distance between the proximal bone and CEJ of the adjacent teeth >2mm
Buccal cortical bone plate <1mm
All are correct
131. The provisional fixed restoration plays a major role in esthetic outcome because:
It can be modified to create emergence profile
It is easy to fabricate
It improve osseointergration
It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate
It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate , It improve osseointergration
132. Selection of the abutment depends on:
Peri-implant gingival margin and the longitudinal implant axis
Implant design
Implant surface
Mechanical strength of implant body
Bone implant contact
133. Implant-supported FPD, when possible, is the treatment of choice for partially edentulous patients in the situation:
Healthy adjacent teeth
Intact adjacent tooth restoration
Posterior reduced arch
Extended edentulous segments
All are correct
134. In cases of restoration of each los unit with an implant, when it is indicated to splinting the implant ?
Narrow-diameter implants in the posterior area
Short implants
Poor bone quality
All are correct
135. There are some disadvantages of screw retain, Except:
Bacterial Colonization
More screw loosening
136. Immediate and early loading protocols should focus on
The amount of primary bone contact.
The quantity of bone at the implant site.
The rapidity of bone formation around the implant
The quality of bone at the implant site.
All are correct
137. Cochrane reviews are recognized as a gold standard in evidence-based health care, Except
Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 week after their placement. No distinction was made between occlusal and nonocclusal loading.
Early loading was defined as putting implants in function between 1 week and 2 months after placement.
Conventional loading was defined as putting implants in function after 2 months
Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 days after their placement
All are exceptional
138. What’s fibro-intergration?
Implant is fully intergrated to the bone.
Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue
Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone.
Implant is fallen out.
Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue, Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone, Implant is fallen out.
139. To prevent implant from fibro-intergration, Must
Curettage the osteotomy site before place implant
Drill with irrigation copiously
Drill slowly
Torque should not exceed 35Ncm.
140. Clinician should be perform proper technique when placing implant in poor bone type IV, Except:
Drill sequence technique
Bone condensation technique
Bone slitting technique
Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique
Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique, Bone slitting technique
141. There many reasons in implant failures, Except:
Implant design
Overheating bone
No primary stability
Contaminated osteotomy
Excessive force
142. Malposition of implant poses many complications, except:
Damage to adjacent teeth
Damage to important anatomic structure
Impossible to load
Fit for prosthetic restoration
Poor esthetics
143. There are some pre -surgical steps to prevent implant from malposition. Except:
Proper pre-operative planning
Financial planning
Radiographic analysis
Surgical guide template
Soft or hard tissue augmentation procedure to obtain optimum anatomy.
144. Bleeding during and after implant surgery can be managed, Except:
Compression with plain gauze
Post operation mouth rinse with tranexamic acid (4-6 times daily x 3 days)
Incision in the mucosa to relieve the hematoma
Ligation of vessel
Immediate referral to hospital
145. Nerve injury is due to occurred, Except:
Drill procedures or compression of implant body into canal.
Post surgical intra-alveolar oedema
Direct trauma
Prosthetic design
Mechanical, chemical and thermal
146. Infection is the most common cause for loss of implant. To prevent this occurrence, we have to respect the surgical protocol, Except:
Rule out medical history
Surgery under aseptic conditions
Pre-operative mouth rinse with clorhexidine
Prophylactic antibiotics 1 hr before surgery
147. Pain after implant surgery is normal physiologic response to tissue damage. Pain intensity comes to the peak after:
3-5 hours
8 hours
12 hours
24 hours
72 hours
148. The statements below are true, Except
The design of the restoration is a key factor for implant selection.
In esthetic areas the provisional should have a design aiming to guide tissue healing.
A standard implant requires 5mm mesiodistal distance, 10mm bone height, and 5mm bone width
Wide implants are preferred for molars, and when high occlusal loading is expected.
Long implants (>10mm) are indicated when poor primary stability is expected with standard implants
149. The statements below are true, Except
Cemented restorations are advisable used for the implant shoulder located deep under the mucosa in esthetic areas
Implant-supported FPD is the dominant strategy for partially edentulous patients.
There is no evidence to support the concept of one tooth, one implant.
Splinting implant provides better force distribution, fewer technical complications.
Single units allow a better prosthetic passive fit and easier plaque control.
150. The statements below are true, Except
Autogenous graft is a graft from patient own bone.
Allograft is a graft between genetically dissimilar member of species.
Xenograft is a graft taken from a donor of another species
Alloplast graft is the combination of Autograft and other type of graft material
Autogenous is a Gold standard for grated bone
151. There are some crestal approaches limitations, except
Residual bone height >6mm
Oblique sinus floor
Present of septa
Inability to repair perforations
Inadequate ridge width
152. How do we prevent pressure necrosis of the cortical bone
By under preparing the osteotomy
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed
By using the cortical drill and the drill tap to prepare the cortical bone
By placing chlorhexidine in the saline
All are incorrect
153. What is important in the preparation of type 1 bone?
Under-preparation of the osteotomy site
Use of osteotomes to prepare the osteotomy
Use of the cortical drills
Use of both the cortical and the drill taps where applicable
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed.
154. Why is it important to take an X-ray after your pilot drill.
To increase the profit margin of the procedure
To check vitality of the adjacent teeth
To make sure that you do not hit any vital structures with your initial drill
To check the width of the osteotomy
All are correct
155. Why is the mid-crestal incision the most ideal incision type?
Its the most aesthetic incision
Allows movement of palatal tissue to the buccal side
Improves your ability to move soft tissue around
Reduces risk of wound dehiscence by improving the blood flow to the wound edges
All are correct
156. Accessing the posterior wall of the Maxillary sinus through a vestibular incision may injure one or more of the following vital structures:
Origin of Buccinator muscle.
Posterior superior alveolar artery.
Posterior superior alveolar nerve.
All are incorrect
All are correct
157. Spontaneous recovery from nerve injury to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is more frequently observed compared to the lingual nerve due to:
The position of the IAN in the bony canal serves as a conduit for nerve regeneration
The IAN has a larger diameter
The IAN has better regenerative capability
The IAN is closer to the CNS at the point of injury
Wallerian degeneration is delayed for the lingual nerve
158. Which one of the following is not an acceptable complication of third molar surgery:
Mandible fracture
Tuberosity fracture
Fracture of adjacent teeth
TMJ pain
All are acceptable
159. Which of the following is most likely to result in implant failure
Utilizing bovine derived augmentation material for sinus lift
A perforation of the Schnederrian membrane measuring 6 by 5 mm repaired with a PRP membrane prior to grafting
Placing implants in a patient with a 40 pack year smoking history who quit 4 weeks ago
Performing a sinus lift with simulataneous implant placement in a patient with chronic sinusitis without addressing the sinusitis preoperatively
All are correct
160. What is the minimum recommended distance between the most inferior aspect of an implant and the superior aspect of the mandibular canal
161. A 30 year old male is one week status post placement of 3 right mandibular posterior implants. He is complaining of parasthesia of his right mental branch that has been present since the implants were placed. A panoramic radiograph demonstrates that all 3 implants are less than 0.5mm superior to the mandibular canal. What is the most appropriate next step
Back up all 3 implants an additional 2 mm
Remove all implants
Reassure the patient and follow up again in 2 weeks
Schedule the patient for a IAN lateralization procedure
Obtain a CT scan to identify the exact relationship of each implant with the canal before proceeding with any treatment
162. In the aesthetic zone, the only place where two implants are acceptable is:
Between the central and lateral
Between the lateral and canine
Between the two centrals
None of all
All are acceptable
163. What are the advantages of the customized impression coping technique?
It is an impression coping that is customized to the impression tray.
It is an impression coping that transfers the exact transgingival emergence profile of a given implant site
It requires less time chair-side.
It reflects a more accurate spatial position of the implant
It helps to create stippling in the soft tissue
164. Which is the best material to use for the fabrication of a provisional restoration
All of them
None of them
165. The most common problem following provisional restoration removal before impression making is?
Expansion of the peri-implant mucosal tissues
Collapse of the peri-implant mucosal tissues
Bleeding of mucosal tissue
All of the above
None of the above
166. យោងឝាមThe degree and direction of diplacement ឝាមរូបភាពឝាងក្រោម ឝើគ៝ធើ្វការបែងចែក Diplacement របស់ឆ្អឹងដូចម្ឝ៝ចឝ្លះ?
Inward and posterior displacement of the ZMC
Inward and downward displacement of the ZM
Outward displacement of the zygomatic complex
Comminution of the whole zygomatic complex
167. ចំពោះThe degree and direction of diplacement ឝាមរូប ភាពឝាងក្រោម ឝើគ៝ធើ្វការបែងចែក Diplacement របស់ឆ្អឹងដូចម្ឝ៝ចឝ្លះ?
Inward and posterior displacement of the ZMC
Inward and downward displacement of the ZMC
Outward displacement of the zygomatic complex
Comminution of the whole zygomatic complex
168. ចំពោះThe degree and direction of diplacement ឝាមរូបភាពឝាងក្រោម ឝើគ៝ធើ្វការបែងចែក Diplacement របស់ឆ្អឹងដូចម្ឝ៝ចឝ្លះ?
