Conflict Mode Types
Discover Your Conflict Mode
Understanding how you handle conflict in the workplace is crucial for personal and professional growth. This quiz will help you identify your conflict mode, providing insights that can enhance your interactions and decision-making processes.
- 30 insightful questions
- Evaluate your conflict resolution style
- Learn effective strategies for workplace harmony
1) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) There are times when I let others take responsibility for solving the problem.
(B) Rather than negotiate the things on which we disagree, I try to stress those things upon which we both agree.
2) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to find a compromise solution.
(B) I attempt to deal with all of his/her concerns.
3) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am usually firm in pursuing my goals.
(B) I might try to soothe the other's feelings and preserve our relationship.
4) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to find a compromise solution.
(B) I sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of the other person.
5) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I consistently seek the other's help in working out a solution.
(B) I try to do what is necessary to avoid useless tensions.
6) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to avoid creating unpleasantness for myself.
(B) I try to win my position.
7) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to postpone the issue until I have had some time to think it over.
(B) I give up some points in exchange for others.
8) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am usually firm in pursuing my goals.
(B) I attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.
9) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.
(B) I make some effort to get my way.
10) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am firm in pursuing my goals.
(B) I try to find a compromise solution.
11) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.
(B) I might try to soothe the other's feelings and preserve our relationship.
12) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I sometimes avoid taking positions, which would create controversy.
(B) I will let the other person have some of his/her positions if he/she lets me have some of mine.
13) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I propose a middle ground.
(B) I press to get my points made.
14) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I tell the other person my ideas and ask for his/hers.
(B) I try to show the other person the logic and benefits of my position.
15) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I might try to soother the other's feelings and preserve our relationship.
(B) I try to do what is necessary to avoid tensions.
16) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try not to hurt the other's feelings.
(B) I try to convince the other person of the merits of my position.
17) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am usually firm in pursuing my goals.
(B) I try to do what is necessary to avoid useless tensions.
18) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) If it makes other people happy, I might let them maintain their views.
(B) I will let other people have some of their positions if they let me have some of mine.
19) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.
(B) I try to postpone the issue until I have had some time to think it over.
20) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I attempt to immediately work through our differences.
(B) I try to find a fair combination of gains and losses for the both of us.
21) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) In approaching negotiations, I try to be considerate of the other person's wishes.
(B) I always lean toward a direct discussion of the problem.
22) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to find a position that is intermediate between his/hers and mine.
(B) I assert my wishes.
23) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am very often concerned with satisfying all our wishes.
(B) There are times when I let others take responsibility for solving the problem.
24) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) If the other's position seems very important to him/her, I would try to meet his/her wishes.
(B) I try to get the other person to settle for a compromise.
25) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try to show the other person the logic and benefits of my position.
(B) In approaching negotiations, I try to be considerate of the other person's wishes.
26) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I propose a middle ground.
(B) I am nearly always concerned with satisfying all our wishes.
27) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I sometimes avoid taking positions that would create controversy.
(B) If it makes other people happy, I might let them maintain their views.
28) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I am usually firm in pursuing my goals.
(B) I usually seek the other's help in working out a solution.
29) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I propose a middle ground.
(B) I feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.
30) Choose which option best describes you in a work-setting.
(A) I try not to hurt the other's feelings.
(B) I always share the problem with the other person so that we can work it out.
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