Formula bharat rule book practice quiz

A detailed diagram or illustration of automotive engineering, emphasizing safety rules, design specifications, and technical components relevant to vehicle competitions.

Bharat Rule Book Practice Quiz

Test your knowledge on the Bharat Rule Book with our engaging practice quiz! Whether you're a student, teacher, or just curious, this quiz covers important guidelines and rules you need to know.

  • Multiple choice questions
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  • Improve your understanding of the rules
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EngineeringWizard42
quick jack must life the wheels
Alteast 100mm off the ground
Atmost 100mm off the ground
Atleast 150mm
Atmost 150mm
For finger guards, mesh or perforated material may be used but must prevent the passage of _ through the guard.
10mm diameter
12mm diameter
10mm radius
20mm radius
Which of these is incorrect :
A single brake acting on limited slip differential is acceptable.
Unarmored plastic brake lines are prohibited.
The brake pedal should be fabricated from steel or aluminum or machined from steel, aluminum ot titanium.
All forward facing edges of aerodynamic devices that could contact a pedestrian must have a minimum radius of __ for all horizontal edges and ___ mm for vertical edges.
3mm, 5mm
5mm, 3mm
1mm, 3mm
DIN 7984 refers to
Hex bolt
Socket head screw
Fire retardant material
Pmax refers to
Highest score of the team
Highest score of the team not participating in finals
Highest score of the team participating in finals
Tooling is necessary for
Giving shape to material
Assembly of parts
Temporary joints
Teams whose fuel volume used during the endurance event exceeds ________ receive zeropoints for fuel efficiency.
25 litres/100km
26 litres/ 100km
25 litres/ 80km
26 litres / 80km
In anti submarine belt mounting with the belts going vertically down from the groin, or angled ____ degree____. The anchorage points should be approximately ______ apart.
20 , forwards, 100mm
20, rearwards, 100mm
10, forwards, 50mm
10, rearwards,50mm
Fuel tank must have filler neck which is accompanied by a clear fuel resistant sight tube above the top of the fuel tank with a length of __________vertical height for reading the fuel level
At least 120mm
At least 125mm
At least 35mm
The video must show the following sequences in the described order:
Standing still  360° video around the vehicle (close up)  [EV ONLY] Execute ready-to-drive sequence  [CV ONLY] Start engine  Straight driving, minimum distance is 30 m, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles  with driver  Full stop  180° cornering  Straight driving back to start point, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles with driver  Standing still
Standing still  360° video around the vehicle (close up)  [EV ONLY] Execute ready-to-drive sequence  [CV ONLY] Start engine  Straight driving, minimum distance is 30 m, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles  with driver  Full stop  Straight driving back to start point, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles with driver  180° cornering Standing still
Standing still  360° video around the vehicle (close up)  [EV ONLY] Execute ready-to-drive sequence  [CV ONLY] Start engine  Straight driving, minimum distance is 30 m, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles  Full stop  180° cornering  Straight driving back to start point, minimum speed is 10 km/h for vehicles with driver  with driver Standing still
Which of the statement is most relevant to engineering design procedure
If included, cover sheets and tables of contents will count as text pages.
Teams may bring any photographs, drawings, charts, spare parts or other material that they believe are supportive to the design event, but the space provided for design judging may be limited.
Vehicles must be presented for design judging in finished condition, fully assembled, complete and ready-to-race.
Which one is most relevant to lap belt mountings
The lap belt must pass around the pelvic area below the anterior superior iliac spines (the hip bones).
The restraint system must be worn tightly at all times.
The centerline of the lap belt at the seat bottom should be between 0 mm to 76 mm forward of the seat back to seat bottom junction
A system of _______ shutdown buttons must be installed on the vehicle.
Select the more relevant option w.r.t rear wheel
The steering wheel must directly mechanically actuate
Rear wheel steering can be electrically actuated.
The steering rack must be mechanically attached to the chassis.
{"name":"Formula bharat rule book practice quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the Bharat Rule Book with our engaging practice quiz! Whether you're a student, teacher, or just curious, this quiz covers important guidelines and rules you need to know.Multiple choice questionsInstant feedback on your answersImprove your understanding of the rules","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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