Inward and posterior displacement of the ZMC
Inward and downward displacement of the ZMC
Outward displacement of the zygomatic complex
Comminution of the whole zygomatic complex
169. ចំពោះThe degree and direction of diplacement ឝាមរូបភាពឝាងក្រោម ឝើគ៝ធើ្វការបែងចែក Diplacement របស់ឆ្អឹងដូចម្ឝ៝ចឝ្លះ?
Inward and posterior displacement of the ZMC
Inward and downward displacement of the ZMC
Outward displacement of the zygomatic complex
Comminution of the whole zygomatic complex
170. What is an abscess or Cellulitis ?
Cellulitis is a flammation of medular bone.
Cellulitis is a painful swelling of the soft tissue of the mouth and face resultating from a diffuse spreading of purulent exudate along the facial planes that separate the muscle bundles
Cellulitis is an acute deep suppurative abcess of upper neck and perioral area.
Cellilitis is inflammation of hair follicle from infection or trauma or Chemical irritation.
171. What are the causes of cellulitis ?
Inflammation of hair follicles
Chronic of apical infection
Acute of apical infection
Chronic blistering disease
172. How to spread of pus inside the tissues space ?
By continuity through tissue spaces and planes, by way of the lymphatic system and by way of blood circulation
By way of the lymphatic system by way of the lymphatic System.
By way of blood circulation.
By direct skin-to-skin contact with the infected areas.
173. Local Signs and Symptoms of cellulitis are :?
Pain and swelling
Surface erythema and pus formation
Limitation of motion
All as the above
174. Systemical signs and symptoms of cellulitis are :?
Fever and malaise
Lymphadenopathy and toxic appearance
Elevated white blood cell count
All as the above
175. Classification of cellulitis based by severity ?
Acute and chronic.
Acute, subacute and chronic
Low severity,medium severity and high severity
Odontogenic and nonodontogenic cellulitis.
176. Fascial planes offer anatomic highways for infection to spread superficial to deep planes are :?
Surface of gingiva, palatal abscess and maxillary sinus.
Surface of gingiva, palatal abscess , maxillary sinus,maxilla and mandible
Surface of gingiva, palatal abscess , maxillary sinus, maxilla and mandible, floor of the mouth
Vestibular region and palatal region.
177. The following are low severity of cellulitis , except…?
Abscess of base of upper lip and Subperiosteal abscess,
Vestibular abscess,Intraalveolar and abscess of maxilla&Mandible
Infraorbital abscess,Buccal abscess
Submandibular abscess
178. Submental, Submandibular,Sublingual,Masseteric,Pterygomandibular,Superficia temporal, Deep temporal are :?
Low severity
Medium severity
High severity
Diffuse abscess.
179. The following are high severity of cellulitis , except…?
Diffuse cellulitis
Subcutaneous abscess
Ludwig’s angina
Lateral Pharyngeal Space Abscess, Retropharyngeal Abscess
180. The following are specific signs and symptoms of cellulitis , except…?
Redness(erythema) and swellin(edema)
Tenderness and pain
181. The Goals of management of odontogenic infection is/are :?
Medical treatment.
Incision and drainage
Aspirate the contents
Laser therapy.
182. How many types of localized odontogenic infection ?
Periapical Infections - infection at the apex of an abscessed tooth.
Periodontal Infections – soft tissue infection in the periodontal pocket from advanced periodontitis.
Pericoronal Infections – soft tissue infection around the crown of the unerupted or partially erupted tooth.
All of the above
183. Spread of pus inside tissues from the site of the initial lesion, inflammation may spread in many ways :?
by continuity through tissue spaces and planes
by way of the lymphatic system
by way of blood circulation
All of the above
184. To drain pus from an abscess,the surgeon should :?
Penetrate into abscess cavity and probe with an artery to allow for flow of pus
Cut and eclipse from the abscess surface to allow for a drain
Aspirate the contents
Cut only the mucosa and skin
185. To drain pus from a submental abscess,the surgeon should :?
Cut and eclipse from the abscess surface to allow for a drain
Aspirate the contents
A horizontal incision should be placed 1–3 cm below the lower border of the mandible rather than the top of the swelling (abscess) to exploit gravity to encourage drainage
Cut only the mucosa and skin
186. To drain pus from a submandibular abscess,the surgeon should :?
Cut and eclipse from the abscess surface to allow for a drain
The incision for drainage is performed on the skin, approximately 1 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible
Aspirate the contents
Cut only the mucosa and skin
187. Treatment of choice to localized infection with pus is :?
Antibiotc administration
Establish drainage
Apply col to the area
Advise hot mouth washes
188. Among of the followinh which is treatment of choice for infection with fluctuation in an afebrile patient ?
Administration of antibiotics
Application of hot packs to the area
Incision and drainage
Antibiotics administration followed by I and D
189. Surgical blade used for drainage of abscess is :?
Blade No 12
Blade No 15
Blade No 11
Blade No 22
190. What is the most important and first step to treat acute infection?
Prescribe antibiotic
Prescribe analgesics
Incision and drainage of pus
All of the above
191. Which type of abscess that can cause airway obstruction?
Subcutaneous abscess
Ludwig’s Angina
Buccal abscess
Orbital cellulitis
192. In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital?
Localized infection
Ludwig’s Angina
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Ludwig’s Angina and Cavernous sinus thrombosis
193. What is a dangerous infection with potentially serious complications ?
Buccal cellulitis
Sumandibular cellulitis
Orbital cellulitis
Sublingual cellulitis
194. Ludwig`s angina was first described by :?
The German physician, Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig in 1836
Garre in the year 1893
Rene LeFort
195. The most common cause of cellulitis in face is :?
Dental carie
Pericoronitis and impacted teeth
Trauma trauma to the eyelid including bug bites, or a foreign object .
Antral infection
196. A diffuse inflammation of soft tissue that is not circumscribed is an :
197. The most common micro-organisms associated with cellulitis is :?
198. A corne-shaped space infection involving inner canthus of eye is :?
Canine space
Buccal space
Parotid space
Palatal abscess
199. The incision technique of submandibular cellulitis the incision for drainage is performed on the skin, approximately :?
0,5 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible.
1 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible
2 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible.
3 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible.
200. Surgical drainage for submental abscess is usually performed through a cutaneous Incision. A horizontal incision should be placed :?
0,5–1 cm below the lower border of the mandible
1-3 cm below the lower border of the mandible
4 cm1 below the lower border of the mandible
5 cm below the lower border of the mandible
201. Ludwig's angina was first described by the German physician, Wilhelm Frederick von Ludwig :?
in 1836
in 1928
in 1980
in 2000
202. What is the osteitis ?
Osteitis is an flammatory process within medullary (Trabecular) bone that involves the marrow spaces
Osteitis is a painful swelling of the soft tissue of the mouth and face resulting from a diffuse spreading of purulent exudate along the facial planes that separate the muscle bundles.
Osteitis is an acute deep suppurative abcess of upper neck and perioral area.
Osteitis is a rare group of blistering autoimmune diseases.
203. The most common local causes of osteitis are :?
Apical infection
Localised pathological
All as the above
204. The following are general factors of osteitis, except…?
Radiation and fibrous dysplasia
Apical infection
205. Classification of osteitis :
Acute and chronic osteitis
Acute, subacute and chronic osteitis.
Low severity,mederate severity and high severity.
Close and open osteitis.
206. Purulent exudate ,fistula and sequestra are the signs of :?
Acute osteitis.
Chronic osteitis
Orbital cellulitis
207. Treatment of chronic osteitis :?
Incision and drainage.
Debridement -the removal of foreign material or devitalized tissue from the vicinity of a wound.
Sequestrectomy,Saucerization- an excavation of the tissue of a wound to form a shallow,saucelike depression
Medical treatment.
208. Dry soket is also termed all except :?
Localized acute alveolar osteomyelitis
Acute suppurative osteomyelitis .
Alveolar osteitis
209. The following are frequency increases with dry socket , except…?
Age and smoking
Dental carie
Use of bur
Long surgeries with flap
210. The following are signs and symptom of dry socket , except…?
Increase in acute, throbbing pain after 48 hrs (2-5 days)
Pain may radiate to ear and analgesics ineffective
Sequestrum formation
Fetid odor
211. The treatment of dry socket :?
Curettage the socket and Irrigation with chlorhexidine
Place Alvogyl in the socket
Prescribe strong analgesics
All of the above
212. Squestrum is a :?
Necrotized bone
Newly formed bone
Vital bone
Reactive bone formation
213. Acute osteomyelitis in maxilla is :?
None of the above
214. Patients who are at high risk for osteomyelitis include those who are :?
Poorly nourished and elderly
Obese and those with impaired immune system
Those receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy
All of the above
215. The following are the signs and symptoms of osteomyelitis , except…?
Chill,high fever(40 C),rapid pulse,trismus and general malaise
As the infection progresses, the infected area becomes painful, mobility of teeth , swollen, and extremely tender.
