RA Goal Setting Quiz

Create an uplifting and supportive image depicting a person with rheumatoid arthritis engaging in activities they love, surrounded by family and nature, representing resilience and hope.

RA Goal Setting Quiz

This quiz is designed to help individuals living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) explore their experiences and identify goals for managing the condition. By reflecting on various aspects of life with RA, participants can gain insights into how to improve their well-being and enhance communication with their healthcare team.

  • Assess your physical activity level.
  • Evaluate your daily task management.
  • Consider your aspirations despite RA challenges.
  • Reflect on the support from family and caregivers.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by EmpoweringGuide234

The experience of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is different for everyone. From how you manage day-today tasks, to how you interact with your healthcare team, to how the condition affects your relationship with family and friends, every individual's experience is unique to them. Managing the condition, however, can sometimes be challenging.

The quiz below explores a few key areas related to living with RA and, based on your answers, suggests some thought starters that might be useful in your own goal setting and/or helping facilitate conversations with your physician, caregivers and family and friends. Whether your goals focus on being able to manage every day tasks, or there's a bucket list of things you'd like to tackle, articualting and sharing those goals can be a helpful part of the process.

The experience of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is different for everyone. From how you manage day-today tasks, to how you interact with your healthcare team, to how the condition affects your relationship with family and friends, every individual's experience is unique to them. Managing the condition, however, can sometimes be challenging.

The quiz below explores a few key areas related to living with RA and, based on your answers, suggests some thought starters that might be useful in your own goal setting and/or helping facilitate conversations with your physician, caregivers and family and friends. Whether your goals focus on being able to manage every day tasks, or there's a bucket list of things you'd like to tackle, articualting and sharing those goals can be a helpful part of the process.

I am satisfied with my current level of physical activity.
While I feel like there's always room for improvement, I am reasonably active. I feel physically able to do or participate in most activities I am interested in doing
I would like to be more active. I sometimes to struggle to do the physical activity I enjoy and would welcome new strategies to stay physically active.
My physical activity is extremely limited by my RA. I have stopped doing many of the physical activities I used to enjoy.
Day to day
I am able to accomplish day-to-day tasks easily.
I am able to accomplish most day-to-day tasks. In the rare instances I struggle to accomplish a task, I have strategies I can use -- or people I can turn to -- to help me complete the task at hand.
I have noticed day-to-day tasks are increasingly challenging. I am open to new information or support that might make these tasks easier.
Even simple tasks are challenging for me. I need ongoing support to manage day-today tasks.
I have big plans! RA isn't going to hold me back.
I recognize that RA might make some of my bucket list dreams a bit more challenging, but I'm open to working at it and figuring out how to get them done.
I know I am going to give up or modify a few of my big goals, to accommodate the impact RA has had on my life. But that's ok, I'd rather modify than give up!
Having RA has meant I've had to give up some of my biggest goals. I just don't think they're possible any more.
Family / Caregiver
I feel like my family and friends understand what it means to live with rheumatoid arthritis and offer the support I need.
Sometimes it's challenging to explain what it's like living with RA but my friends and family are supportive and try their best to understand.
I am often frustrated with how little the people around me know or understand about RA. I wish I had better ways to explain my experience to them.
Living with RA is an isolating expereince. I feel like very few people can understand what it's like to live with RA.
Pain Management
I am able to successfully manage any pain or discomfort that is associated with my RA.
My pain is generally well managed. When I do have pain or discomfort, I have strategies and/or a support team who can help me overcome these episodes.
Pain and discomfort are a part of living with RA> I've learned to live with mild to moderate pain and feel I am still able to manage the worst of it.
Having RA means constant pain. Pain is a regular part of my every day life and most strategies I've tried have not helped relieve my discomfort.
I feel like I understand my condition and have the resources I need to answer any questions I may have.
For the most part, I feel I have a good understanding of my RA. When I have questions, I know where to look for information I also feel I can ask my doctor questions and receive honest answers.
I know what RA is and how it does impact my body. I find much of the information I access (e.g. online) confusing though and don't have easy access to my doctor.
I feel like I am on my own to learn about my condition. My conversations with my doctor are not as helpful as I would like and/or I don't have easy access to my doctor.
I understand how nutrition affects my RA and have worked with my healthcare team to establish a nutritional plan that works for me.
I do my best to eat well and can feel the difference nutrition makes to both my physical and mental wellbeing. I don't have a formal nutrition plan.
When it comes to managing my RA, I have a lot of things to think about. Unfortunately, good nutrition has not been a top priority for me.
I haven't explored the connection between my RA and nutrition.
Without having any other physical conditions to manage, I am able to focus on ensuring my RA is well managed.
I have other physical and/or mental health conditions to manage but feel my doctor and I have good strategies to tackle these challenges.
In addition to my RA, I have other physical and/or mental health conditions to manage. It's a challenge to juggle the demands of these conditions.
I am overwhelmed by my physical/mental conditions and feel like none of it is well managed.
I have a positive and productive relationship with my physician. I feel I can be open and honest with them and work together on our approach to managing my RA.
I trust my doctor and value their guidance but wish I could have more regular access to them and/or a healthcare team for support.
I don't feel a significant connection with my current physician and think I might need to look for another doctor to help me achieve an improved quality of life.
My experience of doctors has not been positive. I see my doctor only when I absolutely need to. I don't feel we are working together to manage my RA.
State of mind
Overall, I am positive and optimistic about my ability to effectively manage my RA. I believe that whatever the future may hold, I have a strong support network and healthcare team that will help me achieve my long-term health goals.
I have moments of being anxious about living with RA and what the future may hold but feel empowered to ask good questions and supported in developing solid strategies to manage my condition.
I have moments of being anxious about living with RA and what the future may hold but feel empowered to ask good questions and supported in developing solid strategies to manage my condition.
I have struggled to maintain a positive outlook since my RA diagnosis. I live with fear of what's to come and am sad to lose the life I had before my diagnosis.
{"name":"RA Goal Setting Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"This quiz is designed to help individuals living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) explore their experiences and identify goals for managing the condition. By reflecting on various aspects of life with RA, participants can gain insights into how to improve their well-being and enhance communication with their healthcare team.Assess your physical activity level.Evaluate your daily task management.Consider your aspirations despite RA challenges.Reflect on the support from family and caregivers.","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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