Quiz on the Hematocrit and RBCs Indicces experience//Hamza Mrian//WNT

A detailed illustration of red blood cells in a centrifuge, with labels explaining hematocrit levels and RBC indices.

Hematocrit and RBC Indices Quiz

Test your knowledge on hematocrit and red blood cell indices with this engaging quiz! Designed for students and professionals alike, it covers vital concepts related to hematological parameters.

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  • Enhance your understanding of hematology
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingAtoms247
The normal values of pcv in Adult male is
42 – 52 %
53 – 65 %
37 – 47 %
40_50 %
What is the effect bone marrow malignancy on PCV .
Not affected
PCV is higher in infants
It is how much of the volume in one erythrocyte is occupied by hemoglobin
The name of the device used in the pcv experiment in which the blood-capillary tube is inserted
Microhematocrit reader
Clay-type tube sealant
Heparinized use for finger sticks that
Blue tip
Yellow tip
Black tip
Red tip
The centrifuge works for a period of ...... And at a speed .......
5 minutes at a set speed (10000 rpm).
8 minutes at a set speed (11000 rpm).
6 minutes at a set speed (12000 rpm).
5minutes at a set speed (11000 rpm).
When the centrifuge spins White blood cells and platelets collect in
At the top of the tube
At the bottom of the tube
Multiple places
Central the tube
From Biological Sources of Error , Incomplete sealing of the capillary tubes
One of the following is not from Mechanical Sources of Error
Incomplete sealing of the capillary tubes
If the centrifugation time is too short or the speed is too low .
Use Hemolysis of the specimen
If too much time elapses between when thecentrifuge stops and the capillary tube is removed .
An increased amount of trapped plasma is found in
Macrocytic anemias
Hypochromic anemias
All of the above
If MCH between 27 to 32 pg. It indicates normal cell and the cell called normochromic .
The Normal values of MCV
27_32 micro grams
80 – 100 fI
10_15 ml
14.5 g
Example : Hb = 20 gm % RBC’s = 5000000/mm³. Then MCH =
30 normal
40 normal
30 abnormal
40 abnormal
Example : Hb = 18 gm % PCV = 48 % Then MCHC =
37,5% normal
37,5 % abnormal
35 %normal
35.5% abnormal
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