Pus,fistula,sequestra(4-6 weeks),fetid odor and trismus
All of the above
216. Radiographic imaging of osteomyelitis :
moth eaten r/lucency, I.e. irregular, ,patchy, ragget and poorly outline
Radiopaque sequestrae, I.e. Piece of necrotic bone
Evidence of involucrum surrounding area of destruction
All of the above
217. The treatment of chronic suppurative osteomyelitis is :
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Sequestrectomy,saucerization and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Sequestrectomy ,with hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Saucerization only
218. Chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis is also known as :
Perosteitis ossificans
Condensing osteitis
Garre`s osteomyelitis
Alveolar osteitis
219. Garre`s osteomyelitis was first described by Garre in the year :
220. A focal gross thickening of the periosteum with peripheral bone formation is :
Chronic osteomyelitis
Condencing osteitis
Garre`s osteomyelitis
221. Inflammatory cells seen chiefly in acute suppurative osteomyelitis histology are :
Neurophilic PMNL`s
222. After decortication of mandible in osteomyelitis,closed irrigation suction and/or placement of antibiotic is done for a period of :?
5-7 days
7-10 days
10-14 days
14-20 days
223. Decortication of the mandible for the treatment of osteomyelitis was described by ;
224. For a patient of osteomyelitis who is allergic to penicillin,all of the following drugs are recommended as 2nd and 3rd choices except :?
Sulfa drugs
225. Radiographic characteristics of osteomyelitis were described by :
226. Radiolucencies due to spreading infection of osteomyelitis:
moth eaten r/lucency, I.e. irregular & poorly outline
Radiopaque sequestrae, I.e. Piece of necrotic bone
Patchy,ragget & ill define radiolucency
All of the above
227. All of the following are true about osteomyelitis of the mandible, except :?
Symphysis is more commonly involved than angle
Ramus is more commonly involved than symphysis
Body is more commonly involved than symphysis
Angle is more commonly involved than condyle
228. Osteomyelitis of the jaws is primarily caused by :
Prevotella (Bacteroids)
Streptococcus sp
Vincent`s organism
229. The most common organisms isolated from primary hematogenuos osteomyelitis of long bones in adult :?
staphylococcus sp
Salmonella typhi
230. What is sinusitis ?
Sinusitis is a flammation of medular bone.
Sinusitis is a painful swelling of the soft tissue of the mouth and face resultating from a diffuse spreading of purulent exudate along the facial planes that separate the muscle bundles.
Sinusitis is an inflammatory of the mucosa of the sinus
Sinusitis is an infection of sinus bone
231. The following are the blood supply to the mucous membrane of sinus ,except….?
External Carotid artery
Facial and maxillary arteries.
Facial ,maxillary and infraorbital arteries
Facial ,maxillary , infraorbital arteries and greater palatine arteries.
232. The following are the nerve supply to the mucous membrane of sinus , except…?
Facial nerve
V1 of trigeminal nerve or Nerve ophthalmic.
V2 of trigeminal nerve or superior dental nerve and the greater palatine nerve.
V3 of trigeminal nerve or Inferior alveolar nerve.
233. I health,the thickness of sinus lining from :?
0,1-0,2 mm thick(on CT)
0.3 - 2 mm thick
3-4 mm thick
5-6 mm Thick
234. The following are the function of maxillary sinus,except…?
No special function is necessary
Lighten head, phonetic resonance and auditory feedback
Insulation,air conditioning, water conservation,olfaction,
Strengthen area against trauma and protect eyes and nasal cavity
235. Radiography for sinusitis are :?
Periapical radiograph
PA projection
OPG ,Water views or CTScan
Occlusal views
236. Indication of Caldwell Luc procedure ?
Acute sinusitis
Subacute sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis
Treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis not responding to conservative medications
237. The following are contraindication for Caldwell-luc procedure,except…
Age < 3 Yrs
Age >18 Yrs
Trauma to maxillary sinus or fracture of antral floor.Acute maxillary sinusitis untreated by antibiotics
Diagnosis of maxillary antral hematoma.
238. Caldwell-Luc may be performed under :
Topical anesthesia only
Infiltration anesthesia only
Regional block with infiltration anesthesia or general anesthesia
Medical drug
239. Flap disign for antral closure of Oroantral Communication :
Vestibular flap,palatal flap,bridge flap and fat pad flap
Triangula flap
Trapezoid flap
Semi-lunar flap
240. The volume of maxillary sinus is :
15-30 ml
10 ml
40 ml
50 ml
241. Maxillary sinus is also known as :
Paranasal sinus
Antrum of Highmore
Antrum of Keith
No other name
242. The best view for maxillary sinus is :?
Town`s view
Occlusal view
PA view in waters`s position and OPG
Lateral view of skull
243. A small opening is made into the maxillary antrum during extraction, immediate treatment is :?
Phack the socket with gauge
Allow the clot to form No special treatment is necessary
Place the patient on antibiotics
Rise a big mucoperiosteal flap and close the antrum
244. How to diagnose an Oro-antral fistula?
Squeeze patient nose & ask to strongly blow to see air bubble
Insert a large needle into fistula & take X-ray
Use the probe to explore the fistula
None of the above
245. The following are the signs and symptoms of newly created oro-antral fistula,except…
Antral floor attached to roots apices of extracted tooth or teeth.
Fracture of the alveolar process or the tuberosity and bubbling of blood from the socket or nostril.
Dry shcket
Change in speech tone or resonance and radiographical evidence of sinus involment
246. When the sinus disease is caused by an oroantral communication,typically close spontaneously,if defects less than :?
< 5mm
< 7 mm
< 9 mm
<10 mm
247. <>procedure is done to :
Visualize the antrum from oral cavity
Visualize the antrum from nasal cavity
To establish drainage through nasal cavity
To pack the maxillary antrum
248. Acute maxillary sinusitis :
Results in referred pain to a single tooth
Results in referred pain to the orbit and maxillary posterior tooth
Is exacerbated by cold history
Is usually a non-infection process
249. Surgical treatment of sinusitis is :?
Antral irrigation
Caldwell-Luc procedure
250. A tooth displaced into maxillary antrum can be removed by :?
Caldwell-luc procedure
Transalveolar extraction
Bergers`s method
Intranasal antrostomy
251. The other name of maxillary sinus is :?
Antrum of Highmore
Antrum of Denver
Antrum of Khnopfleer
Antrum of Wilson
252. The base of the maxillary sinus is formed by the :?
Zygomatic bone
Orbital floor
Hard palate
Lateral wall of the nose
253. The shape of the adult maxillary sinus is :?
254. The incidence of oro-antral fistulae is less in :?
Children and young adults
Midle aged adults
All of the above
255. The apex of the maxillary sinus faces the :
Nasal bone
Floor of the orbit
Zygomatic process of the maxilla
256. Inflammation of most or all para nasal sinuses simultaneously is described as :?
Pan sinusitis
Para nasal sinusitis
Sinus thrombosis
257. Maxillary sinus infection of odontogenic origin is most commonly caused by :?
Aerobic bacteria
Anaerobic bacteria
258. Classification of maxillary fracture by location :?
Close Fracture and open Fracture
Le Fort I,Le Fort II and Le Fort III Fractures
Nasal Fracture and Zygomatic Complex Fracture.
Pan facial or split palate
259. All of the following are signs and symptoms of dento-alveolar fractures, except :?
Pain ,paraesthsia ,stepped deformity alveolar bone and palpable fracture
Lacerations / bruising / haematoma of mucosa or gingiva and Visible fracture line
Through torn mucosa
Teeth – missing, avulsed, fractured , unusual mobility of teeth/bone
Loos of consciousness
260. What are components of NOE Fracture ?
frontal bone,nasal bone, maxillary bone.
frontal bone,nasal bone, maxillary bone, lacrimal bone.
frontal bone,nasal bone, maxillary bone, lacrimal bone, ethmoid bone and sphenoid bone
Nasal bone,eth moid bone and sphenoid bone.
261. What are components of Zygomatic complex Fracture ?
Zygomatic bone,Frontozygomatic bone and Zygomatic arch.
Zygomatic bone,Frontozygomatic bone , Zygomatic arch,Orbital rim.
Zygomatic bone,Frontozygomatic bone ,Zygomatic arch,Lateral orbital rim,infraorbital rim,orbital floor, anterior and lateral maxillary sinus
Zygomatic bone,Frontozygomatic bone and Zygomatic arc
262. What is the treatment of Zygomatic Complex Fracture ?
MMF or IMF Technique
Trans osseous wiring
Trans osseous wiring and Mini bone plates.
Reduction alone and reduction &fixation
263. Classification of mandibular fracture by type :?
Close and open fracture.
Simple Fx,compound Fx,comminuted Fx,greenstick Fx,Complex Fx,telescoped or impacted Fx
Dentoalveolar Fx,symphysisFx,parasymphysis Fx,body Fx,angle Fx,coronoid Fx,condyle Fx.
Class I ,Class II ,Class III
264. Classification of mandibular fracture by location :?
Close and open fracture.
Simple Fx,compound Fx,comminuted Fx,greenstick Fx,Complex Fx,telescoped or impacted Fx.
Dentoalveolar Fx,symphysisFx,parasymphysis Fx,body Fx,angle Fx,coronoid Fx, condyle Fx
Class I ,Class II ,Class III
265. All of the following are various indications of body fractures ,except:?
The patient need the rehabilitation of function, esthetic and easy for reduction and fixation (24 - 48 h after accident ).
The patient is stable enough to undergo the needed treatment
Hemorrahagie disturbances
To avoid of complication such as cellulitis,osteitis , malocclusion or pseudatrose.
266. All of the following are various contra-indications of body fractures ,except:?
The patient is not stable enough to undergo the needed treatment and no cooperation.
Away obstruction, hemorrhagie disturbances and no soft tissue to cover fracture site
Severe comminution, stabilization not possible and bone at fracture site diffusely infected
Soft tissue injury : lacerations,abrasions and ecchymosis
267. All of the following are various signs and symptoms of fractures of facial bone ,except:?
Facial asymmetry
Swelling,bleeding,nerve injury and trismus
Deranged occlusion
268. What is treatment of compound Fx ?
MMF Technique.
Trans osseous wiring
Trans osseous wiring and Mini bone plates
External fixation.
269. When we can remove MMF from the mouth of the patient ?
2 weeks
4-6 weeks
10 weeks
3 months
270. How we can treat simple fractures or intracapsular fracture of condyle ?
MMF Technique
Dental wiring.
271. The treatment compound fractures of condyle :?
MMF Technique
Osteosynthesis by ORIF
External fixation.
272. The treatment for Edentulous patient :?
MMF Technique
Gunning’s splint.
Gunning`s splint or Osteosynthesis
273. The muscles that aid in displacement of maxillary fractures are :?
Upper part of orbicularis and lower part of orbicularis occuli
None of the above
274. A fracture mandible should be immobilized an everage of :?
3 weeks
6 weeks
9 weeks
12 weeks
275. Fracture of mandible all are true except :
Fractures of the mandible are common at the angle of the mandible
Fractures of the mandible are effected by the muscle pull
Fractures of the mandible are usually characterized by sublingual hematoma
C.S.F. Rhinorrhea is a common finding
276. The ideal treatment for fracture of the angle of mandible is :?
Transosseous wiring
Intermaxillary fixation
Plating on the lateral side of the body of the mandible
Plating at the inferior border of the mandible
277. Most common complication of condylar injuries in children :?
Fracture of glenoid fossa
278. Primary healing of a mandibular fracture is seen following fixation with :?
Gunning splints
Compression plates
Trans-osseous wires
Champy plates
279. In the maxilla,a compression plate can be safely applied along the :
Infraorbital margin
Anterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus
Frontozygomatic suture
Zygomaticomaxillary suture
280. To provide absolute stability of the fracture ends by a compression bone plate, the minimum number of screws that have to be placed on both side of the fracture line is :?
281. After extraction of maxillary first molar,a communication is found between the palatal socket and a disease of free maxillary sinus which measure 0.2 cm.The best treatment is :?
Allow the clot to form advice proper home care
Primary closure and antihistamine
Gold foil closure
Caldwell-Luc operation
282. True open bite is caused by :?
Horizontal fracture of the maxilla
Unilateral fracture of mandibular angle
Fracture of the coronoid process of left side of mandible
Fracture of mandibular symphysis
283. In depressed zygomatic arch fracture, difficulty in opening the mouth is caused by impingement of:?
Petrous temporal
Coronoid process
284. Which is the immediate danger to a patient with severe facial injuries :?
Associated fracture spine
Respiratory obstruction
285. Le fort 1 fracture is characterized by:?
Bleeding from the ear
Bleeding from the antrum
Angle class 2 skeletal relationship
None of the above
286. Suturing in facial wound injuries should be done with in:?
2 hours
6 hours
4 hours
8 hours
287. Paresthesia is seen with which of the following types of fractures:?
Zygomatico maxillary
Coronoid process
288. Forceps used for maxillary fracture disimpaction?
289. A patient is in shock with gross comminuted fracture, immediate treatment is to give :?
Normal saline
Ringer's lactate solution
Whole blood
Plasma expanders
290. Walsham's forceps are used to :?
Remove teeth
Remove root
Clamp blood vessels
Reduce nasal bone fractures
291. "Panda facies" is commonly seen after?
Le fort I fractures
Le fort II fractures
Mandible fractures
None of the above
292. CSF rhinorrhea is not found in?
Lefort 1
Lefort II
Lefort III
293. Gillis approach for reduction of zygomatic fractures is done through :?
Temporal fossa
Intra temporal fossa
Infra orbital fossa
All of the above
294. Which of the following is not a feature of Le Fort II fracture :
CSF rhinorrhea
295. The first step in management of head injury is :
Secure airway
I.V. mannitol
I.V. dexamethasone
Blood transfusion
296. CSF rhinorrhea is found in :
Frontal bone structure
Zygomatico maxillary fracture
Naso ethmoidal fracture
Condylar fracture
297. Le Fort III fracture is the same as :?
Craniofacial dysjunction
Guerrin's fracture
Pyramidal fracture
None of the above
298. Fixation with pack in maxillary sinus is :?
To support comminuted fracture of the body of zygomatic complex
To support and reconstitute comminuted orbital floor fracture
To protect mucosal covering of maxillary sinus
All are corrects
299. Floating maxilla is typically found in :?
Le Fort I or guerin fractures
Le Fort II or pyramidal fractures
Craniomandibular dysjunction
All of the above
300. In a patient of head injury which is more important to note first:?
Pupillary light reflex
Pupillary size
Corneal reflex
Ability to open eye
301. Which of the following always indicates obstruction to the airway?
Slow pounding pulse
Stertoreous breathing
Increase in pulse rate
Decrease in blood pressure
302. Moon face is seen in?
Le Fort I
Le Fort II
Le Fort III
Orbital fractures
303. In blow out fractures which of the following is seen?
Bulbar hemorrhage
304. Diplopia after fracture results from entrapment of?
Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique
Lateral rectus
Superior oblique
305. In Le Fort III fracture all are seen except?
Crack pot sound on tapping teeth
CSF rhinorrhea
Fracture at frontozygomatic suture
Whole face is mobile
None of the above
306. The muscle that aids in displacement of maxillary fractures are?
Orbicularis oculi and orbicularis oris
None of the above
307. What is the name of the fracture that is clinically detected by tugging on the maxilla/hard palate causing the nose to move.?
le fort 1
le fort 2
le fort 3
le fort 4
308. Which facial view x-ray is the best for examining the orbits and midface?
Waters or occipitomental
Caldwell or PA view
Submental vertex
309. A tripod fracture involves what?
It is another word for le fort fracture
Zygomaticotemperal and zygomatico frontal suture diastasis and inferiororbital rim fracture
Fracture through maxilla, zygomatic arch and nasal bones
Fracture through neck angle and body of the mandible
310. What is nonrigit fixation ?
Open reduction and fixation of fractures using plates and screws
Open reduction and fixation of fractures using wires
Close reduction and fixation of fracture using ligature Ivy
Close reduction and fixation of fracture using Arch Bars & wire
311. What is rigit fixation ?
Open reduction and fixation of fractures using plates and screws
Open reduction and fixation of fractures using wires
Close reduction and fixation of fracture using ligature Ivy
Close reduction and fixation of fracture using Arch Bars & wire
312. Which part of the mandible is fractured the most frequently in trauma?
313. Maxillary sinus is usually involved in fractures:?
Le fort 1
Zygomatic arch fracture
Le fort 3
Nasoethmoidal fracture
314. If a fracture of jaw bone is communicated to external environment ,it is called :?
Comminuted fracture
Compound fracture
Simple fracture
Transverse fracture
315. Le fort 3 fracture is also called :?
Horizontal fracture
Pyramidal fracture
Transverse fracture
Green stick fracture
316. Goals of Maxillomandibular Fixation (MMF) :?
Restore occlusion
Reduction of fracture segments
Stabilization of fracture segments
All of the above
317. During the Gillies approach,the structure of anatomic significance is :?
Superficial temporal artery
Marginal mandibular nerve
Internal jugular vein
Inferior alveolar nerve
318. An unfavorable displaced fracture of the mandibular angle is difficult to treat because of :?
Muscle pull causes distraction
Malocclusion secondary to the injury
Injury to nerves and vessels
Bone in that region is very thick
319. Among the following which may produce respiratory obstruction ?
Bilateral condylar fracture
Symphysis fracture of the mandible
Bilateral fracture of mandible in the second premolar area
Fracture of the angle of the mandible
320. In a patient with bilateral dislocated fractures of the neck of the mandibular condyles one can expect the following clinical signs :?
Anterior open bite
Inability to protrude the mandible
Inability to bring posterior molars into contact
Anterior open bite and Inability to protrude the mandible
321. Of the following which facial bone is most frequently fractured ?
322. Which of the following is complication often open fracture ?
323. Principles in treatment fractures include :
Reduction of fracture
Fixation of fracture and restoration of occlusion
All of the above
324. Depressed fracture of the zygomatic area may be clinically recognized by :?
Concavity of the overlaying tissue in the zygomatic arch area
Interference with movements of the mandible
Subluxation of condyles
Concavity of the overlaying tissue in the zygomatic arch area and Interference with movements of the mandible
325. Which of the following is characteristic of lefort fracture ?
CSF rhinorrhea
Bleeding from the ear
Bleeding into antrum
CSF rhinorrhea and Bleeding from the ear
326. After a depressed fracture of zygomatic arch mandibular movement is restricted The most probable reason is :?
Disruption of TMJ
Spasm of the lateral pterygoid muscle
Mechanical impingement of the fracture fragment on the coronoid process
Splinting action of masseter and medial pterygoid muscle
327. Among the following which is compound fracture ?
Fracture with many small fragments
Fracture in a star shaped appearance
Fracture with communition with the oral cavity
Fracture with bleeding into the masticator space
328. The mini-bone plate system is a :?
Compressive bone plating system
Monocortical system
Bicortical system
None of the above
329. The minimum number of miniplates required in fractures anterior to canine in mandible is:?
No plate is required since anterior region develops less amount of tension forces than in molar region
Only one plate as in molar region
Two plates
Three plates
330. Minimum number of screw required for fixation of miniplate are :?
One screw on each side of fracture site
Two screws on each side of fracture site
Three screws on each side of fracture site
Two screws in small fragment and three screws in large fragment
331. Risdom wiring is indicated for :?
Body fracture
Angle fracture
Symphysis fracture
Subcondylar fracture
332. The most common complication of maxillofacial injuries requiring immediate attention is:?
Airway obstruction
333. The Gillies approach is used to gain acess to the following bone :?
Nasal bone
Zygomatic bone
Temporal bone
334. While doing circumferential wiring around a mandibular Gunning splint, care most be taken not to damage the :?
Mandibular branch of the facial nerve
Facial artery as it crosses the anteroinferior of the masseter
The lingual nerve
The submsndibular gland and its duct
335. The elastic traction used commonly to reduce facial fractures,does so by overcoming :?
The active mascular pull that distracts the fragments
The organized connected tussue at the fracture site
The malposion caused by the direction and force of trauma
All of the above
336. Panda facies is commonly seen after :?
Le fort 1 fractures
Le fort 2 fractures
Zygoatic arch fractures
Orbital blow-out fractures
337. A subconjunctival haemorrhage remains bright red in colour for a long time because of the:?
Permeability of the conjunctiva to oxygen
Natural colour of blood
Lack of drainage of the pooled blood
None of the abov
338. The following fracture is usually pyramidal in shape :?
Le firt I fracture
Le fort II fracture
Le fort III fracture
Mandibular symphysis fracture
339. Cranio facial disjunction commonly occurs in :?
Le fort I fracture
Le fort III fracture
Mandibular symphysis fracture
Mandibular condyle
340. Gilli`s approach is :
Used to block inferior alveolar nerve
Used to reduce the fractured zygoma
Placed just anterior to the ear
One of the frequent approach for condylar surgery
341. Contraindications of close reduction are :?
Alcoholic and siezure disorder
Mental retardation and nutritional concerns
Respiratory diseases(COPD) and unfavorable fractures
All of the above
342. Indications of close reduction are :?
Nondisplaced favorable fractures
Mandibular fractures in children with developing dentition.
Condylar fractures(intracapsular fracture )
All of the above
343. Indications of open reduction are :?
Unfavorable/unstable mandibular fractres/Multiple fractures of the facial bones
Fractures of an edentulous mandibule fracture with severe displacement and malunion
Delayed treatment with interposition of soft tissue that prevents closed reduction techniques to reapproximate the fragments
All of the above
344. Indication of Transosseous wiring :?
Control of edentulous posterior fragment and edentulous mandibular fractures
Grossly comminuted fractures
Control of lower border when upper border has been fixed by conventional methods
All of the above
345. The treatment goals of condylar fractures:?
To restore mandibular function, occlusion, prevent growth disturbances, and maintain symmetry
Must avoid ankylosis
Use short periods of IMF (7-14 days), then jaw opening exercises; in children under 3 years, immediate function necessary to prevent ankylosis
All of the above
346. Which methods of treatment are appropriate for reduction of a fractured mandibular angle in a dentate patient :?
Intramaxillary fixation(IMF) using eyelet wires
IMF using arch bars
Mini bone plates
IMF using K-wires
347. Subconjunctival bleed with no posterior border indicates fracture of which bone:?
348. The weakest part of mandible where fracture occurs :?
Neck condyle
Angle of mandible
Canine fossa
349. The most common fracture of face is that of :?
Nasal bone
350. Sinus disease is best demonstrated by :?
Plain X-ray
351. Nasal pyramid consist of :?
Nasal bones and Nasal septum
Frontal processes of maxilla
Lateral cartilages
All the above
352. Diplopia is caused by:?
Hematoma or edema arround extraoccular muscle
Neuromuscular injury
Disruption of attachment of inferior rectus or inferior oblique muscle
All the above
353. Signs and Symptoms of LeFort I fracture :?
Damaged teeth and soft tissues,swelling and bruising and deformity of alveolus
Crepitus over maxilla,ecchymosis in buccal vestibule and epistaxis
Malocclusion,maxilla mobility or Independent movement of fragments,altered sensation
All of the above
354. Signs and Symptoms of LeFort II fracture :?
Midface crepitus,face lengthening and anterior open bite
Malocclusion, mobility of maxilla,bilateral epistaxis and infraorbital paresthesia
Ecchymoses: buccal vestibule, periorbital, subconjunctival ,orbital rim defects and paraesthesis (infra-orbital nerve)
All of the above
355. Signs and Symptoms of LeFort III fracture :?
Bilateral periorbital edema , ecchymosis,step deformity palpated infraorbital, nasofrontal area and infraorbital paresthesia
Bilateral epistaxis,often medial canthal deformity,often unequal pupil height,face lengthening: “caved-in” or “donkey face”
Malocclusion: “open bite”,lateral orbital rim defect and ecchymoses: periorbital, subconjunctival
All of the above
356. LeFort Fractures were described by :?
Rene LeFort,1901
Knight and North
357. The coronal or bi-temporal approach is used to expose :?
The anterior cranial vault
The forehead
The apper and middle regions of the facial skeleton.
All of the above
358. Clinical sign that is always positive in fracture is
Abnormal mobility
All of the above
359. The most (common ) sign mandibular fracture is :
Deviation of the jaw on opening
Paraesthesia of the mental nerve
360. Which of them is not rigid osteosynthetic fixation?
Screw plating
361. Treatment of choice of a linear non-displaced fracture of the body of the mandible, with full compliment of teeth is ?
Kirschner wire
Circumferential wiring
External pin fixation
Interdental fixation
362. Which of the following condition is associated with anterior open bite
Unilateral condylar #
Bilateral condylar #
Maxillary fractures
Coronoid fracture
363. Fracture of mandible not involving dental arch is treated by :?
Open reduction
Closed reduction
No treatment required
None of the above
364. In case of sub condylar fracture, the condyle move in?
Anterior - lateral direction
Posterior - medial direction
Posterior- lateral direction
Anterior-medial direction
365. A 7-year-old boy presented with fracture of left subcondylar region with occlusion undisturbed, the treatment would be?
Immobilization for 7 days
Immobilization for 14 days with intermittent active opening
No immobilization with restricted mouth opening for 10 days
No immobilization and active treatment
366. Facial fractures are diagnosed from :?
The history
Physical examination
All of the above
367. Le Fort I fracture is :?
above the level of teeth
at level of nasal bones
at orbital level
at level of zygomatic bone
368. Le Fort II fracture is :?
Transverse maxillary
Craniofacial Disjunction
All of the above
369. Le Fort III fracture is :?
Subzygomatic fracture
Subzygomatic pyramidal
All of the above
370. What are the singns and symptoms of Lefort I fracture ?
Damaged teeth and soft tissues
Deformity of alveolus and altered sensation
Malocclusion and crepitus over maxilla
All as the above
371. What can be the signs and symptoms of le fort II fracture? Choose all that apply. ?
Bilateral epistaxis,open bite and face lengthening
Ecchymoses: buccal vestibule, periorbital, subconjunctival
Malocclusion, mobility of maxilla
All as the above
372. Which of the following is the cause of fracture of facial bone ?
Motor vehicle accidents
Sport and gunshots wounds
All are correct
373. The following are the treatments of close reduction , except…?
Ivy loop wiring and continuous loop wiring
Maxillo-mandibular fixation (MMF)
Inter-maxilla fixation (IMF)
Bone plating
374. All of the following are various surgical approaches for condylar fractures ,except:?
Submandibular (Risdom`s ) approach -(Neck condyle)
Postauricular approach and endaural approch–(Excellent cosmesis)
Preauricular approach
375. All of the following are indication for nonsurgical treatment or close reduction of condylar process fractures ,except:?
Split condylar head
Intracapsular fracture
Extracapsular fracture
Small fragments from comminuted condyle
376. All of the following are absolute indication for surgical treatment or open reduction of condylar process fractures ,except:?
Displacement of condyle into middle cranial fossa
Intracapsular fracture
Impossibility for restoring occlusion
Lateral extracapsular displacement
377. ឝើ Abscess of base of upper lip, Subperiosteal abscess,Vestibular abscess,Intraalveolar abscess of maxilla&Mandible ,Infraorbital abscess,Buccal abscess ស្ឝិឝក្នុងក្រុមណា?
Low severity
Medium severity
High severity
Diffuse abscess.
378. Which of the following is NOT the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion?
List all the most probable diagnosis
Look at the characteristics of each condition/lesion
Blood tests
Compare & distinguish between them
Choose on a “best-fit” basis
379. Which one of the following is NOT the investigation before extraction?
Pulp vitality tests
Study models
Plaque disclosure
380. What is the ideal treatment plan?
Long-term outcomes
Address all patient concerns
Minimum intervention
All of the above
None of the above
381. In which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment?
Suture removal
Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth
Prescription writing for orofacial pain
Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus
Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth and Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus
382. Which of one of the following is NOT the clinical factors predicting the difficulty of extractions?
Extensive loss of coronal tooth structure
Thickness of the buccal plate
Limited access to the area of extraction
Limited access to the tooth in the dental arch
Severe periodontitis
383. Which of one of the following is NOT the radiographic factors predicting the difficulty of extraction?
Severely divergent roots
Periapial radiolucency
Dilacerated roots
Endodontically treated teeth with or without post and core
Increased number of roots present
384. Which teeth are at risk for sinus exposure when doing extraction?
Lone standing maxillary molar with pneumatized maxillary sinus
Roots projecting into a severely pneumatized maxillary sinus and minimal coronal bone visible radiographically
Long divergent bulbous roots with a pneumatized sinus into the trifurcation area
Teeth with advanced periodontal disease but with no mobility; also teeth with the maxillary sinus extending into the trifurcation area
All of the above
385. Which one of the following is NOT one of the principles of flap designs?
Good surgical access
Avoid vital structures
A little broad base flap
Very broad base
Prevention of flap dehiscence
386. What are the factors to consider in flap design?
Depth of the buccal sulcus
Position & size of labial fraenum and muscle attachments
Vital structures
Size of lesion
Number of teeth to be treated
All of the above
387. Which one of the following is NOT one of the basic steps of surgical extraction?
Incision & raising a flap
Application of Betadine
Removal of bone
Tooth or root division
Removal of tooth or roots
388. Which suture that can be used in contaminated wounds?
Stainless steel
389. Which suture creates eversion of the wound edges?
Interrupted sutures
Continuous sutures
Horizontal mattress suture
Vertical mattress suture
Figure-of-eight suture
390. What sizes of the sutures that commonly used in oral cavity?
3/0 & 4/0
4/0 & 5/0
391. What is the atraumatic suturing technique?
No crushing tissues with forceps
Not too large suture and needle
Not too large tissue bites
Not too tight
Not too dry
All of the above
392. Which suture is used for extraction socket of molar teeth to control bleeding?
Horizontal mattress
Vertical mattress
Figure-of-eight and interrupted
Sling suture
393. How many knots do you need to tie tissues intra-orally?
One knot
Two knots
Three knots
Four knots
Five knots
394. Suture is selected depends on:
Tissue to be suturing, ie. mucosa, muscle, skin
Wound condition
Healing process, cost, and tissue tolerance
Patient’s availability to come for suture removal
All of the above
395. How do you prevent aspiration of a tooth or root into the lungs when doing an extraction?
Place a piece of sterilized gauze as a pharyngeal screen at the back of the patient's mouth
Place a rubber dam on the tooth
Patient stands up while extracting the tooth
Lay the patient flat while extracting the tooth
Use bite block or mouth prop
396. How to treat postoperative ecchymosis?
Apply ice pack on the bruise
Reassure the patient
Inject steroid
Apply warm moist pack
Reassure the patient and Apply warm moist pack
397. How do you avoid TMJ dislocation during dental procedures?
Tell the patient not to open too wide
Make short appointment
Use mouth prop
Support the mandible during extraction
All of the above
398. What are the symptoms and signs of alveolar osteitis (dry socket)?
Severe pain and discomfort from the extraction site
Pain may radiate from to other parts of the head, ear, eye, and neck
Exposed bone around the socket and Delayed healing
Remaining food debris inside the socket
All of the above
399. Which one of the treatment procedures of alveolar osteitis (dry socket) below is NOT always given to the patients?
Irrigate the socket with chlorhexidine
Prescribed antibiotic
Apply Alvogyl in the socket
Prescribe strong analgesics
Take note in the patient's file
400. Which one of the following is NOT the prevention of dry socket?
Stop smoking
Stop oral contraceptive for several days before & a few days after surgery
Give antibiotic before extraction/surgery
Minimize extraction force
Give clear oral health instruction
401. Which of the following are the local measures to control bleeding after surgical extraction?
Use vitamin K and Blood transfusion
Apply pressure with sterilized gauze
Use tranexamic acide injection
Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket
Suture across the socket
Apply pressure with sterilized gauze, Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket and Suture across the socket
402. In aggressive measure to control bleeding, which medication is commonly used?
Tranexamic acid mouthrinse
Vitamin K
403. Which hemostatic agent do you use to control bleeding from bone?
Bone wax
Ferric sulfate
404. In coronectomy, how far from the CEJ of the crown do you need to cut?
1mm to mm below the CEJ
mm to 4mm below the CEJ
4mm to 6mm below the CEJ
cm to 4cm below the CEJ
All of the above
405. Which one of the following statements are NOT the treatments of acute pericoronitis?
Extraction of opposing tooth, Prescribe potent analgesics
Apply acid around the operculome
Irrigation around the tooth crown with Chlorhexidine
Apply acid around the operculome and Operculectomy
406. Which of the following statements are NOT the factors associated with surgical difficulty of mandibular wisdom teeth?
Verical angulation
Increased age, obesity and Body mass index
Patient with no TMJ disorders
Curvature of roots & dense bone
Verical angulation and Patient with no TMJ disorders
407. What are the radiographic signs indicative of possible inferior alveolar nerve injury during surgical removal of unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth?
Darkening of the root and Narrowing of the roots
Deflection of the root
Interruption of radiopaque line
Diversion of canal
Darkening of the root, Deflection of the root and Interruption of radiopaque line
408. Which case the enucleation of cyst in applied?
Small cyst in the jaws
Large cysts near vital structures
Ameloblastoma with aggressive behaviour
Cystic fibrosis
All of the above
409. Which case of cyst do you need to do marsupialization?
Very large cyst involving vital structures
Traumatic bone cyst
Pocket cyst of lateral incisor
Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula)
Very large cyst involving vital structures and Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula)
410. Which of the following is the most recommended and affordable retrograde filling material for apicectomy?
Gutta percha
Glass Ionomer cement
Zinc Oxide Eugenol or IRM
411. How to diagnose an Oro-antral fistula?
Squeeze patient nose & ask to strongly blow to see air bubble
Insert a large needle into fistula & take X-ray
Use the probe to explore the fistula
None of the above
All of the above
412. Which one of the following is NOT the factors influencing the course of infection?
Portal of entry
Patient's weight
Host defens
413. What are the investigations for infection?
Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity
Blood culture
Urine test
Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity and Blood culture
414. Which of the following are NOT the modes of spread of infection?
Lymphatic, Blood
D. Direct spread
Saliva and Tear
415. Where can the infection spread from maxillary nd premolar spread to?
Maxillary sinus
Palatal space
Infratemporal space
Infraorbital space or buccal space
All of the above
416. Where can the infection from mandibular molars spread to?
Submandibular or buccal space
Sublingual space
Submental space
Lateral pharyngeal space
All of the above
417. Which one of the following space that the infection from the mandibular 3rd molar will NOT spread to?
Lateral pharyngeal
Palatal space
418. Which type of acute infection that can cause airway compromised?
Infraorbital space
Ludwig’s Angina
Buccal space
Canine space
Cavernous sinus
419. What is the most important and first step to treat acute infection?
Prescribe antibiotic
Prescribe analgesics
Antiseptic mouthwash
Incision and drainage of pus
All of the above
420. What is the first line antibiotic for acute infection?
Amoxicillin or with clavulanic acid
All of the above
421. In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital?
Localized infection
Ludwig’s Angina
Palatal abscess
] Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Ludwig’s Angina and Cavernous sinus thrombosis
422. How to confirm the definitive diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion (diameter ˃cm) on the lateral border of the tongue?
Blood test
Fine needle aspiration
Incisional biopsy
Excisional biopsy
All of the above
423. What are the principles of treatment of benign soft tissue lesions?
All of the above
424. Which lesions are needed for fine needle aspiration?
Vascular lesions
Fluctuant soft tissue pathology
Surgical emphysema
Intraosseous pathology
Fluctuant soft tissue pathology and Intraosseous pathology
425. What are the flap designs for frenectomy?
Elliptical incision, Triangular flap
Z-plasty, Semilunar flap
V-type incision, Rectangular flap
Elliptical incision, Z-plasty and V-type incision
Elliptical incision, Z-plasty and V-type incision and Triangular flap
426. Which of the following statements are the clinical assessments of unerupted maxillary canines?
Observation or visual inspection for bulging, lateral incisors’ position
Taking radiographs, Retained deciduous canines
Palpation on both labial & palatal sides for bone projection
Family history of missing canines
Probing by using a Michelle Trimmer
Observation or visual inspection for bulging, lateral incisors’ position, Palpation on both labial & palatal sides for bone projection and Probing by using a Michelle Trimmer
427. Which one of the following is NOT the radiographic assessment of unerupted maxillary canines?
Periapical X-rays
Occlusals: Ant. & Vertex Occlusal
Lateral Cephalogram
428. Which one of the following is NOT the treatment option of unerupted maxillary canines?
Surgical removal of unerupted canine
Interceptive removal of primary canine
No treatment or leave in-situ
Surgical exposure with orthodontic alignment
Laser treatment
429. What are the criteria for surgical removal of unerupted maxillary canines?
Patient is older than 16 years old
Good contact between premolar & lateral incisor
Poor prognosis for alignment
Good aesthetic of a retained deciduous canine with a long root
Unwilling to wear orthodontic appliance
All of the above
430. When aspirate a cystic lesion which shows cholesterol, what type of cyst might it be?
Dentigerous cyst
Eruption cyst
Inflammatory cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Aneurysmal bone cyst
431. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows blood, what type of lesion might it be?
Contamination, Lipoma
Aneurysmal bone cyst, Radicular cyst
Contamination, Aneurysmal bone cyst and Haemengioma
432. When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows air, what type of lesion/structure might it be?
Salivary gland duct,
Maxillary sinus
Traumatic bone cyst
Nerve canal
Maxillary sinus, Traumatic bone cyst
433. Which of one the following lesions do NOT need to do excisional biopsy?
Firoepithelial polyps
434. Which one of the followings is NOT needle stick injury precautions?
Sharps should be passed via a receiver, not hand to hand
Use only plastic instruments
Verbal announcements should be made when passing sharps
Safety devices should be used for storage of needles and blades eg. Magnetic mats
Instruments should be used for tissue retraction- hands should never be used for retraction, to grasp needles, and to load and unload needles and scalpels.
435. Which of the following is/are the clinical factors predicting the difficulty of extractions?
Loss of crown
Thick buccal bone plate
Limited access
Old patients
Previous root canal treated tooth
All of the above
436. Which of the following is NOT the principles of flap designs?
Proper surgical access
Adequate blood supply
Raise small flap
Avoid vital structures
Prevention of flap dehiscence
Soft tissue handling
437. What happening when an incision is not placed over sound bone?
Dehiscence, periodontal defect
Collapse and delayed healing
Tension, dehiscence, and delayed healing
Flap necrosis
All of the above
438. When a fractured root tip can be left in-situ?
The root tip is smaller than mm in an infected root
For small root fragments as the risk of removing them may cause potential complications
The infected root tip is closed to the maxillary sinus
The infected root is close to the inferior alveolar nerve
All of the above
None of the above
439. Which one of the following is NOT the perioperative attire for infection control procedures?
Mask and gloves
Protective eye wears safety glasses
Head light
Footwear or easily cleaned shoes
440. When our hands are needed to be washed?
Before and after touching patients
Before and after a procedure
After touching patient's surrounding and blood
All of the above
441. What should you do when you get needle and sharp injury?
Conduct a risk assessment of degree of risk
Obtain verbal consent from patient to test for Hep B, Hep C and HIV
Vaccinate within 72 hours if required
All of the above
442. Which one of the followings is NOT needle stick injury precaution?
Sharps should be passed via a receiver, not hand to hand
Use only plastic instruments
Verbal announcements should be made when passing sharps
Safety devices should be used for storage of needles and blades eg. Magnetic mats
443. According to NICE guideline, the indication for surgical removal of a third molar is:?
Patient with chronic headache
Patient with lower incisor crowding
Patient with second or subsequent episodes of pericoronitis
Patient with deep impaction pressing on the nerve
444. Which of the following statements are NOT the treatments of acute pericoronitis?
Extraction of opposing tooth
Apply acid around the operculome and operculectomy
Prescribe potent analgesics
Irrigation around the tooth crown with Chlorhexidine
445. What are the risks for surgical removal of the third mandibular molars?
Nerve damage
Alveolar osteitis
Prolonged bleeding
All of the above
446. What are the contraindications for removal of the third molars?
Acute infection with severe trismus
Possible damage to adjacent structures
Compromised physical status
Completely asymptomatic impacted teeth in elderly individuals
All of the above
447. When assessing mandibular wisdom teeth, which of the followings indicate that the teeth are difficult to remove?
Young patients
Elderly patient or disto-angular impaction with dense bone
Mesio-angular impaction with conical roots
Verical angulation which is fully erupted
448. What are the radiographic signs indicative of possible inferior alveolar nerve injury during surgical removal of unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth?
Darkening of the root
Deflection of the root
Diversion of canal
Interruption of radiopaque line
All of the above
449. In assessment of the degree of difficulty of 3rd molar surgery, which one of the followings is NOT the local factors?
Type of impaction, angulation, depth of application, morphology
Mouth opening (trismus)
Presence/absence of opposing/adjacent tooth and cheek flexibility
Presence of infection (pericoronitis)
Gender (male or female)
450. Why age of the patient is important in assessing the difficulty of surgical removal?
Morbidity and intra and post-operative complications increase with age
The younger, the more difficult surgery
The older, the easier the surgery
The fibrous tissues increases with age
451. Which flap design is the most common flap for surgical removal of mandibular third molars?
Distal limited flap
Envelop flap
Buccal extension flap
Triangular flap
452. What is the indication for distal limited flap?
For large crown with diverged roots
For horizontally impacted tooth closed to ID nerve
For distoangular impaction with dense bone
For conical roots tooth that can be easily elevated
453. What is the problem with buccal extension flap using for surgical removal of mandibular third molars?
Too small exposure
Periodontal problem
Hard to retract the flap
Risk of long buccal nerve injury
454. What type of burr is usually used for surgical removal of third molars?
Fissure high speed burr
Round diamond high speed burr
Round and fissure low speed burrs
Round diamond low speed burr
455. How do you decide the tooth section line in unerupted mandibular third molars?
Depth of impaction
Angulation and root anatomy
Bone density
Inferior dental canal
456. When do we usually remove sutures following surgical removal third molars?
In 3 days
In 4 days
In 5 to 7 days
15 to 30 days
457. What blade number is used to make incision along the gingival crest distal to tooth #17 and #27 when surgically remove maxillary third molars?
Blade #11
Blade #12
Blade #15
Blade 16
458. How do you prevent inferior dental nerve injury during surgical removal of mandibular wisdom teeth?
Use atraumatic surgical techniques and perform coronectomy
Use high speed to cut crowns
Raise small flap
Always take CT scan
459. What are the contraindications for coronectomy?
Mobile tooth (advanced periodontitis)
Caries with potential pulp involvement and periapical abscess
Associated with cyst which won’t resolve with the root left in place
Nerve too close to the coronectomy cut
All of the above
460. In coronectomy, how far from the CEJ of the crown do you need to cut?
1mm to 2mm below the CEJ
2mm to 4mm below the CEJ
4mm to 6mm below the CEJ
2cm to 4cm below the CEJ
461. Which one of the following is NOT the specific warning after coronectomy?
Root exposure migration in the later date
Paresthesia of the upper lip
Later removal of roots
Roots inadvertently removed at the time of attempted coronectomy
462. Which flap design is best indicated for an apicectomy of maxillary incisors with ceramic crowns on?
Seminlunar flap
Triangular flap
Modified scallop semilunar
Rectangular flap
463. What are the radiographic features of radicular cysts?
Round/ovoid, well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with radiopaque margin
Diplacement of teeth
Root resorption
All of the above
464. Which of the following is NOT the factor to consider in flap design?
Depth of the buccal sulcus
Gingival biotypes
Position & size of labial fraenum and muscle attachments
Vital structures
465. Which of the retrograde filling material for apicectomy is at risk of scattering (running to surrounding areas) in soft tissues?
Gutta percha
Glass Ionomer cement
Zinc Oxide Eugenol or IRM
466. What are the disadvantages of semilunar flap?
Poor access and incision often over the lesion
Difficult moisture control (haemorrhage) and difficult to reposition
Uncomfortable during healing and leaves scars
All of the above
467. What are the advantages of Luebke-Oschenbein Flap (Modified scalloped semilunar)?
Maintain integrity of gingival attachment
Ease in incision & reflection
Enhanced visibility & access
Ease in repositioning
All of the above
468. Which one of the following statement is correct for apical ressection in apecectomy?
25 degree bevel
0-degree bevel root resection
35 degree bevel
45 degree bevel
469. Which one of the following is NOT the desirable characteristic of root-end filling materials?
Ease of application
Resistance to moisture
Resorbable material
Antibacterial activity
470. What does successful apicectomy of a non-vital tooth depends on?
Small flap design
Proper RCT before apicectomy with retrograde filling
Amalgam retrograde filling
Good sutures
471. What are the criteria for simple surgical exposure (Window Technique) of impacted maxillary canines?
Patient under 16
Adequate space in the arch
Located far from the midline and Inclination is closer to 45o
Healthy root morphology
All of the above
472. What are the indications for apical positioned flap for maxillary impacted canines?
The canine is placed more palatal
The canine crown is apical to MGJ and has got minimal attached gingiva
The canine is near lateral or central incisors
Presence of primary canine
473. What are the criteria for exposure with the application of direct mechanical force of impacted maxillary canines?
Gold chains, steel or elastic ligatures, & magnets attached to orthodontic appliance
Angulation will inhibit spontaneous eruption
Obstructed from erupting by other teeth
Teeth are exposed long after their root development is complete
All of the above
474. How do you take Parallax or Tube Shift Technique of impacted maxillary teeth?
By using Panoramic X-ray
By using CBCT
By using 2 Periapical films with two different angles, 15o to 20o
By using one periapical film like Paralleling Technique
475. What are the problems with traditional endodontic surgery?
Restricted access leading to limitations in visibility
Operating on minuscule microstructures, obscured by bleeding
Root apex was routinely resected with a 45-degree bevel angle → increase in apical leakage
All of the above
476. What type instrument and root ending material are used in modern endodontic surgery?
Root-end preparation material
Use amalgam as a root-end filling
Use ultra-sonic tip and MTA as a root-end filling
Use local antibiotic for irrigation
477. What are the reasons for failure in apicectomy?
Inadequate apical seal
Improper RCT
Inadequate tooth support
Vertical root fracture
All of the above
478. Primary alveoloplasty of the jaw bones can be made by using:?
Digital compression of sockets
Intra-alveolar forceps extraction technique
Removing interseptal bone with rongeurs and burs
All of the above
479. What is the flap design for surgical removal of torus palatinus?
V-shape incision
Y-shape incision
L-shape incision
480. What is the surgical technique to remove hyperplastic maxillary tuberosity?
Y-shape incision
Two-sided flap
Elliptical excision of crestal mucosa
Three-sided flap
481. What are the surgical techniques to incise/excise labial frenum?
Simple excision technique
Wide V-shape incision
All of the above
482. What are the symptoms and signs of ankylogpossia (tongue-tie)?
Heart shape or Omega shape of the tip of the tongue when trying to protrude the tongue out
Unclear speech
Limited tongue movement and difficult in swallowing
All of the above
483. What are vital structures below the lingual frenum?
Lingual artery
Lingual vein
Opening of submandibular salivary duct
All of the above
484. How to perform surgical removal of torus mandibularis?
Alveolar crest incision along premolar region & gentle exposure of the torus via a lingual flap
Raise two sided flap
Surgical reduction of torus by using burr & chisel
Debridement & primary closure
485. What is the surgical technique to remove hyperplastic maxillary tuberosity?
Raise three-sided flap
Make a Y-shape flap
Make an elliptical excision of crestal mucosa
Make a V-shape incision
486. How do you perform extraction socket augmentation?
Perform atraumatic extraction
Irrigation with saline or chlorhexidine
Socket decortication wtih round bur
Apply bone graft and membrane
All of the above
487. Which one of the following in NOT the extra-oral examination in management of dento-alveolar injury?
Facial asymmetry
Facial contusion
Facial lacerations
Haematoma in the floor of the mouth
488. What is the primary purpose of our treatment of dental injury?
To do the root canal treatment
To keep the pulp vital
To do pulpotomy
To prevent ankylosis
489. In luxation injuries such as concussion, subluxation, and extrusion the pulp vitality test is done in:
Two weeks
Three weeks
Four weeks
Five weeks
490. What is the effect of rigid splinting?
Promote good periodontal healing
Does not promote healing
Promote apexification
Does not cause ankylosis
491. What is the effect of flexible splinting?
Allows physiologic movement of the teeth in order to minimize ankylosis
Does not allow teeth to move
Often cause ankylosis
Can cause rapid loss of teeth
492. Which of ONE the following is the best semi-rigid or flexible splint?
0 .028 gauge orthodontic wire
4-6# fishing line
Titanium trauma splint
493. How long does it take to treat lateral subluxation injury with flexible splint?
2 - 4 weeks
3 - 6 weeks
4 - 8weeks
6 - 10 weeks
494. How do you treat intrusion injury of teeth with closed apex?
Orthodontic treatment
Surgical repositioning
Root canal treatment in 1 - 3 weeks
All of the above
495. What is the critical extra-oral dry time of an avulsed tooth?
15 - 30 seconds
30 - 60 seconds
15 - 30 minutes
30 - 60 minutes
496. What can you do if the avulsed tooth was left out over 60 seconds dry time?
Remove remnants of PDL by soaking in acid for 1”
Soak in Stannous Fl for 5”
RCT as soon as possible
All of the above
497. What happens if the avulsed tooth is out of the mouth over 60 seconds and not stored properly?
Root resorption and probable loss
The tooth can be splinted with good outcome
The tooth should not be splinted
Root resorption and probable loss and The tooth should not be splinted
498. What is the prognosis for survival and revascularization of an avulsed tooth which is not out of the mouth for over 60 seconds?
Good (or possible)
499. What are the First Aid instructions for avulsed teeth?
Handle by crown only
Pick off debris with tweezers
Replant tooth if possible
Transport in appropriate medium (saliva or milk)
All of the above
500. What are the in-office treatment procedures for an avulsed tooth?
Gently clean the socket
Replant and check occlusion
Prescribe antibiotics and analgesics
All of the above
501. What are the prohibitions (not to do) for an avulsed tooth?
Handle by root
Scrub root
Allow tooth to dry
Submerge the tooth in water
All of the above
502. Which one of the following is NOT the storage medium for avulsed teeth?
Patient own saliva
Pasteurised whole milk
Tab water
503. What are the other types of splints apart from semi-rigid or flexible splint?
Acid-etched composite splinting
Interdental wiring
Vaccum-formed plastic splint
Arch bare splint
All of the above
504. How long does it take to stabilize or splint a mobile tooth?
4 - 6 days
2 - 3 weeks
7 - 10 days
2 - 4 months
505. How long does it take to stabilize or splint a tooth displacement?
10 - 15 days
2 - 3 weeks
4 - 8 weeks
3 - 6 months
506. How long does it take to stabilize or splint a root fracture tooth?
2 - 4 months
2 - 6 weeks
6 - 8 weeks
5 - 7 months
507. How long does it take to stabilize or splint an avulsed tooth?
2 - 6 weeks
1 - 3 months
4 - 6 months
7 - 10 days
508. How long does it take to stabilize an alveolar fracture?
2 - 3 weeks
2 - 4 months
4 to 6 weeks
10 - 15 days
509. What are the clinical features of alveolar fracture?
Stepped deformity and palpable fracture
Derangement of occlusion and Mobile teeth
Lacerations / bruising / haematoma of mucosa or gingiva
Visible fracture line through torn mucosa
All of the above
510. What are the temporary stabilization methods for alveolar fracture?
Barton’s bandage
Wire/composite or orthodontic brackets
Simple “bridle” wire or Ivy loops/Continuous loops
Arch bars or lingual/occlusal or “Gunning” splints
All of the above
511. Which of the following is NOT the indication for closed reduction?
Non displaced and favourable fractures
Displaced and unfavourable fractures
Grossly communited fractures
Edentulous atrophic mandible
Fractures in children
512. What is the correct size of Ivy eyelet wire?
16 gauge
20 gauge
26 gauge
36 gauge
513. What are the adjunctive treatments of alveolar fracture?
Hydration and nutrition
Check tetanus status
All of the above
514. Which ONE of the following conditions that antibiotic is not given?
All fractures through dentate region/open fractures
Tooth crown fracture without pulp involvement
Fractures in the sinus
Contaminated/old injuries
515. What are the pitfalls for MMF of jaw fractures?
Injury to buccal mucosa and lips
Interdental wires become loose and ineffective because of poor placement
MMF is ineffective if too few teeth are secured
All of the above
516. Which cases of dento-alveolar fractures antibiotic is needed?
All fractures through dentate region/open fracture
Fractures in sinus
Dirty/old injuries
All of the above
{"name":"Oral surgery", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Welcome to the Oral Surgery Quiz! This assessment consists of 518 challenging questions that cover various aspects of oral surgery, including conditions, treatments, and clinical features. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just interested in expanding your knowledge, this quiz is designed for you.Explore different topics like:Infections and inflammatory diseasesSurgical techniquesPathophysiology of oral conditionsMedication and treatment options","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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